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2022-03-11 17:39:10




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本籍 河北,1943年生于黑龙江双城,1966年毕业于哈尔滨师范学院艺术系本科,教授。为中国美术家协会会员,黑龙江省美协水彩画专业委员会理事、副秘书长,黑龙江省美协美术理论委员会副主任,黑龙江古代 水彩画院副院长,黑龙江省水彩画双年展评委。
多年来从事水彩画教学、创作和理论研讨 。水彩画作品多次在各级展览中入选、获奖,并在《水彩》、《水彩艺术》、《中国水彩》、《中外文明 交流》、《水彩画研讨 与鉴赏》等多种报刊刊登。十多万字的美术史论、评论文章在《美术》、《美术史论》、《文艺评论》、《美苑》、《新美术》、《美术学报》等多家专业期刊和大学学报发表。曾受聘为哈尔滨师范大学美术学院、佳木斯大学美术学院等多所美术院校讲授水彩画史论课程。个人传略、艺术成就和作品入编《中国水彩画史》、《中国水彩画年鉴》和多部美术家辞典。出版有《王维芳水彩作品》、《王维芳水彩画集》、《水彩纵横谈》、《黑龙江水彩画图史》、《中国美术家协会美术家会员图册》等画集和专著。

Introduction to the artist

Ancestral home Heibei, was born at Heilongjiang twin city 1943, was graduated from art of institute of Harbin normal school to tie undergraduate course 1966, professor. For Chinese artist academician, heilongjiang saves the United States assist director of aquarelle major council, deputy secretary-general, heilongjiang saves the United States assist vice director of art theory council, heilongjiang is contemporary aquarelle courtyard assistant dean, heilongjiang omits watercolour painting double year exhibit a commissioner.
? ? Will pursue aquarelle education, creation and academic research for years. Aquarelle work is for many times in various exhibition selected, bear the palm, be in " watercolour " , " watercolour is artistic " , " Chinese watercolour " , " culture of China and foreign countries communicates " , " aquarelle research and appreciate " wait for a variety of the press to publish. The art of ten words history theory, comment article is in " art " , " art history is talked " , " literary comment " , " beautiful garden " , " new art " , " art journal " wait for many professional periodical and university journal to publish. Ceng Shoupin is academy of fine arts of academy of fine arts of Harbin Normal University, university of beautiful Mu Si to wait for many art schools tuitional aquarelle history by course. Individual biography brief, artistic achievement and work are entered make up " Chinese aquarelle history " , " Chinese aquarelle almanac " with dictionary of much ministry artist. Publish have " work of Wang Weifang watercolour " , " Wang Weifang aquarelle collect " , " watercolour freely talks " , " Heilongjiang watercolour draw history " , " member of artist of Chinese artist association pursues book " collect waiting for a picture and monograph.



