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彼得·德·霍赫Pieter de Hooch

2022-03-11 18:46:09
彼得·德·霍赫Pieter de Hooch

艺术名家:彼得·德·霍赫Pieter de Hooch



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德·霍赫出生在鹿特丹亨德里克Hendricksz德·霍赫,瓦工,和Annetge彼得,助产士。他是长子5 个孩子和所有活得比他的兄弟姐妹。几乎没有人晓得 他的早年生活中,最档案证据表明,他在鹿特丹,代尔夫特和阿姆斯特丹工作。据他的传记作者阿诺德Houbraken,他学习艺术在哈勒姆风景画家下Nicolaes贝尔赫姆同时作为雅各Ochtervelt和被称为他“kamergezichten”或“房间的意见”,在谈话女士们,先生们。 但德·霍赫的工作似乎继续在亨德里克SORGH,1 个老画家鹿特丹谁了在室内举办的数字有特殊的亲和力的精神。1650年开始,他曾作为1 个画家和仆人名为尤斯图斯·德拉格兰奇在鹿特丹亚麻商人和艺术品收藏家。他对商家的服务要求他陪他在他的旅行到海牙莱顿代尔夫特,到他终究 感动。这可能是德·霍赫在此期间,以换取董事会和其他福利交给他的大部分作品拉格兰奇,由于 这是当时的画家共同的商业安排,和 当前 的库存记录了拉格兰奇具有 十他的画。

德·霍赫结婚在代尔夫特于1654年至Jannetje范德·伯奇,是谁他生了七个孩子。而在代尔夫特,德·霍赫也被认为是从画家得知卡雷尔法布里蒂乌斯Nicolaes梅斯,谁是初期 成员代尔夫特学校他成为了画家的1 员圣路加公会在1655年(维米尔两年后)。他的女儿安娜出生在代尔夫特于1656年11月14日 基于这样的事实,他的妻子出席了在阿姆斯特丹的洗礼在1660年,它已确定转战阿姆斯特丹到那时,虽然成功trekschuit届时意味着阿姆斯特丹1 趟可以在1 天内很容易地进行。 

德·霍赫的初期 工作次要 由在的方式马厩和小酒馆的士兵的场景和农民迪恩面包车OSTADE,虽然他利用这些发展在光线,色彩高超的技巧和观点,而不是探索的兴味 主题。

English Introduction


De Hooch was born in Rotterdam to Hendrick Hendricksz de Hooch, a bricklayer, and Annetge Pieters, a midwife. He was the eldest of five children and outlived all of his siblings. Little is known of his early life and most archival evidence suggests he worked in Rotterdam, Delft, and Amsterdam. According to his first biographer Arnold Houbraken, he studied art in Haarlem under the landscape painter Nicolaes Berchem at the same time as Jacob Ochtervelt and was known for his "kamergezichten" or "room-views" with ladies and gentlemen in conversation.  But De Hooch's work seems to continue in the spirit of Hendrik Sorgh, an older Rotterdam painter who had a special affinity for organizing figures in interiors. Beginning in 1650, he worked as a painter and servant for a linen-merchant and art collector named Justus de la Grange in Rotterdam. His service for the merchant required him to accompany him on his travels to The Hague, Leiden, and Delft, to which he eventually moved. It is likely that de Hooch handed over most of his works to la Grange during this period in exchange for board and other benefits, as this was a common commercial arrangement for painters at the time, and a later inventory recorded that la Grange possessed eleven of his paintings.

De Hooch was married in Delft in 1654 to Jannetje van der Burch, by whom he fathered seven children. While in Delft, de Hooch is also believed to have learned from the painters Carel Fabritius and Nicolaes Maes, who were early members of the Delft School. He became a member of the painters' guild of Saint Luke in 1655 (two years after Vermeer). His daughter Anna was born in Delft on 14 November 1656.[2] Based on the fact that his wife attended a baptism in Amsterdam in 1660, it has been determined that he moved to Amsterdam by then, though the success of the trekschuit by then meant that a trip to Amsterdam could be made easily in a day 

The early work of de Hooch was mostly composed of scenes of soldiers and peasants in stables and taverns in the manner of Adriaen van Ostade, though he used these to develop great skill in light, color, and perspective rather than to explore an interest in the subject matter.



