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祖绍先,1945年3月1日生,客籍 河北抚宁,生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,国家1 级美术师,中国电影美术师。
1968年毕业于北京电影学院美术系,后入北京电影制片厂任特技美术助理、特技美术设计、字幕车间主任等职。1977年参加北京颐和园大型书法展,作品与郭沫若启功、周建人、张爱萍、赵朴初等艺术大师作品同堂展出。1985年参加由山东省在中国美术馆举办的全国范围征稿的曹州牡丹书画大展,展出作品汇集成《曹州牡丹专题书画集》,该书画集有启功大师题名。1986年任北京电影制片厂副厂长。1988年首次在山东举办个人书画展。1990年在美国举办个人书画展。澳大利亚前总理霍克的夫人亲自登门向其索要墨宝。祖绍先大师为霍克的夫人题写了“富寿禧康宁”5 个大字。1993年,今日中国出版社出版发行的《中国当代著名书画家作品集》由启功大师题名,祖绍先大师作封面“雪鹤图”。1994年1月与著名书画家钟灵、谢逢松在中国美术馆举办三人联展。此次联展由国学大师文怀沙掌管 。1994年5月再次在中国美术馆举办六人联展。1995年为纪念世界电影诞辰1 百周年,中国电影基金会出版的《中国影人书画展》由陈荒煤大师题名,祖绍先大师作封面“鹤舞图”。
祖绍先现为中国电影基金会理事、中国电影美术学会副会长、中国广电总局美术家协会副主席、中国电影家协会会员、中国书法家协会会员、齐白石艺术研讨 会会员。
井冈山(1993)....美术(制造 设计)马加和凌飞(1982)....动画师升官记(1982)....美术(制造 设计)海囚(1981)....特技设计钟声(1981)....美工山重水复(1980)....美术(制造 设计)报童(1979)....美术(制造 设计)七品芝麻官(1979)....美术(制造 设计)蓝衫女匪(1989)....美术(制造 设计)巨澜(1978)....美术(制造 设计)山花(1976)....美术(制造 设计)风险 的交易(1990)....动画师苏禄国王与中国皇帝(1987)....美术(制造 设计)
隶书上承金石篆简,下启章草魏碑,既处中国书法史上的变革时期,又构成 1 代书风。祖绍先大师自幼家传师教,习书入门于汉隶,兼学诸体。他遍临汉碑,博采众长。取《张迁碑》之古朴雄壮 ,容《曹全碑》之毓秀萧洒 ,纳《礼器碑》之端严遒劲,采《石门颂》之神韵飘逸,数十年潜心临池,逐步 构成 了本身 独有的隶书风格,并在影视片中得以利用 。
祖绍先曾担任《报童》、《七品芝麻官》、《阿凡提》、《海囚》、《苏禄国王与中国皇帝(上下)》等影片的特技美术设计,对中国电影的特技美术事业进行了积极地探索和寻求 。他的特技美术设计,具有质朴凝练,大胆别致 的艺术风格。特技美术设计虽然在影片中所占比重并不大,有些时候仅仅在影片中1 晃而过,但祖绍先本着对艺术负责的态度,利用无效 的时间使影片的艺术效果达到更高的层次,为此他常常要花费巨大的时间和精力,细心 揣摩,反复研讨 ,功夫不负有心人,终究 设计出令人满意和惊叹的作品,他的设计每每都能给观众留下深刻的印象,既为整部影片走向成功锦上添花,同时也闪烁着独特的艺术光彩。
八十年代中期当前 ,祖绍先担任了非常重要的行政任务,但在公务繁忙的同时,祖绍先仍不放弃电影艺术创作。
1990年祖绍先担任影片《蓝衫女匪》的美术设计。该片的美术外型 生动,自然而富有新意,出色地渲染了影片神奇紧张的情境,艺术上达到较高水准。
1993年祖绍先担任影片《井冈山》的美术设计。该片的美术设计体现出时代特色,内外景衔接自然,实景的选择和加工与人物的身份调和 统1 ,恰如其分,获得专家的肯定和好评。
祖绍先不断 为中国的电影事业奔波忙碌,以严谨认真的工作态度从事着1 次又1 次创作。
由于他职业从事电影美术设计专业,除担任三百5 十余部、集的电影、电视剧的美术设计和特技美术设计以外 ,上世纪七、八十年代以来,曾为全国许多电影制片厂、电视台的5 百余部电影、电视剧、电视片题写片名、设计厂标、书写字幕,受到业内人士赞成 。约请 祖绍先大师题写片名的电影、电视剧有:《海港》、《龙江颂》、《杜鹃山》、《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》(译制)、《宝莲灯》、《1 个女人的命运》、《龙的传人》、《5 虎将》、《战地黄花》、《七品芝麻官》、《骆驼祥子》、《哪吒》、《湘西剿匪记》、《风流女谍》、《女明星秘史》、《红姑寨恩仇记》、《大江东去》、《四世同堂》、《双雄会》、《林则徐》、《成吉思汗》、《红楼梦》、《末代皇帝》、《雍正皇帝》、《血战飞虎帮》、《毛泽东和斯诺》、《天涯歌女》、《宋庆龄》、《邓颖超》、《彭德怀在三线》、《乾隆王朝》、《天高地厚》、《缉毒英雄》、《贞观长歌》等等。

Introduction to the artist

Unripe on March 1, 1945, ancestral home Heibei strokes peace, be born at Heilongjiang to visit Harbin town, country division of one class art, division of Chinese film art.
