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沙孟海,原名沙文若,别名 沙文翰,字孟海(以字行),别号石荒、沙村、兰沙、决明等,别署劳劳亭长,浙江省鄞县塘溪镇沙村人。出生于1 个西医 家庭,1919年毕业于浙江第四师范。早年从冯君木学古典文学,从吴昌硕学书法篆刻。历任浙江大学中文系教授,省博物馆名誉馆长,浙江美术学院毕生 教授,中国书法家协会副主席、名誉理事、顾问,浙江省书法家协会主席、名誉主席,西泠印社社长,西泠书画院院长等职。多才多艺、学问 渊博、成绩斐然的大家。中国当代著名书坛巨擘,古代 高等书法教育的先驱之1 。中国当代著名书法家、书法理论家、印学家、篆刻家、历史学家和教育家。
其书法远宗汉魏,近取宋明,构成 本身 “雄强”书风。兼擅篆、隶、行、草、楷诸书,所作榜书大字。沙氏学问渊博,识见高明,于言语 文字、文史、考古、书法、篆刻等均深有研讨 。次要 着作有《印学史》、《沙孟海书法集》、《沙孟海真行草书集》、《兰沙馆印式》、《中国书法史图录》、《沙孟海论书文集》等。并主编《中国新文艺大系·书法卷》等。


1920年毕业于浙江省立第四师范学校,前后 任宁波屠姓、蔡姓的家庭教师,又1 度执教鄞县(现鄞州区)梅墟求精小学,以所入养家,帮助 众弟求学。
1925年赴沪进修能学社教书,后任教商务印书馆图文函授社。其间,从冯君木、陈屺怀学古文字学,从吴昌硕马1 浮等学书法篆刻,获益良多,书艺大进,章太炎主办的《华国月刊》多次刊载其金石文字,名声渐着。 1928年至1929年上半年任职浙江省政府。
1931年春起历任南京地方 大学、教育部、交通部秘书。
1941年6月在重庆经陈布雷推荐,在蒋介石侍从室二处任职,从事应付 笔墨文字,专业 仍坚持书学研讨 。 1946年至1948年应蒋介石请,参与编纂《武岭蒋氏宗谱》。


大革命时期,在上海鬻文卖字。此时,逐步 构成 本身 “雄强”书风。兼擅篆、隶、行、草、楷诸书,所作榜书大字,雄壮 刚健,气势磅礴,堪称旷世罕见。
土地革命和平 时期,1929年任广州中山大学预科教授。
抗日和平 时期,经同乡陈布雷介绍,在国民党地方 组织部部长兼地方 统计局(简称“中统”)局长、国民政府教育部部长朱家骅手下任秘书,书法多作真行草书。
解放和平 时期,1949年后任浙江大学中文系教授,浙江省文物管理委员会常委。
1979年起为书法、篆刻专业研讨 生导师。历任浙江省博物馆名誉馆长,西泠印社社长,中国书法家协会副主席、顾问等职。知识渊博,学贯古今,对书学、文字学、篆刻学、文献学、金石考古学均有高深成就 ,并有专着。书法由篆隶入手,下逮汉魏碑版,恣意摹习,领略其体势。尤以行草书最好 ,特别 善作孽窠大字。


