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程十发 - 精艺报国:程十发的创作与生活

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 程十发(1921年4月10日-2007年7月18日),籍贯上海市金山区枫泾镇人。名潼,斋名曾用“步鲸楼”、“不教1 日闲过斋”,后称“三釜书屋”、“修竹远山楼”。幼年即接触中国字画,但给他印象之深莫过民间艺术。1941年毕业于上海美术专科学校中国画系。1942年在上海大新公司举办个人画展,1949年后从事美术普及工作,1952年入上海人民美术出版社(华东人民美术出版社)创作员,1956年参加上海画院的筹备工作,并任画师。长时间 任上海画院院长,此后,艺术视野不断拓展,“取古今中外法而化之”,在人物、花鸟方面独树1 帜。在连环画、年画、插画、插图等方面均有必然 成就 。工书法,得力于秦汉木简。他的画早年受陈老莲影响,暮年 ,画家多作花鸟画。

代表作与获奖有:《列宁在1 九1 八》、《列宁的故事》、《胆剑篇》、《画皮》、《老孙归社》、《孔乙己》等。《儒林外史》插图获1959年莱比锡国际书籍装帧展览银质奖。《孔乙己》荣获首届全国连环画绘画评奖二等奖。



 《丽人行》根据唐代大诗人杜甫同名诗而作,但取“三月三日气象新,长安水边多丽人”句意,重点塑造了几位青年女子游春、惜春、恋春的爱美之心和天清气爽的舒朗心情 。在中国传统人物题材中,钟馗是程十发百画不厌的1 个。他曾经说:“钟馗就是我。”不过,他笔下的钟馗与其他画家的钟馗不同:善良、幽默、机灵、闲淡、毫无怒威之气。

《迎春图》绘于1983年除夕 ,为先生应文汇报之邀而绘制。先生以纯熟 的技法绘1 只硕壮的肥猪,猪背上坐1 少女举花浅笑 迎接新年到来。少女花容玉貌,神情既专注又娇气,满脸都是幸福与平和 。先生巧妙地将猪年新春的猪恰到好处地安排在画面当中,加之少女手中的迎春花,生动抽象 地描绘了所要表达的主题。



 他出生于中国景物明媚、文风颇盛的1 个江南小城松江,家里三代人都是1 悬壶济世的西医 师,特别 到了父亲1 代,更是雅好书画艺术,家里的墙上壁间,经常挂满各种艺术作品,由于这样的家庭“优雅气氛”,使得年少的程十发很早就喜欢上美术。可是,他的艺术道路并非风平浪静 ,18岁那年,他靠1 批亲友的协助,才进入上海美术专科学校求学,他聪慧早熟,从小就对绘画的墨守成规没法 接受,他的看法和做法,在当时很引发 学院派保守人士的反感,老师骂他,有时还拒绝批改他的作业,如此紧张的师生关系,确实是很少见的。好不容易才挨到毕业,日子却没有因而 而变得轻松愉快起来,他的那类“离经叛道”的作品,1 幅也卖不出去,生活所逼,为了养家活口,最初 他决然 放下手中的画笔,转行当了钱庄职员,更不幸的事,肺病悄悄侵入体内,使他在贫病交加之余,辞掉工作在家中疗养,通过画“君子 书”、连环画来赚取家用,不断 到后来进了上海美术出版社当专业画家,情况才告好转。程十发创作了不少影响深远的连环图,他说:“这类艺术,绝对可以做到通俗而不庸俗,古代的佛、道、宗教画,水准极高,暮年 的任伯年就为买客的会客厅画了不少较俗的画。


 程十发作品有:《列宁在1 九1 八》、《列宁的故事》、《胆剑篇》、《画皮》、《老孙归社》、《孔乙己》等。《儒林外史》插图获1959年莱比锡国际书籍装帧展览银质奖。《孔乙己》荣获首届全国连环画绘画评奖二等奖。

