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著名旅美画家谢天成本籍 广东信宜,1950年出生于广西钦州灵山。他是绘画大师刘海粟先生的得意门生,他继承了刘海粟狂野奔放、大气磅礴的绘画风格,并独树1 帜,创立了竖立泼墨山水和人物画。1995年,谢天成侨居美国开始其闯荡东方 画坛的生活。他大胆地把中国的水墨、颜料、宣纸和抽象的认识 ,古代 派的色彩感觉揉合在一同 ,在中国画的创作中揉进西洋绘画理念和技巧,大大丰富了中国画的表现效果。近年来,他创作了多幅以藏传佛教为题材意韵深邃的作品,画面肌理之厚重突出了西画的明暗效果,线条处理独到,技法纯熟老练而又极具个性,体现出其深厚的书法功底和绘画功底。

谢天成现任刘海粟艺术研讨 院院长;北京大学资源学院客座教授;全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会委员;美国世界美术家联盟会副会长;世界华人协会艺术总监;世界收藏家联合会艺术总监;美国中美文明 艺术交流促进理事;美国新奥尔良美术学院名誉教授。

Introduction to the artist

Guangdong of ancestral home of Xie Tiancheng of famous brigade beautiful painter believes appropriate, was born in clever hill of Guangxi admire city 1950. He is the favorite pupil of gentleman of millet of bang of painterly Great Master, he acceded bang millet is mad wild the painterly style with bold and unrestrained, boundless air, and develop a school of one's own, founded erect splash-ink landscape and character picture. 1995, united States of Xie Tiancheng live abroad begins his to enter the life that swings the west to draw altar. He the boldly water Chinese ink China, painty, rice paper and abstract consciousness, the colour feeling of the modernist school is kneaded close together, knead in the creation that draws in China into West painterly concept is mixed skill, abounded the expressional effect that China draws greatly. In recent years, he created many to pass buddhism in order to hide to be the work with deep charm of subject matter meaning, the massiness that the picture skins texture highlighted the effect of light and shade that draws on the west, line processing is original, ability law practised is adept and have individual character extremely, body reveals its deep calligraphy strength and painterly strength.

Xie Tiancheng currently holds the post ofdean of academy of bang millet art; Visiting professor of college of Beijing University resource; Countrywide city sculpture builds directive committee committee member; Alliance of American world artist meets Chinese of vice-chairman; world association art chief inspector; Art of Sino-US culture of United States of; of chief inspector of art of world collector federation communicates stimulative director; Reputation of academy of fine arts of American new orleans is taught.