30岁之前 ,沙孟海先生临写的碑帖有《集王圣教序》、《郑文公碑》、《张猛龙》等。这1 阶段,可称为但求平正阶段。综观沙先生这1 时期的书法作品,在为数不多的作品中,楷书作为先生书作的次要 书体占据着首要地位。而其精工小楷尤甚多。这可能与先生当时所处的社会环境与文明 环境有侧重 要关系。
进入中年当前 ,随着学养的日渐丰厚和经历 的渐次拓展。沙孟海先生多用功地关注字的
“体势”和章法的“气势’当然,原有精耕细作的楷书不是全然放弃,偶作楷书。譬如48岁所作《修能图书馆记》和50岁所作《叶君墓志铭》即是中年时期楷书的优秀作品,也是沙先生的得意之作。但以楷书为主的创作转向以行草为主的创作是沙孟海先生“既知平正,务追险绝”的艺术观念的转换之始,从以往的以“尚韵”为主的寻求 到对北碑1 派“尚势”为主的追慕,沙先生将本身 的艺术观念融于帖学与碑派的熔炉里,燃烧着,冶炼着,企冀艺术个性化的涅盘与再生。沙先生也深知,帖学与碑派是书法艺术不同类型的两种风格,尽管它们之间有着不可分割的姻缘关系和千丝万缕的艺术内在的相反 规律,然而毕竟尚韵崇势,各领风骚,既非互绝对 立,也不能彼此 替代。要在帖学与碑派中融化自我,走出1 条属于本身 的艺术之路,实非容易之事。但撷取意态挥洒的帖学和雄壮 朴拙的碑派之长是完全可以做得到的。古代崇碑尚帖的书法艺术家都从此中领悟到艺术的无穷 玄机,使本身 的艺术个性得到了淋漓尽致的宣泄。
这1 时期沙先生的作品可谓是“既知平正,务追险绝”时期,横跨时近四十年。概可分为前后两个阶段。
进入80年代当前 ,随着“新时期”文艺事业的复苏,沙孟海先生迎来了他书法艺术蓬勃向
上的春天。沙先生精神勃发,满怀激情地投入到书法艺术创作当中 。先生说:“自从林彪、‘四人帮’被粉碎以来,全国情势 大好,文艺得到了春天。我虽80之年,还是壮心未已,正想与中年人1 道来继续上进,昌硕先生讲‘谓我何求颡有眦,八十翁犹求不已’。”这1 时期,沙先生的创作进入1 个鼎盛时期:“既能险绝,复归平正。”陈振濂先生在《沙孟海书法篆刻论》文中分析沙先生80年代书风特征时说:“成心 为之强调气势和刻意求全的强调技巧,逐步 地为炉火纯青地信手拈来所代替。1 切犹疑 、彷徨和偶有小获的喜悦,被1 种更为大气的风度所吞没 。”
这1 时期的作品,是先生千折百磨后的峰回路转,归于平正,1 派玄机。先生的书法风格由秀逸儒雅到浑厚华滋终究 归于古拙朴茂,1 如草木之由春之绚丽多姿到夏之显赫 灿烂而人于深秋的豪迈深远终究 归于冬之空旷无边 。先生结字的斜画紧结,不主故常;用笔的侧锋取势,迅捷爽利,锋棱跃然;线条的浑厚朴拙,于纵横之间任其自然,令人羡叹不已。董其昌云:“渐老渐熟,渐熟渐离,渐近于平、淡自然,而浮华利落矣。姿势 横生矣,堂堂大人相独露矣。”此语可为沙孟海先生独特书法艺术风格写照。


沙孟海祖居(沙式故居)是沙孟海及其四位弟弟幼年生活的地方,位于宁波市鄞州区塘溪镇沙村,靠近梅溪水库半山腰处,距离宁波市区约50公里,距离塘溪镇中心约3公里,现为浙江省重点文物保护单位(也是鄞州区爱国主义教育基地),坐北朝南,总面积574平方米,内部陈设沙孟海及4位兄弟的生平和用品,为1 典型浙东民居。现故居有专人看管,并对社会免费开放(每周1 闭馆),经常有市民在空闲 时前往。
欲前往的人士可乘坐宁波公交609、620等到塘溪镇的公交车到塘溪卫生院或者塘溪镇路口下车,然后步行或打车前往。自驾人士可以到宁波象山港高速塘溪出口下,往塘溪方向,穿过镇中心,到梅溪边转东北 ,即施村沙村方向,沿公路到底即可。(故居在半山腰处修有小型免费停车场,约可停放8-10辆小车)。
沙孟海解放后长时间 居住在杭州,即现杭州市下城区龙游路15号(靠近北山路与环城西路交叉口),为杭州市文物保护单位。


