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1963年出生于山西,85年考入鲁迅美术学院油画系,90年毕业于油画系壁画专业。获学士学位,现任教于视觉传达设计系,从事漆艺及壁画创作、教学工作。作品在众多画册及专业刊物上发表。指点 先生 多次参加全国各类漆艺展,并获奖。现为鲁迅美术学院教授,北京艺鸣盛世文明 传媒无限 公司特邀艺术顾问。
2006.11?漆画《过山口》荣获第二届中国古代 工艺美术展学会最高学术奖“华艺杯”优秀奖(北京)
2006.4?参加“中国古代 漆艺发展”国际学术研讨会高峰论坛(扬州)
2005.1?漆画《围》、《六字箴言》入选“从河姆渡走来”2005中国古代 漆艺展(北京)
2004.10?漆画《六字箴言》获第5 届辽宁省青年美展银奖(沈阳
2002.11?漆画《快乐周1 》入选首届全国漆画展(厦门)
漆画《快乐周1 》入选中韩教授作品交流展(韩国)
漆画《快乐周1 》获“鲁艺杯”全国高师教师作品优秀奖(沈阳
1998?漆画《茗香余韵》、《快乐周1 》入选第二届美院教师双年展(沈阳
1997?油画《梦里非洲》、漆画《寻》入选师范系建系十5 周年美展(沈阳)
参加俄罗斯艺术科学院列宾油画、雕塑、建筑学院、亚历山大、基洛维奇、贝斯特洛夫教授掌管 的素描及油画制造 研讨 班结业
漆画《吉日》获纪念毛主席延安文艺座谈会讲话发表5 十周年美展三等奖

Introduction to the artist

Was born in Shanxi 1963, take an examination of department of canvas of Lu Xun academy of fine arts 85 years, be graduated from canvas 90 years to fasten mural major. Obtain bachelor's degree, teach to communicate a design to fasten at the vision now, be engaged in Qi Yi and mural creation, education working. Work is published on numerous an album of paintings and professional journal. Directive student attends countrywide of all kinds Qi Yi to exhibit for many times, and bear the palm. It is professor of Lu Xun academy of fine arts now, beijing art cries art of specially invite of limited company of medium of flourishing age culture is advisory.
2006. 11? Lacquer painting " cross mountain pass " have the honor to win contemporary arts and crafts of the 2nd China to exhibit a society highest learning award " Hua Yi cup " outstanding award (Beijing)
2006. 4? Attend " contemporary Qi Yi develops China " forum of height of international learning seminar (Yangzhou)
2005. 1? Lacquer painting " surround " , " 6 words admonitions " selected " cross from river Mu " 2005 China contemporary Qi Yi is exhibited (Beijing)
2004. 8? Art inspects 9 countries of European
2004. 10? Lacquer painting " 6 words admonitions " obtain the 5th Liaoning to save young beauty to exhibit silver-colored award (Shenyang)
2003. 9? Lacquer painting " tea sweet aftertaste " art of selected Beijing international double art exhibition of year of lacquer of the China that exhibit · (Beijing)
2002. 11? Lacquer painting " happy Zhou Yi " selected lacquer painting of first whole nation is exhibited (Xiamen)
Lacquer painting " metempsychosis " obtain Liaoning to save beauty of the 4th youth to exhibit win outstanding award (Shenyang)
2001. ? 7? For scale of Liaoning great theater the large mural that wear paint " Yellow River eulogy "
2000. 8? Cooperative scale is large propylene mural " amorous feelings Tibetan north " (Lhasa)
Lacquer painting " happy Zhou Yi " selected Sino-South Korean teachs work communication to exhibit (Korea)
1999? Lacquer painting " experience " selected found a state 50 years Liaoning art creates achievement to exhibit
Lacquer painting " happy Zhou Yi " obtain " Lu Yi cup " work of teacher of countrywide tall division is outstanding award (Shenyang)
1998? Lacquer painting " tea sweet aftertaste " , " happy Zhou Yi " selected teacher of the 2nd beautiful courtyard double year exhibit (Shenyang)
1997? Canvas " the Africa in the dream " , lacquer painting " search " department of selected normal school is built is 15 years of beauty are exhibited (Shenyang)
The sketch that attends Russia art academy of sciences to list guest canvas, sculpture, architectural courtyard, Alexander, Jiluoweiji, Professor Beisiteluofu to chair and canvas design research class complete a course
1996? Lacquer painting " auspicious day " obtain " Lu Yi cup " work of teacher of countrywide tall division is outstanding award (Shenyang)
1995? Series of lacquer painting custom " a round mass of food of 4 happy event " , selected teacher of first beautiful courtyard double year exhibit. (Shenyang)
1994? Lacquer painting " in September 9 " the 8th beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited, work is collected by Liaoning art gallery, lacquer painting " bout " the 8th beauty of selected whole nation exhibits Liaoning to save the United States to exhibit
1993? Lacquer painting " Olympic Games gong and drum " selected beauty of sports of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited (Beijing)
Canvas " hiemal Yang Qun " canvas of academy of fine arts of selected Lu Xun is exhibited (Hong Kong)
1992? Canvas scenery is selected " 92 China canvas is exhibited " (Hong Kong)
Lacquer painting " auspicious day " obtain Yan'an of commemorative wool chairman speech of literary informal discussion publishs 50 years of beauty to exhibit third class award
1991? Lacquer painting " in September 9 " , " letter day swims " work of teacher of academy of fine arts of selected Lu Xun is exhibited (Japan)
1990? Lacquer painting " in September 9 " , " letter day swims " obtain work of teachers and students of beautiful courtyard of craft of first whole nation to exhibit outstanding award (Beijing)



