梁健?男,字云松,号溪源,1969年生于山东省济南市,幼承庭训,勤习书画。中国美术家协会会员,中国工笔画学会会员,中国煤炭美术家协会理事,中国书法艺术研讨 院研讨 员,新泰市美术家协会副主席,副教授,山东省美术家协会会员,山东省美术家协会中国画人物画艺术委员会委员,文明 部中国水墨艺术研讨 院院士,北京南海画院院士,中国三峡画院画师,北京广纳德书画院院士,北京东方白马书画院副院长、艺委会委员.北京红森尚艺画院副院长。1988年毕业于曲阜师范大学美术学院,2000年考入天津美术学院中国画系硕士研讨 生班深造,师从何家英先生,获助教资历 证书。2007年于中国美术家协会人物画创作工作室深造,作品多次参加文明 部、中国文联、中国美术家协会组织的展览并获奖。代表作品有《梅兰芳先生-苦学成才》、《国粹育华章》、《浦东颂歌》、《百虎迎归图》等,出版多部画集著作。
Liang Jian? Male, word cloud is loose, date brook source, was born at Shandong to visit Jinan town 1969, young Cheng Tingxun, review frequently painting and calligraphy. Chinese artist academician, chinese traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail draws academician, director of association of Chinese coal artist, researcher of academy of Chinese calligraphy art, vice-chairman of association of artist of new peaceful city, associate professor, shandong saves artist academician, character of the traditional Chinese painting in association of Shandong province artist draws artistic committee committee member, academician of academy of art of Chinese ink of water of culture ministry China, academician of Beijing Nanhai imperial art academy, painter of 3 gorge imperial art academy, beijing wide Na Deshu draws courtyard academician, assistant dean of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of Beijing east white horse, art appoint conference committee member. Assistant dean of imperial art academy of Beijing red Sen Shangyi. Was graduated from academy of fine arts of Qu Fu Normal University 1988, the traditional Chinese painting in taking an examination of Tianjin academy of fine arts 2000 is Master graduate student the class takes advanced courses, master from Mr He Jiaying, obtain assistant qualification letter. At character of Chinese artist association the picture created atelier to take advanced courses 2007, work attends association of artist of couplet of article of culture ministry, China, China to organize for many times exhibit and bear the palm. Have on behalf of work " Mr Mei Lanfang - grind grow into useful timber " , " your beautiful writing of Yo of the quintessence of a country " , " Pudong is odic " , " 100 Hu Ying puts in a graph 's charge " etc, publish many book that draw volume.