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刘中 - 刘中:让水墨画走向威尼斯双年展的个

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刘中,法国教育部外型 艺术硕士,法国教育部法语学士。地方 国家机关青联委员、中国美术家协会会员,现任中国美术家协会外联部副主任、北京国际美术双年展办公室副主任、文明 部青联美术委员会副主任等职。作品曾被选送法国、美国、俄罗斯、埃及、加拿大、西班牙、挪威、新加坡、日本、泰国、澳大利亚、摩纳哥、瑞士、芬兰、蒙古国等国家展出,并在国内外展览中多次获奖及被多家美术馆、博物馆收藏。作品及专访在中外近四百家媒体上发表及报道。


l998年平面设计作品《不要让母亲为你流泪》获“全国禁毒宣扬 作品展”优秀奖。
2003年参与“首届中国北京国际美术双年展”及“中法文明 年中国美术作品系列展”的策划与筹备工作。
2006年任中国美协外联部副主任、文明 部青联美术委员会副主任,同年出版中国美术家对外艺术交流丛书第1 辑《刘中作品集》。
2007年赴非洲肯尼亚采风写生。2008年赴澳大利亚采风写生,同年入选“中国当代最具学术价值与市场潜力的画家”,并当选地方 国家机关青联委员。
2008年7月16日,从艺35年回顾展《自然和谐迎奥运—刘中绘画作品展》被纳入北京奥组委主办的“奥林匹克文明 节”并成为该文明 节独一 的个人画展,同时,该展也被纳入文明 部2008年北京奥运重点文明 项目“相约北京—2008文明 活动”。
同年8月,应邀在由国际奥委会等单位主办的“奥林匹克文明 节”系列活动之1 和文明 部2008年北京奥运重点文明 项目的《2008奥林匹克美术大会》(OlympicFineArts2008)及第 办特展。


2008年7月,个人从艺35年回顾展《自然和谐迎奥运——刘中绘画作品展》被纳入北京奥组委主办的“奥林匹克文明 节”并成为该文明 节独一 的个人画展,与此同时,文明 部2008年北京奥运重点文明 项目“相约北京——2008文明 活动”也将该画展纳入其中。2008年8月,应邀在另1 个“奥林匹克文明 节”系列活动之1 和文明 部2008年北京奥运重点文明 项目《2008奥林匹克美术大会》(Olympic Fine Arts 2008)及第 办个人特展。
2009年6月至9月受邀在第53届威尼斯双年展(53eme Biennale de venise)举办《大自然的赞歌——刘中绘画作品展》。这是自1895年威尼斯双年展创办以来,首次约请 到中国国画家举办个人展,也是本届威尼斯双年展独一 1 个中国国画家举办个人展。


刘中关注公益事业,前后 在非典、印度洋海啸等国内外灾害 时期,向有关赈灾组织捐献多幅作品。在《自然和谐迎奥运—刘中绘画作品展》开幕式上,又为5·12汶川大地震的灾后重建,分别向中华慈善总会及中国绿化基金会捐赠巨幅作品,同时,应中华人民共和国外交部约请 ,向中华人民共和国驻外使、领馆捐赠作品。  

2011年3月11日,北京,“刘中先生出任‘雅安熊猫宣扬 大使’媒体见面会”上,随着著名画家刘中从中共雅安市委常委、宣扬 部长吴旭手中接过“雅安熊猫宣扬 大使”聘书,1 幅以关爱大熊猫、爱护大自然为主题的画卷冉冉 开启。

