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沈尹默 - 沈尹默先生在书法领域的贡献

2022-04-28 13:25:16




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尹默(1883年-1971年),原名君默,字中、秋明,号君墨,别号鬼谷子。中国杰出的学者、诗人、书法家。早年二度游学日本的沈老,归国后前后 执教于北大、北京女子师范大学,与陈独秀、李大钊、鲁迅、胡适等同办《新青年》,为新文明 运动的得力兵士 。陈独秀曾批评尹默“字则其俗在骨”,因而 两人关系不佳。1925年,在“女师大风潮”中,沈老与鲁迅、钱玄同等人联名发表宣言,支持先生 的正义斗争。后由蔡元培、李石曾推荐,出任河北教育厅厅长,北平大学校长等职。1932年,因不满政府遏制先生 运动、开除先生 ,决然 辞职,南下上海,任中法文明 交换出版委员会主任。抗战开始,应监察院院长于右任之邀,去重庆任监察院委员,曾弹劾孔祥熙得逞 ,不满政府之腐败,胜利后即辞职,卜居上海,以鬻字为生,自甘清贫,足见沈先生高风亮节。
尹默先生是陈毅先生进城后第一名 拜访的民主人士,是第1 届上海市人民政府委员,是周恩来总理任命的地方 文史馆副馆长,历届上海市人委委员,全国人大代表和政协委员。1949年后,他前后 参加了市政协、市博物馆、市文管会、中国画院、市文联、市文史馆的工作,亲自创建了新中国成立后第1 个书法组织——上海市中国书法篆刻研讨 会,为祖国文明 事业的繁荣,特别 对中国书法艺术和理论,作出了出色 的贡献。毛主席曾接见过他,对他的工作和艺术成就给予了高度的评价。《中南海收藏书画集》的第1 页乃是沈老写给主席的书法。总理家中和办公室都曾挂过沈老的字。著有《二王法书管窥》、《历代名家学书经验谈辑妻释义》等。出版次要 书法集、字帖有《尹默法书集》、《沈尹默手书词稿四种》、《沈尹默入蜀词墨迹》等,约二十种。诗词著作有《秋明室杂诗》、《秋明室长短句》等。
“5 四”运动时期,沈尹默作为北大名教授,和鲁迅、陈独秀等人并肩战役 ,轮流主编《新青年》杂志,并在《新青年》等杂志上发表了如《月夜》、《三弦》等著名的白话诗篇,是中国古诗 的最早倡导者之1 。沈尹默先生在书法方面的贡献尤其 突出,甚至盖过了他的诗名。他和于右任是近古代 中国书法史上最具影响力的1 代书宗,分别代表帖学和碑学的两座高峰。他的书法次要 取法二王、米芾等帖学大师,掺以北碑墓志的影响,精于用笔,清健秀润,独树一帜 ,深受群众爱好 。暮年 的沈尹默,侧重书法理论的研讨 和书法艺术的普及教育。著有《二王法书管窥》、《历代名家学术经验谈辑要释义》等多种理论著作和法帖。其先生 谢稚柳、胡问遂、翁闿运等都是很有影响的书法家。1971年6月1日,备受"文革"迫害的1 代书法大师沈尹默,病逝于上海,享年88岁。


民国初年,书坛就有“南沈北于(右任)”之称。著名文学家徐平羽先生,谓沈老之书法艺术成就,“超越元、明、清,直入宋四家而无愧。”已故全国文物鉴定小组组长谢稚柳教授,认为:“数百年来,书家林立,盖无人出其右者。”已故台北师大教授,国文研讨 所所长林尹先生赞沈老书法“米元章以下”。台湾大学教授傅申先生在《民初帖学书家尹默》1 文中,有“楷书中我认为适合他书写的,还是细笔的楮楷,真是清隽秀朗,风度翩翩,在赵孟兆页后,难得1 睹。”已故浙江美院陆维钊教授评沈老书法时,云:“沈书之境界、趣味、笔法,写到宋代,常人 只能上追清代,写到明代,已为数不多。”
沈先生的书法理论著作,则多发表于1949年当前 ,1952年的《谈书法》,1955年的《书法漫谈》,1957年的《书法论》和《文学改革与书法兴废成绩 》,1958年的《学书丛话》,1960年的《答人问书法》,1961年的《和青年朋友们谈书法》和 《和青年朋友们再谈书法》,1962年的《谈中国书法》和《怎样练好使用毛笔字》,1963年的《历代名家学书经验谈辑要释义--上》,1964年的《书法艺术的时代精神》和《二王法书管窥》,1965年的《历代名家学书经验谈辑要释义--中》,1978年的《书法论丛》,1981年的《尹默论书丛稿》。沈老书法作品广泛流传于海内外,深得人民的爱好 。特别是1981年出版的《尹默书法集》,比较全面地收集了他二十岁当前 的各个时期的代表作,反映了他书法嬗变的全过程。1999年的《尹默手稿墨迹》则为他的草稿书扎精品四十余件,以行草为主。近年来故居在海峡二岸收集到沈老书墓志铭八种,从1921年到1960年,横跨四十年,可以看到沈老楷书从北碑、唐晋风味演化 到自成独特风格的过程。乃为研讨 沈氏碑帖及学书者临摹之范本。其中1 种为沈老在1921年为蒋(中正先生)母王太夫人书墓志(现陈列于台北中正纪念堂)。孙中山先生为蒋母写祭文并书“蒋母之墓”四个大字。此帖碑即将付印。


