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钱彰武,1923年出生于金华汤溪,早年毕业于金华师范,后长时间 定居绍兴。善绘画,山水、花鸟、人物皆能,尤以画牛著称于世,亦善书法。其所作《鲁迅和闰土》得到时任中国美协主席李可染先生好评,并为美协收藏;《牧牛图》为泰国皇宫收藏;并有作品多次出展美、日、德、澳等国。1997年出版个人画册。生前曾任绍兴市美术家协会副主席。2002年11月20日在绍兴病逝。


钱彰武,金华人,自称金星山人,长时间 侨居绍兴。“文革”后出名,成名作《鲁迅和闰土》赴京展出,受李可染赞美 ,李说:“钱彰武的牛画的比我好”,名噪1 时。此图浙泸报刊竟为刊登。《鲁迅和闰土》系大幅指墨画,写少年鲁迅与闰土坐牛背上。识者说:“画上的闰土怎样 象钱先生本身 ?”钱答,就是我,我从小就在金星山上放牛。八十年代初我客居绍兴,经友人介绍相识钱,赠我其成名作黑白照1 帧,背面加墨书留念,小字铁划银钩。

  越人爱重钱画,以家拥钱画为荣,登门求画者若市。钱甚自傲 ,称他的画来自生活,虽写意,本真实。性喜老酒,有酒必饮,饮必醉,醉则画乃妙。知钱者,携花雕求画,必有厚报。越人说钱彰武近酒,钱说:“我不行,还缺两样。” 我居绍兴半年,临行向钱求画牧牛,蒙钱承诺,近年始获。画牧童骑牛横笛,上录《童民谣》,内有“从前小大放牛,如今翻身得解放”句,写意,笔墨酣畅,实钱氏佳作。转交者慎重 告我:钱先生晓得 你懂,送你1 张精品。我问为什么 题《民谣》,对方答:“钱先生好画,多题此句。”画从生活中来,这是见证。原作今存海宁老屋。

  钱彰武暮年 厌城市生活,避居绍兴乡野,依山筑屋,日夜画牛,立润格。四方闻其名者携重金来求。当地农民夸其:“牧牛专业户”。

English Introduction

Qian Zhangwu, born in 1923 in Jinhua soup Creek, early graduated from Jinhua normal school, after long-term settled in Shaoxing. Good painting, landscapes, flowers and birds, characters are able to, especially painting cattle known to the world, but also good calligraphy. The "Lu Xun" and when he was chairman of the United States Chinese Runtu Mr. Li Keran praise, and for the association of; "herding" for the Thailand imperial palace; and many works show us Japan and Germany, Australia and other countries. 1997 published personal album. Former vice chairman of Shaoxing artists association. November 20, 2002 died in Shaoxing.
Qian Zhangwu, Jinhua people, claiming to be Venus hermit, long-term living in Shaoxing. The "Cultural Revolution" after the famous, famous for "Lu Xun" to Beijing and Runtu exhibited by Li Keran praise, Lee said: "the money Zhangwu cattle painting better than me, man. The newspapers have published for Zhejiang luzhou. "Lu Xun and" Runtu due to a substantial finger painting, writing young Lu Xun and Runtu Sitting Bull back. General said: "the picture on how money like Runtu himself?" Money is my answer, I grew up in the mountains of Venus cattle. I lived in Shaoxing at the beginning of 80s, after a friend introduced to give me money, its fame as a black and white photo frame, on the back of ink Book pictures, small iron row yingou.
The more people love money to hold money home painting, painting as the honor, to draw if the city. Money very conceited, said his painting from life, although freehand, the real. Like wine, wine will drink, drink will be drunk, drunk painting is wonderful. To know the money, for there will be painting articles Shaoxing, thick newspaper. The more people say Qian Zhangwu near wine, money said: I can not, but also missing two." I lived in Shaoxing for half a year, leaving money for painting cattle, Mongolian money promised only in recent years by. Draw a cowboy riding a cow Fife, recorded the "child ballad", "once upon a time in small and large cattle, now liberation" sentence, freehand brushwork, ink hearty, real Qian's works. Transfer solemnly told me: Mr. Qian know you understand, send you a boutique. I asked why the title "Ballad", the other side replied: "Mr. Qian good painting, more questions this sentence." Painting from life, this is testimony. The original Haining of this old house.
Zhangwu's money fled to Shaoxing tired of city life, countryside, mountain house, day and night to draw a cow, Li rengar. Square smell its name with heavy money to beg. The local farmers praise: "cattle raiser".



