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王玉 - 试谈王玉珏的艺术理念

2022-03-11 17:39:16




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王玉号完达山人,生于黑龙江省完达山林区林口县,毕业于地方 美术学院国画系,现为国家1 级美术师(教授),中国美术家协会会员,北京山水画研讨 会会员,北京国际水墨联盟会长,现任地方 美术学院艺术工程部艺术顾问。
多年来次要 从事水墨山水画创作,深入研讨 传统与古代 ,写实与写意的融会贯通,重在深意境,高品位,高格调的构建上下功夫,在主流绘画领域中确立了本身 学院派的艺术风格,被美术界同行及收藏家关注。
多次参加北京市及全国美展并获奖,在多种重要刊物上发表作品、出版不同版本的画集。中、日、韩国际美术联展获大奖。八十年代开始在新加坡南洋艺术学院举办第1 次境外展,前后 在北欧及东南亚各国举办数十次个人展览和讲学,其略传入编《当代中国书画名家宝鉴首卷》、《中国中青年书画精品集》、《中国美术家大辞典》。
2006年初完成书画合璧的《苍天的宽容》完达山人王玉艺术作品经典问世,得到了美术界、文学界众多名家高度赞美 和认同,书中总共30多幅美术作品被吉隆坡的大藏家全部收藏 并在海外重版 《苍天的宽容》。

Introduction to the artist

Wang Yu Number comes to an end the person that amount to hill, be born at Heilongjiang to save the forest that amount to hill forest buccal county, be graduated from traditional Chinese painting of central academy of fine arts is,  It is a country now division of one class art (professor) , chinese artist academician, member of seminar of Beijing landscape painting, chairman of alliance of Chinese ink of Beijing international water, currently hold the post ofadviser of art of department of engineering of art of central academy of fine arts.  
 Will basically be engaged in water ink landscape painting creating for years, thorough research tradition and contemporary, realistically the achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject with freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, be in again deep artistic conception, high grade, the compose of high one's style of work as well as one's moral quality builds fluctuation time, in the establish in mainstream brushwork domain the artistic style that him institute sends,  
 Attend for many times Beijing and countrywide beauty are exhibited and bear the palm, the work, picture volume that publishs different version is published on a variety of important journals. Couplet of art of border of medium, day, Korea is exhibited win large award. 80 time begin to be in institute of art of Singapore southern Asia to hold first time exhibit outside the condition, hold in boreal Europe and southeast Asia each country early or late tens of second individuals are exhibited and discourse on an academic subject, its are passed into slightly make up " ancient bronze mirror of treasure of a person of academic or artistic distinction of contemporary China painting and calligraphy first " , " collect of high-quality goods of painting and calligraphy of the youth in China " , " Chinese artist big dictionary " .
 Match well of painting and calligraphy completes at the beginning of 2006 " of blue sky good-tempered " be over work of art of Wang Yu of the person that amount to hill is classical come out, got art group, literature bound numerous a person of academic or artistic distinction speaks very highly of and be agreed with, in the book gross work of many 30 art by the big Cang Jiaquan of kuala lumpur ministry collect carefully and overseas reprints " of blue sky good-tempered " .



