谢趣生(1906—已故),四川省盐亭县麻秧场龙骨石人,出生在1 个贫苦的家庭。自幼读书,天资聪慧,勤奋好学,尤爱好 绘画。1925年入成都华阳中学。毕业后,考入成都高等师范学校艺术系。常在附近的中小学兼任美术教员。毕业后,任《新新旧事 》报社漫画编辑,掌管 《每周漫画》。原东北 美专教师、中国美术家协会第1 届常务理事。连环画作品有《鬼趣图》和《招魂曲》等。
Xie Xiesheng (1906 - late), a Longgu stone man from Ma Yangchang, Yanting County, Sichuan Province, was born in a poor family.
Xie Xiesheng (1906 - late), a Longgu stone man from Ma Yangchang, Yanting County, Sichuan Province, was born in a poor family. Reading since childhood, talented and intelligent, diligent and eager to learn, especially like painting. He entered Chengdu Huayang Middle School in 1925. After graduation, he was admitted to the Art Department of Chengdu Normal University. He often works as an art teacher in nearby primary and secondary schools. After graduation, he was the cartoon editor of New News and presided over the weekly cartoon. Former teacher of Southwest American College and first executive director of China Artists Association. The comic books include Ghost Chart and Soul Call.