地方 美术学院城市设计学院兼职教授、中国人民大学徐悲鸿艺术学院兼职教授;
曾任中国青年出版社编委、艺术图书编辑中心主编、编审、团地方 出版专业高级职务评审委员会委员。
插图作品:曾入选捷克国际插图双年展、全国插图艺术展、全国美术作品展、全国儿童美术作品展、中国插图画家提名展,插图作品入选《中国古代 美术全集·插图卷》。书籍装帧作品多次在全国获得金、银、铜奖及优秀作品奖;担任美术编辑和装帧设计的《毛泽东之路书系》获中国图书奖;担任美术编辑和装帧设计的《中华文明 集粹丛书》获得中国图书奖;担任美术编辑和装帧设计的《南明史》获得国家图书奖。中国画作品刊登在《当代中国画》《鉴宝》《连环画报》等刊物。
著作《中国美术小史》《书籍装帧创意设计》《编辑与装帧》(十1 5 国家重点图书出版规划项目)。著作 《紫禁城内的洋画家郎世宁》《东方 的画梦者》《中国画小史》等。
著名美术史学家、地方 美术学院教授 薛永年:
邓中和的花鸟画既画传统题材的荷花、牡丹,又画与特定环境融为1 体的城乡花鸟,善于以传统的笔法和古代 的构图相结合,在光影感和朦胧感中抒写高雅的情怀和动人的感受。在他的作品中,传统小写意花鸟的生动笔墨常常 与林风眠的构图方式和色彩感觉结合为1 ,呈现出宁静而明丽,简洁而饱满,随机触发而又富装潢 意匠的特点。
……不管 精心之哦笔,还是随意之作,差不多都显现出三个明显的特点:1 是画生机无穷 的光明宁静之梦, 以力图超越理想 的心态,重建并无都市纷扰与心灵压力的精神家园,赋予作品以人文内涵。二是在不阔别 物象本来面目的描写中,把颇受书法陶融的流畅笔墨与讲求规则和变形构成的装潢 意匠融而为1 ,在即兴挥洒中强化了作品的视觉效果。三是把平素涵养的书卷气与认真捕捉生活感受相结合,在作品中通过性格 涵养 和真实感的表露而引导观者进入跨越时空的精神境界,共享艺术之美。
著名画家、荣宝斋总经理 中国美术出版总社社长 郜宗远:
邓中和先生的画,以山水、花鸟小品为主。花鸟画多为荷塘小鸟、田园草虫,风格清新飘逸,墨气与色彩相融;山水画多为山壑中农家、清幽之名胜,他寻求 在笔墨间寻觅“涤除玄览”的审美境界。
中和所绘小品是传统的,但也是古代 的,他在传统与古代 之间捕捉着心中的梦境。
Born in Beijing in 1946. Deputy Director of Illustration and Binding Art Committee of China Artists Association, Editorial Review of China Youth Publishing House, Part-time Professor of Art College of Renmin University of China, Part-time Professor of Urban Design College of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Member of China Artists Association and Member of All-China Aesthetic Association. Successive positions: Deputy Director and Director of the Art Editorial Office of China Youth Publishing House, Editorial Board of China Youth Publishing House, Member of the Senior Post Review Committee of the Central Publishing Specialty of the Communist Youth League, Secretary-General of the Illustration and Binding Art Committee of China Artists Association.
Summary of awards
Woodcut illustration "Lao Zhang's Philosophy" won the third prize in 1985 China Youth Art Exhibition
Woodcarving illustration "No Liar" won the 7th National Art Exhibition, Bronze Award
Wood Printing "Forbidden City" won the 11th National Printing Exhibition, Bronze Prize
Woodcut illustration "The Wonderful Case of Diamond Necklace" won the gold medal in the 9th National Art Exhibition
Paper "Language Conversion in Illustration Creation" magazine "Art Research" (1998.4) won the 4th National Binding Art Papers and Research Achievements, the first prize.
Excerpts from writings
"Black-and-White Walking". Published by Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House (1996)
Stand Up, Call for Peace, Art Magazine (December 1997)
Language Conversion in Illustration Creation, Art Research (April 1998), Chinese Binding Art Yearbook (2005)
Don't Make It Right, World Literature (March 2003)
"Gold is Always Bright" was published in the "Art" magazine (August 2006)[2]
Representative Works
Printing "Forbidden City", "Bell Tower", "Old House", "Tree" and so on; illustrations "Lao Zhang's Philosophy", "No Liar", "Four Generations in One Hall", "Bashan Night Rain" and "The Wonderful Case of Diamond Necklace". His works have won many awards in national art exhibitions and have been collected by the Chinese Museum of Art, the British Museum, the Ludwig Museum in Germany and the Poland Museum in the United States. Writings: Walking in Black and White, Language Conversion in Illustration Creation, Illustration Whole Course Teaching, etc.