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秦小松(1943.12—)女,贵州安顺人。擅长水彩、粉画。毕业于地方 工艺美术学院在北京工艺美术学院,北京联大职业技术师范学院艺术设计系当副教授。
1969年毕业于地方 工艺美术学院。曾在北京外贸首饰进出口公司任美术设计。1979年以来任教于北京工艺美术学校、北京联大职业技术师范学院艺术设计系、副教授。作品《美术学校1 隅》入选1986年全国水彩、粉画展;《花卉系列》之10、22分别入选全国美展。发表论文《客观 与创造》。
秦小松1964年毕业于贵州大学艺术系美术专业附中;1969年毕业于地方 工艺美术学院,主修染织美术。她回忆,那1 年上万人报考工艺美院,四个系仅录取60人,她是其中之1 。 毕业后她曾前后 任教于北京工艺美术学校、北京联合大学师范学院艺术设计系;其绘画作品入选1986年中国首届水彩、粉画展;”花卉系列”多次入选全国美展。此外,高校教材”服装美术”是中国教育部拜托 她主编的专著。作为中国美术家协会会员,她的作品入编”中国美术全集”,被中国国家美术馆收藏。
秦小松指出,花布和家具布设计与当今的绘画潮流有不可分的血缘关系。许多商家都需求 不断更新本身 的设计款式,以求适应市场潮流,逢迎 消费者口味。秦小松由于 具备扎实的写实绘画基础,其作品在传统与古代 之间分寸把握得当,具有当代绘画的意味和时代感,能够精确 捉住 美国人的色彩感觉,所以很受市场欢迎。
秦小松在纽约居住12年,前不久迁往休斯敦。合作的经纪公司表示不管 秦小松搬到哪里,都希望跟她继续合作。

Introduction to the artist

Qin Xiaosong (1943.12, ) female, how does Guizhou arrange a person. Be good at picture of watercolour, pink. Be graduated from institute of central arts and crafts to be in institute of Beijing arts and crafts, art of institute of normal school of technology of profession of Beijing the United Nations General Assembly designs a department to become an associate professor.
Was graduated from institute of central arts and crafts 1969. Ever held the post of artistic design in company of imports and exports of headgear of Beijing foreign trade. Teach to design department, associate professor at art of institute of normal school of technology of profession of the United Nations General Assembly of school of Beijing arts and crafts, Beijing since 1979. Work " art school corner " selected 1986 art exhibition of countrywide watercolour, pink; " flowers series " 10, 22 respectively beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited. Publish a paper " subjective with creation " .
Cotton print design:
Qin Xiaosong was graduated from Guizhou university art to fasten art major attached middle school 1964; Was graduated from institute of central arts and crafts 1969, major catch knit art. She is recollected, one that year on 10 thousand people enter oneself for an examination craft beautiful courtyard, 4 departments recruit 60 people only, she is among them one of. She ever taught to combine art of institute of college normal school to design a department at school of Beijing arts and crafts, Beijing early or late after graduation; Its paint is selected 1986 art exhibition of first watercolour of Chinese, pink; " flowers series " for many times beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited. In addition, college teaching material " dress art " it is the monograph that Chinese Ministry of Education entrusts her chief editor. Regard Chinese artist as academician, her work is entered make up " Chinese art complete works " , be collected by Chinese country art gallery.
Qin Xiaosong points out, cotton print and furniture cloth design and current painterly trend have impartible kin. A lot of businessmen need to update his design design ceaselessly, in an attempt to gets used to market trend, cater to consumer taste. Because Qin Xiaosong is had solid draw realistically foundation, its work is in tradition and contemporary between proper limits for speech or action holds proper, have painterly now imply and times feeling, can accurate the colour feeling that captures American, so very get market reception.
Qin Xiaosong lives 12 years in new York, before long change is gone to before cease Si Dui. No matter where Qin Xiaosong moves,broker company of collaboration shows, hope to continue to cooperate with her.
While she is engaged in cotton print designing, also continue to draw, win many award, if she and painter husband attended the United States 2006,the aquarelle northeast is exhibited, in pairs bear the palm. Their work also the art exhibition that association of association of selected California aquarelle, new england aquarelle holds and bear the palm. Be in again cease bear the palm of the in pairs on the art exhibition of 32 international watercolour that association of picture of Si Duishui color sponsors. Qin Xiaosong thinks, participate in artistic activity of the society more, know the artistic news of each class, also be to do well the key of the design. 



