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苑军,汉族,天津市人,毕业于中国艺术研讨 院,博士学位。
1999/10/30-2002/5/17澳大利亚新南威尔士大学建筑环境艺术设计硕士研讨 生毕业硕士学位
2009/9/1-2012/7/1中国艺术研讨 院设计艺术学博士研讨 生毕业博士学位
2016《天津近古代 连环画艺术发展史》—天津教育出版社专著
2016《文类》—从近代民族主义思潮解读民族情势 的陵园景观设计美术观察
2014《文类》—中国传统城市广场的设计思想及形状 特征美术观察
2014《文类》—民间年画艺术在平面设计中的利用 天津师范大学学报
2017《文类》—"超整理术"在设计表现技法教学中的利用 美术教育研讨
2016文类从近代民族主义思潮解读民族情势 的陵园景观设计美术观察
2014文类中国传统城市广场的设计思想及形状 特征美术观察
2014文类民间年画艺术在平面设计中的利用 天津师范大学学报
2017文类"超整理术"在设计表现技法教学中的利用 美术教育研讨

Introduction to the artist

Yuan Jun, the Han nationality, tianjin city person, be graduated from Chinese artistic academy, doctor's degree.
High school of the 24th middle school learns 1985/9/1-1988/7/1 Tianjin high school record of formal schooling
Art of environment of 1988/9/1-1992/7/1 Tianjin academy of fine arts designs baccalaureate of graduation of professional undergraduate course
Art of environment of building of Er person university designs 1999/10/30-2002/5/17 Australia Xin Nawei master's degree of graduation of Master graduate student
2009/9/1-2012/7/1 China artistic academy designs art to learn doctor's degree of graduation of doctoral graduate student
Art of gardens of bureau of park of 1992/9/1-2002/7/1 Tianjin city is designed
2002/7/1- up to now art of Tianjin Normal University and design institute are tuitional and artistic design course
Publish academic monograph:
2016 " Tianjin is modern comic art phylogeny " , Tianjin teachs press monograph
2016 " civil kind " , the cemetery landscape that unscrambles ethical form from latter-day nationalism thoughts designs art to observe
2014 " civil kind " , the design thought of square of Chinese traditional town and observation of configuration feature art,
2012 " civil kind " , ceremony happy Jiaohua: The humanitarian landscape art of square of Chinese traditional town observes
2012 " civil kind " , the art of urban square north that builds compose to face daily life () of journal of Tianjin academy of fine arts
2014 " civil kind " , art of civilian New Year picture designs journal of medium applied Tianjin Normal University in plane
2017 " civil kind " , " exceeds the applied art in arranging art " to behave ability law teacher and student in the design to teach research
The paper publishs a circumstance:
2016 article kind the cemetery landscape that unscrambles ethical form from latter-day nationalism thoughts designs art to observe
2014 article kind the design thought of square of Chinese traditional town and observation of configuration feature art
2012 article kind ceremony happy Jiaohua: The humanitarian landscape art of square of Chinese traditional town observes
2012 article kind the art of urban square north that builds compose to face daily life () of journal of Tianjin academy of fine arts
2017 article kind " exceeds the applied art in arranging art " to behave ability law teacher and student in the design to teach research