桂林著名风景区“叠彩山”三个楷书,是1964年尹默先生所题书,笔势峻迈,饶有气势。沈老是近代著名书法家,中国历代书法家自清代末叶何绍基后,收入《辞海》者尚有尹默1 人。尹默“5 四”时,提倡古诗 ,旧诗词功力亦深。
1906年夏天尹默从日本留学归国,回到故里浙江湖州后,就开始作诗练字,并为商界书写店号,他的书艺已为人们所爱好 。第二年,沈尹默受聘到杭州浙江高等师范学校教书,当时才25岁。沈尹默在杭州时,结识著名青年诗人刘季平,两人诗词来往 ,关系十分密切。
重阳佳节,刘季平邀沈尹默喝酒论诗,沈尹默乘醉即席赋诗《题季平黄叶楼》:“眼中黄落尽雕年,独上高楼海气寒。从古诗人爱秋色,斜阳鸦影1 凭栏。”刘季平非常赞美 ,请沈尹默用宣纸书写后,贴在书房里。刘季平说:“诗中‘从古诗人爱秋色’之句,正合我意。写景以抒襟怀 。”几天以后 ,陈独秀外出归来,去看望诗友刘季平,他见书房墙上新贴的书法和诗,便打听沈尹默的住所。陈独秀求友心切,专门访问 沈尹默,他自我介绍说:“我叫陈仲甫(陈独秀原名),在刘季平家看到你写的书法和《题黄叶楼》的诗,诗做得很高雅,我很欣赏,就是这张字,写得俗气了。”
陈独秀和沈尹默系初次见面,未作寒暄,就坦率地提出了看法。沈尹默第1 次听到这些意见,开始感到很难堪,脸色很不自然,但细细1 想,觉得本身 所写的字,确是笔法软弱,不见骨气,认为陈独秀很有眼力,是难得的新朋友,应当 努力改进。从此当前 ,沈尹默发奋研究 书法,从学褚遂良法贴开始,接着,遍习晋唐和 北宋苏米各名家,他更崇尚晋代二王的字,每天仔细 临摹,重视 笔法,每每作出1 笔,常常屏气练习,十分认真,终究 打下了坚实的基础。


  尹默的书法次要 取法二王、米芾等帖学大师,且对唐代欧、褚、虞、颜诸家,以致 北魏、汉碑等都有较深的研习,精于用笔,清健秀润,独树一帜 。其行书《东坡居士诗》四条屏,乃其艺术人生的巅峰之作。信手疾书,行笔从容,虽分四屏,却1 气呵成。忘情笔墨间,点画精致,随心舞动,却驰不失范。通篇结体严谨,气韵紧密连缀,委婉 流畅。据其从容、深厚的书法功力,和 所书内容来看,《东坡居士诗》应作于我国三年经济萧条期的1961年前后,看似书作东坡之词,实乃暗喻笔者之心情 。

