崔松石(1944~2010),当代著名国画家,中国美术家协会会员,国家1 级美术师,传统中国画楼阁山水的重要代表。1944年出生。早年毕业于北京艺术设计学院,进修于北京画院。幼喜画画,山水启蒙于郭传璋、溥松窗两位老师,后继续深造,兼攻文学、书法、篆刻得秦仲文、吴镜汀、郭风惠、邓散木等诸多名家教授。
书法、篆刻得秦仲文、吴镜汀、郭风惠、邓散木等诸多名家教授。曾为北京工美集团总公司专职画家、高级美术师、瑰宝 馆顾问、评估鉴定委员、曾任中国艺术研讨 院书画研讨 中心常务副主任、文明 部中国书画社绘制《百米长城》副总指挥、中共地方 办公厅老年书画会顾问、中华书画促进会顾问、北京书画家协会顾问、北京企业家书画会顾问、北京书画家协会顾问、北京企业家书画会顾问、常务理事、北京职工大学美术系客座教授、中国书画函授大学教授、香港国际书画协会理事、山东鑫箭集团艺术总顾问、中国美术家协会会员等。现为中华慈善总会“中华慈善美术家”,北京名人书画院常务副院长、经济日报报业集团《名牌时报·美术家》顾问。
暮年 多作山水画,作品为中共地方 办公厅、毛主席纪念堂、中南海、人民大会堂、全国政协、地方 军委、北京市人民政府、天安门城楼等单位收藏。作品曾作为国礼赠送国外多个国家总统。
Cui Song Shi (1944~2010) , home of contemporary and famous traditional Chinese painting, chinese artist academician, country division of one class art, traditional China draws the important delegate of pavilion landscape. Was born 1944. One's early years is graduated from Beijing art to design an institute, attend in a advanced studies at Beijing imperial art academy. Young happy event is drawn, illuminative Yuguo spreads landscape window of a jade tablet, Pu Song two teachers, succeed add takes advanced courses, hold <> concurrently attack literature, calligraphy, seal cutting to get a lot of a person of academic or artistic distinction such as Qin Zhongwen, Wu Jingting, Guo Fenghui, Deng Sanmu to teach.
Young happy event is drawn, illuminative Yuguo spreads landscape window of a jade tablet, Pu Song two teachers, succeed add takes advanced courses, hold <> concurrently attack literature,
Calligraphy, seal cutting gets a lot of a person of academic or artistic distinction such as Qin Zhongwen, Wu Jingting, Guo Fenghui, Deng Sanmu to teach. Adviser of shop of division of painter of full-time of head office of beautiful group of industry of Ceng Wei Beijing, high art, jewelry, evaluate appraisal committee member, Ceng Ren research center of painting and calligraphy of Chinese artistic academy is standing scale of company of painting and calligraphy of China of ministry of vice director, culture " 100 meters of Great Walls " assistant general director, Central Committee of Communist Party of China. Always meet for China charity now " China charity artist " , daily of standing assistant dean, economy signs up for courtyard of Beijing celebrity painting and calligraphy trade group " artist of · of famous brand times " advisory.
Was judged to be 2006 " China is provided most now appreciate a person of academic or artistic distinction of traditional Chinese painting of latent capacity " , selected 2007 " Chinese traditional Chinese painting 50 " .
Old age makes a landscape painting more, work is general office of Central Committee of Communist Party of China, Chairman Mao memorial hall, medium the unit such as a tower over a city gate of government of people of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of hall of congress of Nanhai, people, whole nation, central the Central Military Commission, Beijing, Tian An Men is collected. Work ever regarded a country as the ceremony give many national presidents of foreign.
Publish have " Cui Song Shi draws volume " , " landscape painting of Cui Song stone collect " , " Cui Song Shi Jin is made anthology " , " learn part of landscape of · of traditional Chinese painting " wait for a book.