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2022-03-11 17:40:25




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 幼承家传,酷爱书画。1947年入上海美术专科学校学西画,1949年考入地方 美术学院,得徐悲鸿吴作人指点 。1953年毕业于地方 美术学院。后任清华大学美术学院教师、教授。60年代初又从李苦禅学习水墨大写意与书法,作品寻求 新意,具有粗犷浑厚、精致典雅、深沉耐看的风格。现为中国美术家协会理事,清华大学美术学院教授、中国华翰书画院院长、中国古代 书法研讨 中心艺术顾问,台湾美术家协会荣誉理事,新加坡南洋艺术学院客座教授。





探索创作古代 佛画及古代 书法,1986年香港《美术家》发表其1 组古代 佛画。

1987年书法作品入选《古代 书法》集。


Introduction in English

 Wang Naizhuang, male, also known as Wangzhou, is the master of Jing Lian Zhai and the young son of Hanshan. Han nationality, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, born in February 1929. Grandfather Wang Fuxu is one of the founders of Xiling Printing Society in Hangzhou. The works were first exhibited in Hong Kong in 1978. His works have been published in such publications as Fine Arts, Chinese Fine Arts and Chinese Painting. Rongbaozhai in Beijing has published a collection of Wang Naizhuang's Flowers and Birds.


Young inheritors, love painting and calligraphy. He was admitted to Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in 1947 and Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1949, under the guidance of Xu Beihong and Wu Zuoren. Graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1953. Later, he was a teacher and professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University. In the early 1960s, Li Kuchan learned freehand brushwork and calligraphy from ink painting. His works pursued novelty and had a rough, elegant, deep and durable style. He is currently the director of the Chinese Artists Association, professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, Dean of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, art consultant of the China Modern Calligraphy Research Center, honorary director of the Taiwan Artists Association and visiting professor of Nanyang Academy of Art in Singapore.


The works were first exhibited in Hong Kong in 1978. His works have been published in such publications as Fine Arts, Chinese Fine Arts and Chinese Painting. Rongbaozhai in Beijing has published a collection of Wang Naizhuang's Flowers and Birds.


In the spring of 1987, he was invited to lecture and exhibit at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore and won two awards from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Singapore.


In 1985, Hong Kong HIKO Publishing Company published The Paintings of Wang Naizhuang.


Exploring the creation of modern Buddhist paintings and calligraphy, Hong Kong Artist published a group of modern Buddhist paintings in 1986.


Calligraphy works were selected in Modern Calligraphy in 1987.


Shandong Wenxuan Gallery recommends artists.



