刘虔诚 ,吉林人。辽宁省美术馆常务副馆长。编著有《东北艺术史》、《中国古今书画真伪图鉴》、《中国古今书画真伪图典》。发表论文《漫谈海派画家的艺术精神》、《书画作伪与款题小议》、《戴进与达摩至慧能六代祖师图卷》、《清代东北籍的书画家》、《中国古代 绘画的开拓者—齐白石、黄宾虹、徐悲鸿》。
Person of Liu Zhongcheng Jilin. Liaoning province art gallery is standing deputy curator. Compile have " northeast art history " , " illustrated handbook of true bogus of Chinese Gujin painting and calligraphy " , " graph of true bogus of Chinese Gujin painting and calligraphy is in charge of " . Publish a paper " the artistic spirit of painter of manner and air of informal discussion sea " , " fake of painting and calligraphy and paragraph problem are little discuss " , " Dai Jin and amount to Ma Zhihui can graph of 6 acting the founder of a school of learning coils " , " the book painter of book of Qing Daidong north " .