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田立为,教授。毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系,国家1 级美术设计。历任宣扬 队副队长﹑电影组组长﹑文明 干事﹑教导员、舞美队队长等职。现任重庆大学美视电影学院戏剧影视美术设计系主任。
中国戏剧家协会会员﹑中国美术家协会会员﹑中国舞台美术学会常务理事,全军舞美研讨 中心宣扬 部长﹑解放军艺术学院美术系舞美教学客坐教授﹑全军高职评委﹑第八届中国戏剧节“曹禺戏剧奖”评委。长时间 从事戏剧影视美术设计﹑油画的创作、研讨 工作。
1995年8月以全军优秀干部代表身份,在人民大会堂与全军部队英模一同 受到江主席及军委领导亲切接见,并颁发了八1 勋章。
曾在兰州军区工作20余年。前后 参加设计了《绣金匾》、《雪山曙光》、《冰峰雪莲》、《红军哥哥回来了》、《血染战旗》、《十5 的月亮》、《猫耳洞迪斯克》、《延安颂歌》、《黄河组歌》等40余台歌剧﹑歌舞和组歌等剧目。
90年代初调入总政歌剧团,前后 设计了歌剧《党的女儿》(获全军舞美设计1 等奖和5 个1 工程奖)、歌剧《芦花白木棉红》(获96年全国歌剧调演优秀舞美设计奖、全军新剧目舞美设计奖)。担任大型文艺晚会《人民军队爱祖国》(总政)、《风味歌曲演唱会》(北京电视台)、《绿色的延伸》(农林部和总政)、《情满珠江》(广东)、《春天与我们同行》(总政和民政部联合举办双拥晚会)的设计组的成员。

次要 作品及获奖情况
《地方 军委慰劳 驻京老干部春节文艺晚会》(从2000年至2005年连续6年任晚会总设计,多次受到地方 领导和总政首长表扬)。
担任大型史诗《宋城千古情》(杭州宋城)舞台设计,连续表演 上数千场,观众已逾千万人次。
戏剧《真假悟空》作为第八届中国艺术节闭幕式进行表演 ,舞美设计获文华大奖,为浙江越剧团设计《红色浪漫》,该剧为浙江2006年精品工程,在越剧百年汇演中舞美设计获金奖。
2006年杭州国际休闲节任《第1 世界》大型表演 舞美总监。
2007年为青岛的《湛蓝 青岛》大型表演 任总设计,在青岛表演 反响强烈。
2009—2010年在青岛为奥帆基地升级版的大型表演 《蓝色畅想》设计并任艺术总监。

Introduction to the artist

Tian Li is, professor. Be graduated from art of institute of liberation army art is, country one class artistic design. The duty such as team leader of beautiful group of the member that have successively held the posts of ﹑ of a secretary in charge of sth of culture of ﹑ of group leader of group of movies of ﹑ of propaganda team assistant team leader to teach, dance. Currently hold the post ofChongqing university beauty to inspect film institute artistic design of Thespian movie and TV is a director.
Art of arena of China of ﹑ of academician of artist of China of ﹑ of Chinese dramatist academician learns standing director, guest of beautiful education of dance with sth in one's hands of faculty of art of institute of art of liberation army of ﹑ of head of a department of research center propaganda of beauty of dance of horse and foot sits ﹑ of commissioner of high post of professor ﹑ horse and foot Thespian section of the 8th China " Cao Yu Thespian award " commissioner. The creation that is engaged in canvas of ﹑ of artistic design of Thespian movie and TV for a long time, research works.
Work in army 40 one's remaining years, cengrong establishs third class meritorious service 3 times, all sorts of commend 12, pursue job of army arena art for years, obtain positive result of plentiful and substantial.
With horse and foot outstanding cadre represented the capacity in August 1995, in people congress hall and army of horse and foot flower model is led together by Chairman Jiang and the Central Military Commission kind interview, awarded 81 medal.
Ever worked in Lanzhou military region 20 one's remaining years. Attend a design early or late " embroider gold plaque " , " snow mountain dawn " , " Xue Lian glacial a peak " , " Red Army elder brother came back " , " ensanguined battle banner " , " the moon of 15 " , " feline ear hole Disike " , .
Transfer into at the beginning of 90 time always politics opera troupe, designed opera early or late " the daughter of the party " (obtain beauty of dance of horse and foot to design first prize and award of 5 one project) , operatic " reed catkins white ceiba is red " (obtain attune of opera of 96 years of whole nations to perform outstanding dance the United States is designed. Hold the position of large and literary evening party " people army loves the motherland " (always politics) , " gust song concert " (Beijing TV station) , " of green outspread " (aricultural ministry and total politics) , " affection full Pearl River " (Guangdong) , " spring and our person of the same trade " .

Main work reachs situation of bear the palm
Singing and dancing of Lanzhou military region " horizon snow mountain " the design obtains joint performance of horse and foot to design second-class award.
" central the Central Military Commission is condolatory Spring Festival Gala of the veteran cadre that be stationed in Beijing " (come to held the post of the evening party 6 years to always be designed continuously 2005 from 2000, be mixed for many times by central leader always politics the leading cadre is praised) .
Melodrama " jade bird army service station " obtain beauty of dance of joint performance of horse and foot to design award.
Hold the position of large and epic " affection of Song Cheng through the ages " (Hangzhou Song Cheng) arena design, on successive show thousands of, the audience already evened more ten million person-time.
Thespian " true and false is realized empty " as art of the 8th China section closure has a show, dance beauty design wins article China large award, design for group of Zhejiang Shaoxing opera " gules romance " , this drama is Zhejiang 2006 high-quality goods project, in Shaoxing opera design of beauty of the dance in hundred years joint performance wins a gold prize.
Countrywide minority joint performance was liberation army delegacy 2006 dance beauty always is designed, win a gold prize.
Recreational section held the post of Hangzhou international 2006 " the first world " beautiful chief inspector of large show dance.
Was Qingdao 2007 " azure Qingdao " large show allows to always be designed, in Qingdao show echo intense.
2009, for Ao Fan in Qingdao base upgraded 2010 the large show of edition " blue lets his thought flow freely " design and hold the post of artistic chief inspector.
In August 2011, hold the position of Sichuan opera of courtyard of Chongqing city Sichuan opera " poplar Zuo is fair " dance beauty is designed, attend dozenth a Chinese artistic moral integrity.