Was graduated from faculty of art of Beijing film institute 1968, the post such as director of workshop of artistic design of acrobatics art assistant, acrobatics, caption assumes into Beijing film studio after. Attended Beijing Summer Palace 1977 large calligraphy is exhibited, work and Guo foam if, open result, Zhou Jian the work of artistic Great Master such as Piao Chu of person, Zhang Aiping, Zhao is the same as hall showpiece. The painting and calligraphy of Cao city peony that attended to save the countrywide range that holds in Chinese art gallery to solicit contributinos by Shandong 1985 is exhibited greatly, showpiece work assemble is become " collect of painting and calligraphy of special subject of Cao Zhou peony " , collect of this painting and calligraphy has open autograph of result Great Master. Held the post of assistant factory director of Beijing film studio 1986. Held individual book art exhibition in Shandong first 1988. Individual book art exhibition was held in the United States 1990. The madam of Australian ex-premier Hawk personally call at sb's house asks for calligraphy to its. Zu Shaoxian's Great Master was madam inscribe of Hawk " rich Shou Xikang is peaceful " 5 big character. 1993, chinese press publishs now " China is contemporary and famous collect of work of home of painting and calligraphy " autograph of You Qigong's Great Master, zu Shaoxian's Great Master makes the title page of a thread-bound book " Xue He pursues " . Drew a Zhong Ling, Xie Fengsong to hold 3 people couplet to exhibit in Chinese art gallery with famous book in January 1994. This couplet is exhibited learn Great Master Wen Huaisha to chair by the country. Held 6 people couplet to exhibit in Chinese art gallery again in May 1994. Was birthday of commemorative world film 100 years 1995, chinese film foundation publishs " painting and calligraphy of Chinese shadow person is exhibited " by autograph of Great Master of Chen Huang coal, zu Shaoxian's Great Master makes the title page of a thread-bound book " crane dance pursues " .
Zu Shaoxian is art of film of director of Chinese film foundation, China to learn vice-chairman, China now home of film of vice-chairman of association of artist of wide report total bureau, China is academician, medium member of seminar of art of credential Legalists academician, Qi Baishi.
