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2022-03-11 17:40:23




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「托起明天的太阳」郭孟祥 魏安书画展-走进大家

 自幼酷爱书法艺术,少小习书,二十多年来,遍临古今名家名帖。楷书从欧入手,行书则追溯二王,寒暑不避,锲而不舍,努力探索艺术真理 ,汲取传统正脉,打下了坚实基础。其作品刚劲中透娟秀 ,凝重中见洒脱,形神自如 ,线条流畅。


 作品多次参加全国性大赛获奖并在国内多家刊物上发表。入展中国书法家协会主办的“全国第二届扇面书法展”、中国书法家协会“纪念中国共产党建党85周年全国书法大展三等奖”、入展解放军总政治部和中国书法家协会联合主办的“纪念改革开放30周年全军书法展”。前后 入编《中国当代书法家博览》、《当代中国名人名家书画集》、《中华纵横大型书画集》、《纪念邓小平诞辰100周年中华当代书画艺术精品荟萃》、《纪念改革开放30周年暨第四届全军书法展》。其作品被周恩来纪念馆、柳宗元公园刻石留存并被部分博物馆和国外友人收藏。

其散文、随笔曾在《人民日报》、《解放军报》、《中国青年报》等旧事 媒体上发表。

荣获第5 届中国书画名家大赛“百名书圣画圣艺术家”和欧阳询奖全国书法大赛“德艺双馨书法艺术人才”称号。中国书法家协会书法培训中心第十1 期书法创作班结业,《羲之书画报·中国书画名家专刊》艺术总监。

Introduction in English

 Guo Mengxiang, the owner of Nuo Leshizhai, was born in December 1964. He is a master of engineering, a member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, a member of the Qingyun Poetry and Painting Society of the Ministry of Culture, a director of the Art Museum of Painting Saint Wu Daozi, a member of the Organizing Committee of the Fourth Calligraphy Exhibition of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Arts, and a special calligrapher of Beijing Guoyi


brief introduction


Since childhood, he loved the art of calligraphy very much and studied little. For more than twenty years, he has visited famous family posts from ancient to modern times. The regular script starts from Europe, while the running script traces back to the two kings. They persevere in winter and summer. They strive to explore the true meaning of art and draw on the traditional veins, laying a solid foundation. His works are exquisite in vigor, free and easy in dignity, free in form and spirit, and smooth in line.


Achievements and Works


His works have won prizes in many national competitions and published in many domestic journals. Participated in the Second National Fan-face Calligraphy Exhibition sponsored by the Chinese Calligrapher Association, the Third Prize of the National Calligraphy Exhibition in commemoration of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the Military Calligraphy Exhibition in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of reform and opening-up co-sponsored by the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Calligrapher Association. He has successively compiled "Exposition of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers", "Collection of Calligraphy and Painting of Contemporary Chinese Celebrities", "Large-scale Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Collection", "Collection of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's Birthday", "Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up and the 4th Army Callig His works were preserved by Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall and Liuzongyuan Park carvings, and collected by some museums and foreign friends.


His prose and essays have been published in the People's Daily, the People's Liberation Army Daily, the China Youth Daily and other news media.


He was awarded the title of "100 Sacred Artists of Calligraphy and Painting" in the 5th China Calligraphy and Painting Masters Competition and "Talents of Calligraphy Art of Deyi and Shuangxin" in the Ouyang Inquiry Award National Calligraphy Competition. The Eleventh Calligraphy Creation Course of Calligraphy Training Center of China Calligrapher's Association was completed, Art Director of Xizhi Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper, Special Journal of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters.