English Introduction

Shen Yinmo (1883 - 1971), formerly known as Junmo, word, Tyumen, Jun, Mexico, alias guiguzi. Outstanding Chinese scholars, poets and calligraphers. Early two Japanese tour Shenlao, after returning to Beijing University, has coached the Beijing women's Normal University, and Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Lu Xun, Hu Shi, as do the "New Youth", for the new culture movement capable warrior. Chen Duxiu has criticized Shen Yinmo, the word is its vulgar in the bone, so the poor relationship between the two. 1925, in the female normal university agitation, Shen old and Lu Xun, Qian Xuantong, who jointly issued a declaration to support the just struggle of students. By Cai Yuanpei, Li Shi had recommended, as the Hebei Department of education director, Peking University president. 1932, due to dissatisfaction with the government to curb student movement, expelled students, resolutely resigned, south of Shanghai, chairman of the Sino French cultural exchange publishing committee. The war started, should monitor the Institute president Yu Youren was invited to Chongqing any supervisory committee, had attempted to impeach Kong Xiangxi, dissatisfied with the corruption of the government, resigned after the victory of the living Shanghai, the word vend for a living, self Gan poor, Mr. Shen shows exemplary conduct and nobility of character.
Mr. Shen Yinmo is the first to visit Mr. Chen Yi after the city democratic personage, is the first session of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government Committee is appointed by the prime minister Zhou Enlai, deputy director of the central wenshiguan, the Shanghai City Committee, NPC deputies and CPPCC members. After 1949, he has participated in the municipal CPPCC, Municipal Museum, city, China, painting, Literary Federation, city wenshiguan work, to create a new Chinese after the establishment of the first calligraphy organization - Shanghai city China Calligraphy Research Association, for the prosperity of the motherland's culture, especially on art and calligraphy theory China. Made outstanding contributions. Chairman Mao had met him and spoke highly of his work and artistic achievements. The first page of the book "Zhongnanhai" on the album is written to the chairman of the old Shen calligraphy. Prime Minister's office and office have hung Shen old word. The author of "the book of kings", "masters of science book series experience wife interpretation" etc.. The publication of a collection of calligraphy, calligraphy copybook with "Shen Yinmo", "Shen Yinmo four", handwritten lyrics "Shen Yinmo Shu words" ink, about twenty. A poetry book "Tyumen", "Tyumen's chamber poem phrase" etc..
The "54" movement, Shen Yinmo as a Peking University Professor, and Lu Xun, Chen Duxiu and others fight, turns the editor of the "New Youth" magazine, and in the "New Youth" magazine published such as "Moonlight", "Sanxian" and other famous vernacular poems, is one of the earliest advocates of China poetry. Mr. Shen Yinmo's contribution in calligraphy is particularly prominent, even overshadowed his poetry name. He and Yu Youren are the most influential in the history of calligraphy in modern Chinese on the generation of cases, representing the two peaks and the inscription calligraphy. His calligraphy mainly takes the two kings and Mi Fei calligraphy masters, adding to the influence of Tangbei epitaph in pen, show Zichengyijia, Yun Ching health, loved by the masses. In his later years, Shen Yinmo focused on the study of calligraphy theory and the popularization of calligraphy. The author of "the book of kings", "masters of the academic experience of interpretation" and other theories and writings which. The students then asked Xie Zhiliu, Hu, Weng Kaiyun are very influential calligrapher. By June 1, 1971, the "Cultural Revolution" persecution generation calligraphy master Shen Yinmo, died in Shanghai at the age of 88.

In the early Republic of China, there is "Shen North South calligraphy in (right)". The famous writer Mr. Xu Pingyu, said Shen Lao calligraphy art achievement, "beyond the yuan, Ming and Qing, into four song and worthy." The national cultural relics appraisal team leader Professor Xie Zhiliu, said: "hundreds of years, many calligraphers cover, no one left out." The Taipei Normal University Professor, director of the Institute of Chinese calligraphy "old Mr. Lin Yin praised Shen Miyuanzhang following". National Taiwan University Professor Mr. Fu Shen in "the calligraphy calligrapher Shen Yinmo" in an article, "the script that I think is suitable for his writing, or fine pen Chu Kai, was Kiyo Hiro, Zhao Mengzhao page, graceful bearing, a rare glimpse." The Zhejiang Academy of fine arts professor Lu Weizhao named Shen old calligraphy, cloud: "Shen Shuzhi realm, taste, style, wrote the Song Dynasty, most people can only chase in the Qing Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty wrote, has been one of the few."
The theory of calligraphy works of Mr. Shen, was published in 1949, 1952 "on calligraphy", "calligraphy" in 1955 of 1957, the "calligraphy theory" and "reform literature and calligraphy waste issue", 1958 "book" 1960 "Bush, a man asked calligraphy", 1961 "and the young friends talk about calligraphy" and "young friends and talk about calligraphy", "calligraphy" in 1962 China "and how to practice good use of calligraphy", the famous book "on 1963. The experience --" 1964, "the art of calligraphy" and "the spirit of the times the book of kings", the famous book "on 1965. The experience --", 1978 "calligraphy review", 1981 "Shen Yinmo on books release". Shen old calligraphy works widely circulated inside and outside Yu Hai, won the people's favorite. Especially in 1981 published "Shen Yinmo calligraphy collection", a comprehensive collection of his twenty years after the various periods of representative work, reflecting the evolution of his calligraphy the whole process. 1999 "Shen Yinmo" for his draft manuscript ink books boutique 40, based on calligraphy. In recent years, former residence in the channel two shore to collect Laoshu Shen epitaph eight, from 1921 to 1960, spanning forty years, you can see the old script from Tangbei, Shen Tang Jin flavor to the evolution of the process of self unique style. But as a model of his book copying and rubbings. One of them is the old Shen in 1921 (in Mr. Jiang) mother Wang's book epitaph (now on display in Taipei in the memorial hall). Mr. Sun Zhongshan and Jiang mother wrote elegiac book "Jiang Muzhi tomb" four characters. This post is about to press the monument.

