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翟葆艺,原名翟宝义,别名 翟墨,河南尉氏人。中共党员。1963年毕业于郑州大学中文系,1982年又毕业于中国艺术研讨 院研讨 生部美术系。历任校刊编辑、美术社社长,郑州大学附中语文、美术教员,《郑州晚报》记者,中共郑州市委宣扬 部旧事 干事,北京中国艺术研讨 院研讨 生、文学硕士,中国艺术研讨 院美术研讨 所艺术设计与创作研讨 室主任、研讨 员、博士生导师。中华美学学会会员,中国美术家协会会员,《中国美术报》副主编,《美术观察》杂志副主编。1963年开始发表作品。1993年加入中国作家协会。
著有专著《艺术家的美学》、《绘画美》、《吴冠中传》、《OK,永久 的艺术家》、《当代人体艺术探索》、《艺术的第二次诞生》、《倾听星光》、《聚散依依》、《融创时代》等16部;主编《二十世纪中外大师画论书系》、《东方 古代 后古代 艺术流派书系》等6种60余部。
论著《美丑的纠缠与裂变》获1988年上海《书讯报》十佳书籍奖,《相爱到永久 》获1989年《光明日报》佳作奖,《艺术的品格》获1991年《人民日报》金台奖,《本色的魅力》获1993年《中国文明 报》优秀文学作品二等奖,《CI战略创意》获1995年中国CI战略高级研讨会论文二等奖。

Introduction to the artist

Original name Di Baoyi, renown Di Mo, henan Wei person. Party member of the Communist Party of China. Was graduated from Zhengzhou university Department of Chinese Language and Literature 1963, was graduated from graduate student of Chinese artistic academy again 1982 ministry art is. Have successively held the posts of president of company of school magazine editor, art, teacher of Chinese of Zhengzhou college attached middle school, art, " Zhengzhou evening paper " reporter, municipal Party committee of Zhengzhou of the Communist Party of China publicizes ministry news person in charge of something, graduate student of Beijing China artistic academy, Master of Arts, adviser of design of art of institute of art of Chinese artistic academy and creation lab director, researcher, doctoral student. China aesthetic academician, chinese artist academician, " Chinese art signs up for " subeditor, " art observes " magazine subeditor. Began to publish work 1963. Joined Chinese writer consortium 1993.
 have monograph " the artist's aesthetic " , " painterly beauty " , " Wu Guanzhong is passed " , " OK, lasting artist " , " art of contemporary human body is explored " , " be born the 2nd times artistic " , " listen attentively to starlight " , " get together medicinal powder supple " , " be in harmony starts a period " wait for 16; Chief editor " stroke of master of 20 centuries China and foreign countries is fastened by the book " , " book of contemporary and artistic genre is after the west is contemporary " wait for 6 kinds more than 60.
 Treatise " the United States is pestered uglily with fission " obtain 1988 Shanghai " book dispatch signs up for " award of 10 beautiful book, " love each other forever " obtain 1989 " bright daily " award of an excellent work, " artistic character and morals " obtain 1991 " People's Daily " golden stage award, " ecru glamour " obtain 1993 " Chinese culture signs up for " fine literature work is second-class award, " CI strategy originality " obtain Chinese CI strategy is advanced 1995 seminar paper is second-class award.