终身 亲历民国以来古代 书法的发展,50岁之前 书法广涉篆、隶、真、行、草各体,暮年 尤精行草书,气酣势疾,刚健无力 ,神韵 沉厚,雄壮 遒劲,卓然成家,被誉为“书坛泰斗”。擘窠榜书被称为“真力弥满,吐气如虹”。治学严谨,对书法学、古文字学、篆刻学、金石学、考古学都有精到研讨 。在书法上沙孟海受康无为 、吴昌硕影响,代表了北碑雄强1 路而开1 代风气,不管 篆隶楷草,在书法史上均占有重要地位,尤以行草书最好 。即使在沙先生在耄耋之年仍治学严谨,有口皆碑:在他的关门弟子中,虽谈不上哪个最令他省心,门下众多弟子中,吕国章,朱关田、祝遂良,陈振濂等都没少在他的严谨中杖鞭相加,特别 是年纪最小的弟子叶飞(叶昔飞),不断 是最令沙先生头疼的先生 ,由于 年少不能与其他先生 1 同上课,只能手把手的辅导,这对于1 个年近90高龄的沙先生来说,无疑是1 件操劳费神的事情。好在叶飞自幼聪慧,悟性极高,即使是学龄远超过他的师长们也是倍加喜欢。沙先生终身 尤善擘窠榜书,海内无匹,
被世人誉为“真力弥满,吐气如虹,海内榜书,沙翁第1 ”。其作气势宏大,点画精到,富古代 感,以气胜,且字越大越壮观,此非胸有浩然之气不能致也,为当代书风典范。在篆刻上,青年时代的沙孟海就有幸得到了吴昌硕赵叔孺的教导。在赵叔孺“为圆白文 ,为列国玺”的印风影响下,沙孟海也对圆白文 印及列国玺有着多年的潜心研讨 ,且能师承有法,高致绝伦,复博涉陈秋堂、赵之谦、吴让之的治印风格,深得其理。他的印作得到了篆刻大师吴昌硕的高度评价:“虚和秀整,饶有书卷清气。蕙风绝赏会之,谓神似陈秋堂,信然。

English Introduction

Sha Menghai, Sha Wenruo, Meng Hai (also known as Savingham, word to word line), alias stone shortage, sand village, langsa, cassia, not the Department of labour official, Zhejiang Tong Xi Zhen Yinxian sand village. Born in a Chinese medicine family, graduated from Zhejiang fourth normal school in 1919. From the early Junmu Feng classics, from the Wu Chang shuoxue calligraphy. Chinese served as professor of Department of Zhejiang University, honorary curator of Zhejiang Province Museum, Academy of Fine Arts Professor, vice chairman, Chinese Calligraphers Association honorary director, adviser, honorary chairman, chairman of Zhejiang Calligrapher's Association, Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society president, director of Xiling calligraphy and painting. Versatile, knowledgeable, successful people. Chinese famous contemporary calligraphy giant, one of the pioneers of modern higher education of calligraphy. Chinese famous contemporary calligrapher, calligraphy theorist, Indian scientist, seal, historian and educator.
The calligraphy in Han far, in the song and Ming Dynasties, formed their own "strong wind" book. And good seal, scribe, grass, Kai Zhu Shu, made the list of characters. Shashi learned knowledge, clever, in language, history, archeology, calligraphy and seal cutting are deep research. The main works are "Indian history", "Sha Menghai", "Sha Menghai's calligraphy collection", "cursive langsa", "Museum of Indian Chinese calligraphy history catalogue", "Sha Menghai's theory of book collection" etc.. And editor in chief "China new literature and art department, calligraphy volume", etc..
Sha Menghai was born on 1900 in the village, his childhood love of calligraphy and seal cutting.
1920 graduated from the Zhejiang Provincial Normal School fourth, has served as the Ningbo massacre, the family surnamed Tsai teacher, once again at the county (now Yinzhou District) Meixu refinement to primary school, into the family, funded by the brother school.
1925 in Shanghai Institute of learning to teach, teach by correspondence after the commercial press agency. In the meantime, learn from Feng Junmu, Chen Qihuai paleography, benefited from Wu Changshuo, Ma and other calligraphy carving, calligraphy, into a large, Zhang Taiyan hosted the "China Times" magazine published the inscription, a reputation. 1928 to the first half of 1929 served in Zhejiang provincial government.
1929 summer should be appointed professor of Zhongshan University Guangzhou.
The spring of 1931, he served as the Nanjing Centre College, Ministry of education, Department of transportation secretary.
In Chongqing in June 1941 by Chen recommended in Jiang Jieshi Chamberlain room two office, engaged in entertainment description, still insist on amateur calligraphy research. From 1946 to 1948, Jiang Jieshi please, involved in the compilation of the "Wu Ling Jiang genealogy".
1949 spring escape Jiang Jieshi entanglement, refused to go to Taiwan. The establishment of the new Department of Zhejiang University professor Chinese served as Chinese.
1952 Provincial Cultural Relics Management Committee Standing Committee and investigation team leader.
In 1954, he served as director of Department of History Museum, Zhejiang historical relics exhibition planning "".
1963 professor of calligraphy Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts.
In 1979 Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society president. Is the honorary chairman of Zhejiang Calligrapher's Association, China honorary curator of the museum, the Provincial Federation of members of staff.
In June 1992, Yinzhou District people's Government in the East Lake built Shamenghai Book Institute, October 10th died in Hangzhou.