Film writing
The Jinggang Mountains (1993) . . . . Art (the design that make) Majia and Ling Fei (1982) . . . . Animation division is promoted write down (1982) . . . . Art (the design that make) sea convict (1981) . . . . Acrobatics designs ding (1981) . . . . Heavy water of art design hill answer (1980) . . . . Art (the design that make) newsboy (1979) . . . . Art (the design that make) 7 taste sesame seed official (1979) . . . . Art (the design that make) female bandit of blue unlined upper garment (1989) . . . . Art (the design that make) Ju Lan (1978) . . . . Art (the design that make) pediment (1976) . . . . Art (the design that make) trade dangerously (1990) . . . . King of animation Shi Sulu and Chinese emperor (1987) . . . . Art (the design that make)
The individual is accomplished
The work of Zu Shaoxian's Great Master is extensive collect for personage of China and foreign countries, selected China and foreign countries draws volume, special interview of newspapers and periodicals, publish, the name is record in blue book of home of painting and calligraphy of China and foreign countries for many times. Director of Chinese famous film Mr Ling Zifeng ever made a picture for its and epigraph, epigraph is: Carry on Xian Wudi is clever and outstanding, calligraphy of be apt to also arrogate to oneself is painterly, yu Jingpei, before Er not dare start writing.
On official script bear inscriptions seal brief, issue tablet inscriptions of the Northern Dynasties of the grass that open a chapter, be in China already on calligraphy history change period, form generation book wind again. Division of handed down from the older generations of the family of from a child of Zu Shaoxian's Great Master teachs, yu Hanli of practice book introduction, hold <> concurrently learn all system. He is alled over face Chinese tablet, rich is collected numerous long. Take " Zhang Qian tablet " of primitive simplicity is powerful, look " Cao Quanbei " show of to bring up is cheesy, accept " sacrificial vessel tablet " Duan Yanqiu is strong, collect " Shi Mensong " verve is elegant, tens of year with great concentration faces a pool, formed oneself particular official script style gradually, be in movie and TV piece in be able to apply.
Zu Shaoxian ever was held the position of " newsboy " , " 7 taste sesame seed official " , " Afandi " , " sea convict " , " emperor of China of Su Luguo Wangyu (up and down) " the acrobatics artistic design that waits for film, undertook actively exploration and pursuit to the acrobatics painting career of Chinese film. His acrobatics artistic design, have plain concise, the artistic style of bold novelty. Although what acrobatics artistic design holds proportion in film not big, some moment pass in the flash in film merely, dan Zushao acts on responsible to art manner first, use significant time to make the artistic effect of film achieves higher administrative levels, for this he often should spend giant time and energy, fathom carefully, study repeatedly, kongfu does not lose an observant and conscientious person, design eventually satisfactory with exclamatory work, his design often can leave deep impression to the audience, move toward a success to perfect to make ministry movie already, there also is distinctive artistic glorious in the meantime.
After 80 time metaphase, zu Shaoxian held the position of very main administration task, but while official business is busy, zu Shaoxian still does not abandon cinematics creating.
Zu Shaoxian held the position of film 1990 " female bandit of blue unlined upper garment " artistic design. This art modelling is vivid, be full of new idea however oneself, outstanding apply colours to a drawing the situation with magical and tight film, higher level is reached on art.
Zu Shaoxian held the position of film 1993 " the Jinggang Mountains " artistic design. This artistic design body reveals times characteristic, jing Xian of inside and outside receives nature, the identity of the choice of true condition and treatment and character is harmonious and unified, appropriate, obtain affirmative become reconciled of the expert to judge.
Zu Shaoxian rushs about for movie career of China all the time busy, be engaged in an again and again creating with rigorous and serious work manner.
As a result of him the profession is engaged in major of film artistic design, except the artistic design of the film that holds the position of more than 350 ministry, collect, teleplay and acrobatics artistic design, go up century 7, since 80 time, emblem mark of title of inscribe of more than 500 films that ever were a lot of countrywide film studioes, TV station, teleplay, telefilm, design, book writes caption, be spoken favorably of by the personage inside course of study. Invite the film of title of inscribe of Zu Shaoxian's Great Master, teleplay to have: " harbour " , " Long Jiangsong " , " azalea hill " , " Waerte guards Sarajevo " (dub) , " Bao Lian lamp " , " a feminine destiny " , " of dragon send a person " , " .



