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 笔墨世界,反反复复地临摹能得到的所有字帖,在反复 练习的过程中锻炼了腕力、眼力和纤细 的感知力。凭借其扎实的书法功底,自卑 1 入学始,他就被学校聘为三笔字课(毛笔、钢笔、粉笔)授课教师,连续三年,他都要给新入学的大先生 上书法课,这个教学相长的经历也让他更加体会到中国书法的博大精深,学无量 尽。




印章——方寸乾坤,就像打开了另1 个世界之门。魏彪如饥似渴地查找、浏览 篆刻书籍,他最喜秦汉篆刻的峰峦叠嶂,奇态迭出,“1 笔之损益,皆有法度,外貌若拙而无1 笔不巧”。


 心心相印 。魏彪1 步步地不断尝试。尽管屡刻屡败、屡败屡刻……手上的伤痕加上心里的挫败感却没法 消磨着他寻求 艺术的信心 和意志。悟性极高的他,很快就领悟到书法和篆刻的互通性,没多久就刻出了几枚比较满意的印章。


“写字时,有形 中把刻刀的刀锋感带入笔下;刻印时,书法的节奏感也摆布 着我的刻刀。这两门艺术在我的手腕下互融互通、相反相成 ,感觉太美妙了!”魏彪如是说,他的书法和篆刻从此同步习练,齐头并进。


1999年10月,大三入学后不久,作为山西师范大学庆祝新中国成立50周年大型活动的1 部分,学校为魏彪举办了人生中第1 次书法篆刻作品展。这1 展览,不仅有书画界、学界人士前来参观欣赏,而且吸引了一名 临汾市热爱书法艺术的政府领导,在细心 品鉴以后 就逼真 地向他伸出了橄榄枝。就这样,当别人还在为毕业后去哪里就业发愁时,魏彪凭着本身 的才华与实力得到了让人羡慕的政府工作机会。随后几年在领导身边的历练,让他得以结识全国众多书画名家,开阔了眼界,结交了师友,使本身 的书篆技艺与人生经历 得到了全方位的提升。


2006年6月,研讨 生毕业后,魏彪又由于 书法的精湛,被解放军总参谋部破格招录。从军后,他笔耕不辍,刀篆不停,作品多次入展并获奖,在《人民公安报》、解放军《前哨报》及《北线兵士 》等报刊上发表众多书画篆刻作品。


 魏彪,字泊远,自六岁习书,以颜入门,前后 求教于三晋书法名家张昌河、柴建国、贾起家等先生,近三十年深工具卷,临池不辍,苦心研究 ,颜、欧、赵等诸家碑帖皆有所学,真、草、隶、篆各体都有所钻,尤以习行草、隶为最勤,专精博取,风貌独具。


攻书之余,篆刻、绘画同步兼习,八岁开始学习绘画、篆刻,自卑 学始,跟随李晓庵、张思怀诸先生习画,曾得益于裴玉林、陈大章、张荣庆及宋唯源等书画名家的悉心指导 ,心追手摹,力求得道。历史在演进中发展,艺术在接力中前行。近年来,面对书画艺术博大精深的传统,魏彪力追书(篆)风格的天然之趣,雪躁气、释竞心,求其能心通古意,喜情愁绪概能1 逞于笔刀之下。其大量作品被博物馆、宾馆、艺术机构及国内外个人收藏,并有作品及艺术经历于2012年飘洋过海被加拿大最大华文报纸《七天》予以专题报道。1999年、2002和2010年三次举办个人书画、篆刻作品展,博得 了良好的社会声誉。2012年10月,香港卫视慕其名而专为其拍摄个人艺术专题片《方寸乾坤——魏彪篆刻艺术》,此片在香港及东南亚地区播出后,引发 社会很大关注。2015年3月应邀又为解放军总政治部拍摄的大型史文献纪录片《甲午史鉴》


题写了片名。作为青年1 代书、印兼擅的名家代表,魏彪获得的追捧和赞誉愈来愈 多。


Introduction in English

 Paul Mauriat's History


Wei Biao, Ziboyuan, male, born in Pinglu District, Shuozhou City in April 1975, is a member of the Communist Party of China. Wei Biao was born in Pinglu, northern Shanxi Province. Shuozhou, the land of loyalty and faith in northern Shanxi, the land of virtue and martial arts, Lingxiu Zhong, and the prosperity of humanities. It was Mr. Bai Yuexing, the head teacher of the primary school, who took him into the palace of calligraphy. When other little friends were still playing coquettish, Wei Biao, under the Enlightenment of Mr. Bai, began to study Yan Ti characters from the first grade, and practiced 48 characters every day, which became the key to open his heart of calligraphy art. Because hard-pen calligraphy was fluent and regular, at a young age, he became the envy of his classmates. Home, the "assistant writers" that teachers care about, and the "talents" praised by their neighbors. This also brings Wei Biao heartfelt confidence and joy when he embarks on the art of calligraphy and seal.