程十发多才多艺又勤奋多产,很早就构成 本身 独特的画风。他的作品,笔墨洒脱精湛,气韵生动,抒情而浪漫。在人物、花鸟、山水画三大门类中,他善于通贯其中融为1 体,具有纵横挥洒,浑厚、古朴、生机盎然的艺术效果。即使是书法艺术,同样显示了奇突、清丽的艺术特色。曾到云南德宏等地体验生活,创作不少反映少数民族生活的作品。擅人物、山水、花鸟,取法于梁楷贯休陈洪绶任伯年诸家,并吸收民间艺术之养分 ,融会贯通,在实践中总结出表现古代 生活的绘画技巧,构成 了鲜明的个人风格。

English Introduction

 Cheng Shifa (April 10, 1921 July 18th 2007), Jinshan District Fengjing town people origin in Shanghai. A vegetarian Tong, has used the "step whale building", "do not idle away a single day," said Zhai "after the three kettle house", "the bamboo floor toyama". As a young boy, contact Chinese paintings, but give him deep impression than the folk art. 1941 graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts Department of Chinese painting. In 1942 held a personal exhibition in Shanghai in 1949 after the new company, engaged in the art popularization work, 1952 in Shanghai people's Fine Arts Publishing House (East China People's Fine Arts Publishing House) creative staff, 1956 to participate in the preparatory work of the Shanghai art academy, and served as a painter. Longtime president of Shanghai painting academy, then art field continue to expand, "and the law at all times and in all countries, become an independent school in the figures, flowers and birds. Have some knowledge in the comic books, illustrations, illustrations, New Year paintings etc.. Calligraphy, thanks to the Qin and Han Dynasties tablets. His early painting by Chen Laolian, later, the painter for painting.

The representative with the award: "Lenin in 1918", "Lenin's story", "sword", with the "Mask", "monkey", "Kong Yiji" to the agency. "The scholars" illustrations by the 1959 Leipzig International Book Exhibition silver medal. "Kong Yiji" won the two prize of the first national comic painting awards.

"Beauty line" and according to the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu's poems of the same title, but "March 3rd new weather, Changan waterside beauty" the meaning of the sentence, mainly portrays several young women go, cherish spring, love the spring beauty of the heart and refreshing the mind Shulang day. In Chinese traditional character theme, Zhong Kui is a hundred tire of Cheng Shifa painting. He once said: "Kui is me." However, under his pen Zhong Kui and other painters of different kind, humor, Kui: clever, serene, no anger Wei qi.

"Spring" painted in 1983 New Year's day, while drawing for Mr Wen Wei Po invited. Mr. skilled techniques, a large painted pig, pig back a girl sitting for the flowers smiling to greet the new year arrival. The girl looks beautiful, is attentive and fragile, are the face of happiness and peace. Mr. skillfully pig pig to arrange in the spring just perfect picture, and the Maiden's winter jasmine, vividly described to express the theme.

Cheng Shifa's works are: "Lenin" in 1918, "Lenin's story", "sword", with the "Mask", "monkey", "Kong Yiji" to the agency. "The scholars" illustrations by the 1959 Leipzig International Book Exhibition silver medal. "Kong Yiji" won the two prize of the first national comic painting awards.

Cheng Shifa versatile and diligent prolific, very early to form their own unique style. His works, ink and exquisite, vivid, expressive and romantic. In the figures, flowers and birds, landscape painting of the three categories, he is good at through the integration, with vertical and horizontal sway, vigorous, simple and lively artistic effect. Even the art of calligraphy, also shows the fantastic and elegant artistic features. To experience life in Dehong, Yunnan and other places, and create a lot of work to reflect the life of ethnic minorities. Good at figures, landscapes, flowers and birds, derived from Liang Kai, Guanxiu, Chen Hongshou and Ren Bonian, and the absorption of nutrients, folk art mastery, and summarizes the performance of modern life painting skills in practice, formed a distinctive personal style.



