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常宁生,1955年11月生于江苏省南京市。1982年毕业于安徽省安庆师范学院外语系英语言语 文学专业,获文学学士学位。
1984年考入南京艺术学院美术系,前后 师从刘汝醴张道1 教授攻读东方 美术史和艺术理论。1987年获美术史硕士学位;1992年获美术史博士学位。1994-96年获教育部公派赴美国伊利诺斯州芝加哥大学和芝加哥艺术学院,做博士后研讨 。2001年作为高级访问学者赴英国伦敦大学考陶尔德学院做艺术史学理论专题研讨 。现为南京艺术学院美术学院教授,美术学系主任。中国美术家协会会员。

次要 论著:《反叛与超越:东方 古代 绘画艺术》(上海东方出版中心2000)、《权力与荣耀:罗马帝国与中国汉代雕塑艺术比较》(陕西人民美术出版社2003)、《穿越时空:艺术史与艺术教育》(中国人民大学出版社2004);主编:《欧美当代绘画艺术》(江苏美术出版社1992)、《艺术史的终结:东方 当代艺术史学文选》(中国人民大学出版社2004)、《古代 艺术大师论艺术》(中国人民大学出版社2003)、译著:《理解视觉文明 》(商务印书馆,2005)、《古代 艺术的意义》(合作,中国人民大学出版社2003)、《超越古代 主义》(合作,江苏教育出版社2005)、《东方 艺术教育史》(合作,四川人民出版社2001)、《油画技法》(江苏美术出版社1998)、《20世纪设计思潮的演化 》(合作,安徽美术出版社2003)、《非常设计》(合作,安徽美术出版社2003);另在国内外学术刊物上发表论文50余篇。
研讨 领域:东方 美术史、中外艺术比较、艺术史学理论、视觉文明 。获奖情况:专著《反叛与超越:东方 古代 绘画艺术》2000年获江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖;论文《扩展的视野:当代艺术史学研讨 的转向》2001年获重庆市出版局优秀论文二等奖。研讨 课题:“当代艺术学的理论与方法”(国家艺术学科规划办“十5 ”项目)与“艺术史学的历史及理论”(江苏省教育厅人文社科“十5 ”项目)。

Introduction to the artist

Chang Ningsheng, was born at Jiangsu to visit Nanjing town in November 1955. Literature of language of English of the phylum outside was graduated from institute of normal school of Anqing of the Anhui province 1982 is professional, obtain literary bachelor's degree.
Took an examination of faculty of art of Nanjing artistic institute 1984, early or late division assiduously studies the west from Liu Ruli and Professor Zhang Daoyi art history and artistic theory. Obtained art history 1987 master's degree; Obtained art history 1992 doctor's degree. 1994-96 year obtain public school of Ministry of Education to go to Si Zhouzhi of Nuo of American Yi benefit to add skill of elder brother university and Chicago institute, do postdoctoral research. As high-level visit the scholar went to British London university to take an examination of institute of contented Er heart to do research of special subject of artistic historiography theory 2001. It is professor of academy of fine arts of Nanjing artistic institute now, art learns to fasten a director. Chinese artist academician.

Main treatise: " rebel with surmount: The west is contemporary and painterly artistic " (Shanghai east publishs a center 2000) , " influence and honor: Roman empire and art of Chinese Han Daidiao model compare " (publishing house of Shaanxi people art 2003) , " pass through spatio-temporal: Art history and artistic education " (press of Chinese people university 2004) ; Chief editor: " Euramerican and contemporary brushwork is artistic " (Jiangsu art publishing house 1992) , " of art history terminative: The west is artistic now historiography anthology " (press of Chinese people university 2004) , " contemporary and artistic Great Master talks art " (press of Chinese people university 2003) , interpret writes: " culture of understanding visual sense " (business affairs imprints book house, 2005) , " the meaning of modern art " (cooperate, press of Chinese people university 2003) , " surmount modernistic " (collaboration, jiangsu teachs a press 2005) , " western art is taught history " (collaboration, sichuan people press 2001) , " canvas ability law " (Jiangsu art publishing house 1998) , " of thoughts of 20 centuries design evolve " (collaboration, anhui art publishing house 2003) , " special design " (cooperate, anhui art publishing house 2003) ; Go up additionally in journal of domestic and international science publish a paper more than 50.
Research a field: Western art history, art of China and foreign countries is compared, culture of artistic historiography theory, vision. Circumstance of bear the palm: Monograph " rebel with surmount: The west is contemporary and painterly artistic " obtained Jiangsu to save philosophical society science 2000 award of outstanding achievement third class; Paper " patulous eye shot: Artistic now historiography studies change direction " obtained Chongqing city publication bureau 2001 excellent paper is second-class award. Study a task: "The theory that contemporary art learns and method " (national art course plans to do " 15 " project) with " the history of artistic historiography and theory " (office of Jiangsu province education is humanitarian company division " 15 " project) .



