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肖桐柏(1932.11—)山东牟平人。擅长漫画。1952年师范毕业后到中学教美术课,后任威海市教师进修学校校长,高级讲师。1979年开始漫画创作。作品有《小鱼吃大鱼》《看悲剧 》等,《不倒翁》被《讽刺与幽默》评为1989年优秀奖。出版有《肖桐柏漫画集》。
1993年出版《萧桐柏漫画集》。《退化》参加第六届全国美展;《小雨吃大鱼》、《看悲剧 》分别参加“法国巴黎春季沙龙”和“中日劳动漫画节”;《不倒翁》获“人民日报讽刺幽默”奖;《见了兔子难放鹰》获“环龙杯漫画大赛”1 等奖,并被选在1994年九年制中学语文课本上。《人民日报》讽刺与幽默、《工人日报》、香港《文汇报》都作过介绍。水墨戏剧人物画在《人民日报海外版》中华艺苑名家专栏和台湾《大中华茶叶文明 时报》杂志上作过专门介绍。

Introduction to the artist

Xiao Tong cypress (1932.11, ) Shandong Mou Ping's person. Be good at caricature. Art teachs the course to the middle school after normal school graduated 1952, principal of school of attend in a advanced studies of teacher of city of successor power sea, senior lecturer. Began cartoon creative work 1979. Work has " small fish has big fish " " see comedy " etc, " tumbler " by " satirize and humour " judge for outstanding 1989 award. Publish have " collect of caricature of Xiao Tong cypress " .
Published 1993 " collect of caricature of Xiao Tong cypress " . " degrade " attend beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit; " spit has big fish " , " see comedy " attend respectively " salon of French Paris spring " and " section of Sino-Japanese labor caricature " ; " tumbler " obtain " People's Daily satirize is humorous " award; " saw bunny difficult hawk " obtain " contest of caricature of annulus dragon cup " first prize, be chosen Chinese textbook learns to go up in was made 9 years 1994. " People's Daily " satirize and humour, " the Workers'Daily " , Hong Kong " civil report " had made the introduction. Thespian character picture is in water Chinese ink " the People's Daily is abroad edition " column of a person of academic or artistic distinction of China art and literary circles and Taiwan " times of culture of big China tea " special introduction has been made on the magazine. 