Calligraphy works


In the world of brush and ink, we copy all the characters we can get repeatedly, and exercise wrist strength, eye power and subtle perception in the process of repeated practice. With his solid foundation in calligraphy, he was hired as a teacher of Three-Character course (brush, pen, chalk) since he entered the freshman year of college. For three consecutive years, he had to give calligraphy lessons to newly enrolled College students. This long experience of teaching also made him realize the profound and endless learning of Chinese calligraphy.


If calligraphy allows Wei Biao to appreciate the wonder of art, then seal carving allows Wei Biao to appreciate the ancient and profound artistic conception of Qin and Han Dynasty, and the complementarity of the two is the artistic reconstruction of "learning the ancient without losing oneself".


Seal - every inch of the universe, like opening the door to another world. Wei Biao was eager to find and read seal-cutting books. He liked the mountains and peaks of seal-cutting in Qin and Han Dynasties. His singularities were repeated, "There are rules for every profit and loss, and his appearance is clumsy without any unfortunate stroke".

Wei Biao's Seal Carving Works-Settlement


The heart knows something. Wei Biao kept trying step by step. Despite repeated failures, repeated failures... The scars on his hands and the frustration in his heart could not extinguish his faith and will in pursuit of art. With great understanding, he soon realized the interoperability of calligraphy and seal cutting, and soon carved several satisfactory seals.


"When I write, I invisibly bring the knife's sense of blade into my pen; when I print, the rhythm of calligraphy also influences my knife. These two arts blend and complement each other under my wrist, and it feels so wonderful!Wei Biao said that his calligraphy and seal engraving have been practiced at the same time since then.


In October 1999, shortly after entering the junior year, as part of a large-scale celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of New China by Shanxi Normal University, the school held the first exhibition of calligraphy and seal carving works for Wei Biao in his life. This exhibition not only attracted people from calligraphy and painting circles and academia to visit and appreciate, but also attracted a government leader who loved calligraphy art in Linfen City. After careful tasting, he really extended olive branches to him. In this way, while others are still worrying about where to go for employment after graduation, Wei Biao gets enviable government job opportunities with his talent and strength. In the following years, his experience around the leaders enabled him to get acquainted with many famous calligraphers and painters throughout the country, broaden his horizons, make friends and teachers, and improve his seal-writing skills and life experience in an all-round way.


In June 2006, after graduating from graduate school, Wei Biao was recruited by the General Staff of the PLA because of his exquisite calligraphy. After joining the army, he kept working with pen, knife and seal, and his works were exhibited and awarded many times. He published many calligraphy and seal carvings in newspapers and magazines such as the People's Public Security News, the People's Liberation Army Outpost and the Northern Front Soldier.


Art Career


Wei Biao, a poet, has been studying books since he was six years old and introducing himself to Yan. He has sought advice from Zhang Changhe, Chai Jianguo, Jia Qijia, a famous calligrapher in the Three Jin Dynasty. He has been studying stele inscriptions of Yan, Ou and Zhao for nearly 30 years. He has studied stele inscriptions of genuine, grassland, Li and seal scripts, especially those of practicing grassland, Li. For the most diligent, expert, unique style.


After studying books, he studied seal cutting and painting at the same time. At the age of eight, he began to learn painting and seal cutting. He followed Mr. Li Xiaoan and Mr. Zhang Sihuaizhu to learn painting since he was in university. He had benefited from the careful instructions of famous calligraphers and painters such as Pei Yulin, Chen Dazhang, Zhang Rongqing and Song Weiyuan. History develops in evolution and art advances in relay. In recent years, facing the extensive and profound tradition of painting and calligraphy, Wei Biaoli pursued the natural interest of the style of seal writing. He was restless and relaxed. He hoped that his mind could understand the past, and his mood and sorrow could succeed under the pen and knife. A large number of his works have been collected by museums, hotels, art institutions and individuals at home and abroad, and his works and artistic experience were reported by the largest Canadian Chinese newspaper "Seven Days" in 2012. In 1999, 2002 and 2010, three exhibitions of personal calligraphy, painting and seal carving were held, which won a good social reputation. In October 2012, Hong Kong Satellite Television (Hong Kong Satellite Television) paid special attention to its personal art feature film "Fang Cun Qian Kun - Wei Biao Seal Carving Art", which was broadcasted in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. In March 2015, he was invited to shoot the large-scale historical documentary "Jiawu Historical Record" for the General Political Department of the PLA.


The title of the film was inscribed. As a representative of the young generation of famous writers who are good at both printing and publishing, Wei Biao has gained more and more praise.



