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赵振华,1970年4月出生于临海,毕业于浙江师范大学美术系,现任台州学院艺术学院副教授,中国美术家协会会员。他长时间 潜心探索意象水彩画的创作,勇于实践创新并喜结硕果,是当代水彩画坛极富个性、独树1 帜的艺术家。近年来,他创作的作品多次在省级、国家级水彩画展和比赛中入选、获奖。2000年,《盼归》获浙江省水彩画展铜奖;2004年,《四季海歌》获浙江省第十1 届美术作品展优秀奖;2009年,《天堑通途》入展第十1 届全国美术作品展;2010年,《云漫山水诗意图》入展第九届全国水彩粉画展。在比来 举办的第十二届浙江省水彩画大展中,他创作的《田园系列之二十二》获得最高奖项“学术奖”。

Introduction to the artist

Zhao Zhenhua, was born in in April 1970 overlook the lake, be graduated from art of Zhejiang Normal University is, currently hold the post ofassociate professor of college of art of stage state institute, chinese artist academician. He is long-term the creation of aquarelle of image of exploration of with great concentration, be brave in to carry out innovation and be fond of knot great achievements, it is contemporary aquarelle the artist of altar pole rich individual character, develop a school of one's own. In recent years, the work that he creates is for many times in art exhibition of watercolour of level of provincial, state and match selected, bear the palm. 2000, " long to return " obtain Zhejiang to save award of copper of watercolour art exhibition; 2004, " song of sea of the four seasons " obtain Zhejiang to save eleventh art work exhibits outstanding award; 2009, " natural moat thoroughfares " into exhibit eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited; 2010, " intent of poem of Yun Manshan water " into exhibit art exhibition of pink of watercolour of the 9th whole nation. What hold recently is dozenth a Zhejiang province watercolour painting is large in exhibiting, he creates " of rural series " win top award " academic award " .



