白实(1956.12—)满族,云南昆明人。擅长油画,水彩画。毕业于云南艺术学院美术系。现任中国美术家协会云南分会会员,云南日报社美术编辑。多年潜心研究 云南乡土绘画艺术,作品用强烈的光线表现红土高原的景色。1990年应澳大利亚墨尔本坦普莱艺术协会丹卡斯特画廊约请 赴澳举办个人展画。作品《晨》入选广州双年展;《高原夕照》入选第二届中国油画展,《红土情》入选第八届全国美展,《河边的房屋》入选第二届全国水彩、粉画展。多幅作品被发表并被收藏。
1990年应澳大利亚墨尔本坦普莱艺术协会丹卡斯特画廊约请 赴澳举办个人展画。作品《晨》入选广州双年展;《高原夕照》入选第二届中国油画展,《红土情》入选第八届全国美展,《河边的房屋》入选第二届全国水彩、粉画展。多幅作品被发表并被收藏。
Bai Shi (1956.12, ) Manchu, yunnan Kunming person. Be good at canvas, aquarelle. Be graduated from art of Yunnan art institute is. Currently hold the post ofmember of branch of Yunnan of Chinese artist association, art of Yunnan daily company edits. Old with great concentration studies Yunnan agrestic brushwork is artistic, work behaves the scenery of laterite highland with intense light. Answered 1990 Australian Melbourne society of art of calm general Lai gallery invites Dankasite go to bay hold an individual to exhibit a picture. Work " morning " selected Guangzhou double year exhibit; " downy afterglow " selected canvas of the 2nd China is exhibited, " laterite affection " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, " the building of river side " selected art exhibition of watercolour of the 2nd whole nation, pink. Many work is published and be collected.