English Introduction

Liu Zhong, French Department of education, master of fine arts, French Ministry of education. A member of the central state organs Youth Committee, Chinese Artists Association, vice director of China Artists Association, deputy director of the Department of communications, Beijing International Art Biennale Office of the Ministry of Culture Youth Art Committee Deputy director. His works have been exhibited in the United States, France, Russia, Egypt, Canada, Spain, Norway, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Australia, Monaco, Switzerland, Finland, Mongolia and other countries on display and exhibition at home and abroad has won numerous awards and a number of art galleries, museum. Works and interviews published and reported in nearly four hundred Chinese and foreign media.
L998 graphic design work "do not let your mother weep for you" won the national anti drug propaganda exhibition award.
1999 Chinese painting "return" won the "national celebration of Macao poetry, books, painting exhibition" outstanding award, the same year published "Liu Zhong works".
In 2000 Chinese painting "love" won the "Australia fourth Australian Masters Cup China Weng Zhenru Art Painting Contest" award, the same year published "Liu Ji" in the design works.
In 2001 Chinese painting "spring" won the "Yaheng Cup National China exhibition excellence award.
In 2002 to become a member of China Artists Association, the same year "in" Liu works album postcards from Chinese Artists Association, Beijing Post Bureau jointly published.
The planning and preparatory work in 2003 to participate in "the first China Beijing International Art Biennale" and "Sino French Culture Year series China art exhibition".
Held in 2004 "in Liu painting exhibition" at the He Ningxiang Art Museum in Shenzhen, the same year was appointed deputy director of the Beijing Biennale Chinese Association office.
In 2005 the works of "civilization" in Beijing International Art Biennale Exhibition held in the world series, Liu China - color ink painting exhibition "in the same year in Guangdong, Dongguan and Huizhou, and printed" paintings of Liu Zhong ".
In 2006, he served as deputy director of China Association Liaison Department deputy director of the Ministry of Culture Youth Art Committee, published in the same year Chinese foreign artists art exchange series the first series "Liu in works".
Kenya folk songs sketch to Africa in 2007. Australia in 2008 the same year selected "folk painting, China most contemporary academic value and market potential of the painter", and was elected the central state organs youth committee.
In July 16, 2008, a retrospective exhibition of "natural harmonious Olympics - Liu Zhong painting exhibition organized by the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee" was included in the "Olympic Cultural Festival" and become the cultural festival only personal exhibitions of art for 35 years at the same time, the exhibition has been included in the Ministry of culture in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games key cultural projects "in Beijing - 2008 cultural activities".
In August of the same year, sponsored by the International Olympic Committee invited in one of the other units of the "Olympic Cultural Festival" series of activities and the Ministry of culture in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games key cultural projects "Olympic Fine Arts 2008" (OlympicFineArts2008) held a special exhibition.

His works have been exhibited in the United States, France, Russia, Egypt, Canada, Spain, Italy, Norway, Singapore, Japan, Monaco, Switzerland, Finland, Latvia, Mongolia and other countries on display, and has won numerous awards at home and abroad in the exhibition.
In July 2008, a retrospective of "natural harmony Olympics Liu Zhong paintings exhibition organized by the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee" was included in the "Olympic Cultural Festival" and become the cultural festival only personal exhibitions of personal art for 35 years at the same time, the Ministry of culture in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games key cultural projects "in Beijing - 2008 cultural activities" will be the exhibition included among them. In August 2008, invited to another one of the "Olympic Cultural Festival" series of activities and the Ministry of culture in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games key cultural projects "Olympic Fine Arts 2008" (Olympic Fine Arts 2008) held personal exhibition.
From June 2009 to September was invited at the fifty-third Venice Biennale (53eme Biennale de Venise) held a "nature Hymn - Liu Zhong painting exhibition". It was founded since the 1895 Venice Biennale has been invited for the first time to Chinese artists held a personal exhibition, Venice Biennale is only a Chinese artist of a one-man show.
May 1, 2010 to October 31st invited at the Shanghai World Expo China element Museum held our friends - Liu Zhong painting exhibition.
Liu pays attention to public welfare undertakings, successively in India Ocean tsunami, SARS and other domestic disaster period, a number of works donated to the relevant relief organization. In the "natural harmony Olympics - Liu Zhong painting exhibition" at the opening ceremony for the 5 - 12 Wenchuan earthquake reconstruction, respectively, to the China Charity Federation and China Green Foundation donated huge work, at the same time, at the invitation of the Ministry of foreign affairs of People's Republic of China, donated works to the People's Republic of China embassies and consulates.
March 11, 2011, Beijing, "Mr. Liu Zhong as" Ya'an panda ambassador "will meet the media", with the famous painter Liu from the CPC Ya'an Municipal Committee, publicity minister Wu Xu took over the appointment of Ya'an panda ambassador, a panda, to love the love of nature as the theme of the picture slowly opened.