During the period of democratic revolution, young chengtingxun, early Xi Zhuan method, in the period under the "Pro father number paper, never drop out". Calligraphy by zhuanli paper, caught under the Han style version, wanton g Xi, appreciate its potential. Again Wu Changshuo period, Chen Qiutang, Zhao Zhiqian, Fu Bo and Wu Rangzhi's dance style, won the.
After studying and worship Feng Junmu, Chen Qihuai as a teacher, and on to Shanghai.
During the period of the great revolution, the vend in Shanghai to sell words. At this point, gradually formed his "strong male" book wind. And good seal, scribe, grass, Kai Zhu Shu, made the list of characters, forceful and vigorous, of great momentum, called a rare.
During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, he was appointed professor of Zhongshan University in Guangzhou in 1929.
During the Anti Japanese War, fellow Chen introduction, the Kuomintang Central Organization Department Minister and the Central Bureau of Statistics (referred to as the "middle"), director of the National Government Ministry of education minister Zhu Jiahua's secretary, as the true cursive calligraphy.
During the war of liberation, he served as professor of Zhejiang University in 1949 Chinese department, Zhejiang Province Cultural Relics Management Committee of the standing committee.
After the founding of People's Republic of China, he served as the Standing Committee of Zhejiang cultural relics management committee.
In 1963, Professor of Zhejiang Academy of fine arts, calligraphy and seal cutting.
Since 1979 for calligraphy and seal cutting professional tutor. Served as honorary curator of the Museum of Zhejiang Province, Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society president, vice president, Chinese Calligrapher Association consultant. Knowledgeable, learn to book through ancient and modern, science, philology, philology, epigraphy and carving archaeology has profound attainments and monographs. Calligraphy by zhuanli paper, caught under the Han style version, wanton g Xi, appreciate its potential. Especially in cursive, especially a large nest.
October 10, 1992, 92 year old Sha Menghai died of illness in Hangzhou.

But fair
30 years ago, Mr. Sha Menghai has written on rubbings "set King sacred order", "Zheng Wengong monument", "Zhang Menglong" etc.. This stage can be called to Pingzheng stage. Mr. Sha in this period of calligraphy works in one of the few works, the main style of calligraphy as Mr. Book occupies the first position. The more particularly small seiko. This may have an important relationship with the social environment and cultural environment where mr..
Chase after the insurance
Into middle age, with the gradual expansion of the increasingly rich knowledge and experience. Mr. Sha Menghai paid more attention to the word
"Potential" and "art style". Of course, the original script is not completely abandoned the intensive and meticulous farming, even as the script. For example, at the age of 48 for "repair" to the library and the 50 year old Ye Jun made "epitaph" is the outstanding works of middle age is also a regular script, Mr. Sha's favourite work. But the script creation mainly to cursive creation mainly is Mr. Sha Menghai "both know truth, no risk of the conversion service after the beginning of the concept of" art, mainly from the past to "Shang Yun" in the pursuit of a "Tangbei to potential is" pursuit, Mr. Sha will own art operation concept into calligraphy and beipai furnace, burning, smelting, Nirvana and regeneration of Hebei art personalized enterprises. Mr. Sha also know that calligraphy and beipai are two different types of style of calligraphy art, although there is inseparable connection relations and intricate art intrinsic the same regularity between them, however, is still Yunchong potential, leading the trend, is opposite to each other, can not replace each other. It is not easy to melt the self in the post school and the stele school and get out of the art road of its own. But will capture sway Tiexue and vigorous and sincere beipai long can fully. The ancient worship of the monument is still Posts calligraphy artists have since learned the infinite mystery of art, make their own artistic personality has been the most incisive catharsis.
During this period, Mr. Sha works can be described as "both know truth, service after no risk" period, spanning nearly forty years. Can be divided into two stages.
After entering in 80s, with the "new period" literature and art career recovery, Mr. Sha Menghai ushered in his calligraphy art
On the spring. Mr. Sha spirit blooming, passion into the art of calligraphy creation. Mr. Lin Biao, said: "since the" Gang of four "shattered since the situation is excellent, the spring has been. Although I am 80 years, or is still not already, just a middle-aged man with a to continue to make progress, Mr. Chang Shuo "which I want a catfish canthus, eighty Weng still asks deeply."." During this period, Mr. Sha creation entered a heyday: not only no risk, return fair." Mr. Chen Zhenlian, Mr. Sha analysis 80s book "Sha Menghai wind characteristics in the calligraphy theory" said: "the intentional emphasis on momentum and deliberately perfection emphasis on skills, gradually consummate to come instead. All the joy of hesitation, and occasionally by small, overwhelmed by a more atmospheric."
Mr works of this period, cursive and nest split characters occupy a dominant position in the heyday of the mr.. It is also the cursive and nest split characters makes people see the hope of contemporary calligraphy.
The works of this period, Mr. 100 thousand fold after grinding to a smooth, The path winds along mountain ridges., mystery. The style of calligraphy by Mr hideitsu refined to Wordsworth eventually unadorned luxuriant vegetation in the spring, as a colorful summer to Xuan bright and bold in autumn winter profound eventually open boundless. Mr. word node oblique draw tight knot, the front side of the pen regardless of custom; take power, quick refreshing, front edge lines and sincere vividly; in the aspect of their nature, between a sigh of envy. Dong Qichang said: "gradually mature, gradually familiar Jianli, flat light, asymptotic in nature, and flashy neat. A dignified attitude will only be exposed by adults." This is the unique art of calligraphy style portrayal of Mr. Sha Menghai.

