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吴大羽 - 郭庆祥:吴大羽体系艺术价值的再发

2022-03-11 17:34:40 3335




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 这幅<采韵>是吴大羽<花>系列中的1 幅,它就像是在观者眼前打开了1 扇窗。当我们出神地看着窗外时,窗外的风景会显得迷离、斑驳。事实上,画家在创作时,也像在画布上打开了1 扇窗。当画家不再拘泥于说明性的言语 ,而只专注于色彩、构图等情势 ,画面中的1 切都变得具有穿透力,中转 抽象绘画的精神内核,纯粹而华丽。吴大羽(1903-1988),江苏宜兴人,1922年留学法国,入巴黎高等美术学校学习油画,后又入布德尔工作室学习雕塑。他于1927年回国,在上海新华艺术专科学校任教,翌年转任国立西湖艺术院西画系主任,后居沪上,在上海油雕院、上海美术专科学校等处创作与教学,曾任上海画院副院长。吴大羽的艺术多取法于法国古代 绘画诸流派,早年曾作大幅具象画,色彩强烈,富于视觉冲击力。暮年 绘画多为抽象、半抽象之作,色彩浓郁绚丽,对比鲜明,笔触流动畅达,舒自若 ,形色交融间自显东方艺术之韵致。吴大羽也是古代 抽象绘画的拓荒者,可称作中国初期 抽象画的1 代宗师,多位如今 享誉海内外的古代 主义大师吴冠中赵无极朱德群赵春翔等人,都出于吴大羽门墙,受到他的启发和影响甚深。





English Introduction

 This painting is one of the series of Wu Dayu's Flowers. It is like opening a window in front of the viewer. When we look out of the window, the scenery outside the window will appear blurred and mottled. In fact, when the painter creates, he also opens a window on the canvas. When the painter no longer sticks to descriptive language, but concentrates on color, composition and other forms, everything in the picture becomes penetrating, reaching the spiritual core of abstract painting, pure and gorgeous. Wu Dayu (1903-1988), a native of Yixing, Jiangsu Province, studied in France in 1922, studied oil painting at the University of Fine Arts in Paris, and then studied sculpture at the Boodel Studio. He returned to China in 1927 and taught at Shanghai Xinhua Academy of Art. The following year he was transferred to the chairman of the Department of Western Painting of the National West Lake Academy of Art. He later lived in Shanghai. He created and taught at Shanghai Oil Sculpture Academy, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and other places. He served as vice-president of Shanghai Academy of Art. Wu Dayu's art is mostly based on various schools of modern French painting. In his early years, Wu Dayu made a large scale figurative painting with strong color and visual impact. Most of the paintings in his later years are abstract and semi-abstract, with rich and gorgeous colors, sharp contrast, fluent brush strokes, comfortable and comfortable, and the blending of various forms shows the charm of Oriental art. Wu Dayu is also a pioneer of modern abstract painting, which can be called a generation of master of early abstract painting in China. Many modern masters, such as Wu Guanzhong, Zhao Wuji, Zhu Dequn and Zhao Chunxiang, who are now renowned at home and abroad, are inspired and deeply influenced by Wu Dayumen's wall.

Exhibition: "Wu Dayu Painting Exhibition, Master of Chinese Oil Painting Development" (Taiwan) History Museum, 2001

Publishing: Wu Dayu 1903-1988, 1996, pp. 64 and 65, Wu Dayu Painting Exhibition, Master of Chinese Oil Painting Exploration, (Taiwan) History Museum, 2001, P. 5