Guilin is a famous scenic area "Diecai hill" three regular script, Mr. Shen Yinmo's 1964 book title, Jun Mai gesture, full of momentum. Shen always famous calligrapher, China ancient calligraphers since the late Qing Dynasty after He Shaoji, the income of the "word" were one of Shen Yinmo. Shen Yinmo "54", advocate the new poetry, old poetry also deep skill.
The summer of 1906, Shen Yinmo returned from Japan, Zhejiang back to the hometown of Huzhou, began to compose calligraphy, writing and business shop, his calligraphy has been loved by the people. Second years, Shen Yinmo was hired to Hangzhou Zhejiang higher normal school teaching, was only 25 years old. Shen Yinmo in Hangzhou, to meet the famous young poet Liu Jiping, two poetry exchanges, very close relationship.
The Double Ninth Festival, Liu Jiping invited Shen Yinmo to drink poetry, Shen Yinmo drunk by the unprepared "Ji Ping floor": "yellow eyes yellow fall carved, the tall building on the air sea cold. Love autumn from the ancient people, setting a shadow on the crow." Liu Jiping is very much appreciated, please Shen Yinmo with Xuan paper writing, posted in the library. Liu Jiping said: "in the poem" Autumn Love "from the ancient people of the sentence, hit the spot. The scenery to express the mind." A few days later, Chen Duxiu go back to visit friends, Liu Jiping, he saw the study put up on the wall of calligraphy and poetry, asked Shen Yinmo's residence. Chen Duxiu and friends eager, specially visited Shen Yinmo, he told me: "my name is Chen Zhongfu (formerly known as Chen Duxiu), see you write calligraphy and the" yellow floor "in Liu Jiping's poetry, poetry is very elegant, I appreciate that this is a word written tacky."
Chen Duxiu and Shen Yinmo meet for the first time, without greeting, frankly put forward views. Shen Yinmo first heard of these views, began to feel very embarrassed, his face is very natural, but careful thought, feel the words, it is not integrity, weak strokes, that Chen Duxiu has an eye, is a rare new friend, should try to improve. Since then, Shen Yinmo strenuously study calligraphy, learn from the Zhu Suiliang method, then, through the Xi Jin and Tang Dynasty and Northern Song Dynasty of the famous Sumi, he prefers the Jin Dynasty kings words, every day carefully copying, focus on writing, often make a pen, often breath exercises, very carefully, and finally lay a solid foundation.
In the spring of 1913, when Shen Yinmo was appointed by the acting principal of Peking University, he taught at Peking university. He began to teach "Book of Songs" and the history of spare time, still did not forget to learn calligraphy, since every holiday to go to the Imperial Palace to view the famous artworks in Tang and Song Dynasty. But, notes, God Feng wonderful charm. In the past the "Peking University" four words, elegant show, Jian Qiu Yi, known as the "gold", but for Shen Yinmo's handwriting.

"Dongpo Buddhist poetry"
Shen Yinmo's calligraphy mainly takes the two kings, Mi Fei and other law of the Tang Dynasty calligraphy masters, and Europe, Chu, Yan Yu, the family, and the Northern Wei Dynasty, Hanbei have more deep study, a pen, a show of Yun Ching health. The script "Dongpo Buddhist poem" four screen, is the pinnacle of art life. Xinshou write, the line of calm, is divided four screen, but at one time. Indifferent ink, stipple delicate, heart dancing, but not loss of chi. The whole structure is rigorous, the spirit of "close, smooth. According to the calm, deep and calligraphy skill, the book content, "" Dongpo Buddhist poetry made in China before and after three years of economic recession in 1961, seemingly Book Dongpo words, is the author of the metaphor of mood.