Sha Menghai's ancestral home (sand type former) is Sha Menghai and the four brother childhood living place, is located in Yinzhou District Tong Town Village in Ningbo City, near the Meixi reservoir hillside, about 50 kilometers from Ningbo City, Tong town center distance of about 3 kilometers, is the Zhejiang provincial key cultural relics protection units (Yinzhou District is also patriotic the patriotism education base), facing south, a total area of 574 square meters, interior furnishings and Sha Menghai 4 brothers of the life and activities, is a typical residential zhejiang. The former residence of a caretaker, and free and open society (every Monday closed), often there are people in the leisure time to.
People who want to go by bus Ningbo 609, 620 until Tong town bus to Tong Creek health center or Tong Town intersection get off, and then walk or taxi to. Self driving people can go to the Xiangshan port of Ningbo high-speed Tong Creek exports, to Tong River direction, through the town center, to Mei Xi turn southwest, Shi Shi Village village direction, along the road in the end can. (the former residence in the hillside repair a small free parking lot, parking car about 8-10).
Sha Menghai after the liberation of permanent residence in Hangzhou, which is now the city of Longyou road Hangzhou City, No. 15 (near the North Road and Ring Road intersection), Hangzhou city cultural relics protection units.
The development of modern calligraphy life experience since the Republic of China, 50 years old calligraphy involved a fragrance, and really, the grass of the body, especially fine in cursive, and gas potential disease, muscular, heavy flavor, vigorous and powerful, Zoran married, known as the "master of calligraphy". The nest split list called "true power with the rainbow, exhale". Rigorous scholarship, to learn calligraphy, paleography, carving, epigraphy, archaeology has precise research. By Kang Youwei and Wu Changshuo influence on calligraphy Sha Menghai, represents a strong road and Tangbei opened a new atmosphere, regardless of zhuanli Kai grass, occupies an important position in the history of calligraphy, especially in cursive best. Even in the legendary Mr. Sha in old age is still rigorous scholarship, in his close disciple, although not what most of his worry, Lv Guozhang under the door of many disciples, Zhu Guantian, Chen Zhenlian, Zhu suiliang, etc. are no less rigorous in his whip staff together, especially in the youngest disciple of Ye Fei (Ye Xifei), has been the most troublesome student that Mr Sha, because the young cannot work together with other students, only hands-on guidance, which for a nearly 90 years old Mr. Sha, is undoubtedly a hard thing to bother. Fortunately, ye Fei was clever, savvy high, even far more than his school teachers is more love. Mr. Sha life especially the nest split bangshu, domestic no horse,
Is known as "a true force is out, such as rainbow, the list of his first home". The mighty, little subtlety, rich modern feeling, with gas and wins, the more spectacular word, this is not caused by non chest magnanimous, for the contemporary book wind model. In the carving, young Sha Menghai was lucky enough to get the teachings of Zhao Shuru, Wu Changshuo. In the "Zhao Shuru round Zhu India wind column, influence of seal", Sha Menghai has many years of painstaking research on the circle of Zhu Wenyin and Lie Guoxi, and from the law, caused by high peerless, Chen Qiutang, Zhao Zhiqian, Fu Bo involved from Mr Ng traces of style, won the. His Indian spoke highly of carving master Wu Changshuo: "false and show the whole book, with fresh air. The vast rewards will LOH wind, that the spirit of Chen Qiutang, ran a letter.



