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金铭,副研讨 馆员。1928年12月出生,新疆人。毕业于乌市1 中。现任乌鲁木齐市民办专业 美术学校校长。乌市美协副主席。
长时间 努力 于教学研讨 与管理工作,有着丰富的实践经验。几年来,在教学研讨 、教育改革、教学管理和社会办学方面进行了大量而无益 的探索,并取得了成效。同时也受到了主管部门和社会各界的分歧 好评。他领导的乌鲁木齐市民办专业 美术学校,自1981年创办以来,开设美术、书法两大类学科,包括儿童绘画、少儿国画、版画、色彩、创作、素描、水粉、实用美术、书法等专业课程。学制半年。全部利用双休日上课,招生对象为4岁以上通晓汉语的各族书画爱好者。学校以"以美育人,培养先生 高尚的生活情趣和书画技能,为社会输送各类书画人才"为办学主旨 。努力 于建立健全各项规章制度,引进竞争机制,加强教学管理,不变 教师队伍,提高教学质量。

Introduction to the artist

Chen Jinming, the deputy member that study a house. Was born in December 1928, xinjiang person. Be graduated from black city one in. Currently hold the post ofUrumqi citizen to do principal of spare art school. Black city is beautiful assist vice-chairman.
Devote oneself to education research and administrative job for a long time, having rich practice experience. Come a few years, in education reform of research, education, education manages and social education respect undertook many and beneficial exploration, obtained result. The accord that also got be in charge of branch and social all circles at the same time reputably. The Urumqi citizen of his leader runs spare art school, since establishing 1981, open art, calligraphy two kinds of big course, include children painterly, little the special training course such as traditional Chinese painting, woodcut, colour, creation, sketch, soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes, functional art, calligraphy. Eductional systme half an year. Use entirely double cease day attends class, recruit students object is the lover of every nationality painting and calligraphy of Chinese of be proficient in of 4 years old of above. The school with " with aesthetic education person, develop the student's exalted life interest and mastery of a skill or technique of painting and calligraphy, carry " of talent of of all kinds painting and calligraphy to be managerial tenet for the society. Devote oneself to to build perfect each regulations system, introduce competitive mechanism, strengthen education management, stabilize pedagogic team, improve education quality.



