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盛梅冰,男,1982年毕业于南京艺术学院美术系油画专业。现任南京师范大学美术学院教授。1996年9月至1997年7月以访问学者身份赴美国纽约协和学院(Union college N.Y. U.S.A)研修东方 绘画和摄影。1996年12月寒假期间由协和学院联系并提供经费赴法国、比利时、荷兰、德国考察巴黎卢浮宫、蓬皮杜古代 艺术中心、布鲁塞尔皇家美术馆。1997年1月至6月考察美国纽约大都会博物国、古代 艺术博物馆、古根海姆古代 艺术博物馆、华盛顿国家美术馆、波士顿美术馆。1997年6月在美国纽约协和学院(Arts Atrium Gallery)艺术正厅画廊举办盛梅冰油画摄影作品展。协和学院永世 收藏其中作品《阿姆斯特丹之夜》。美国古代 明信片公司(Modern Postcard)印制《蒙玛特·巴黎》明信片。纽约洲府奥尔伯尼报纸(Sunday Gazette)和纽约《华府通讯》配图介绍该展览。
2013年6月23日在中国国家博物馆举办《文心天物----盛梅冰油画作品展》,天津人民美术出版社同时出版《文心天物----盛梅冰油画作品集》。同年7月29日至8月10日在江苏爱涛艺术中心举办个人画展。2010年上海人民美术出版社出版《岩古水远——盛梅冰作品集》。2008年由人民美术出版社出版个人油画作品集《盛梅冰》。盛梅冰的油画作品“集市”曾参加《第二届全国青年美展》,“捧暖炉的女子”参加《首届中国油画年展》,“醉酒图”参加《第三届中国油画展》。1996年9月至1997年7月以访问学者身份赴美国纽约协和学院(Union college N.Y.U.S.A)研讨 东方 绘画技法理论和摄影。1997年6月在美国纽约协和学院艺术正厅画廊(Arts Atrium Gallery)举办《盛梅冰油画摄影作品展》。1997年2月创作的摄影作品“人像”参加了美国协和学院本杰明(Martin Benjamin)教授策划的《Good Shots 》展览。该展览前后 在美国纽约科克兰艺术中心(Kirkland Arts Center in New York)、德克萨斯南光画廊(Southern Light Gallery in Texas)和缅因州的缅因摄影工作室(Maine Photographic Workshops in Maine)展出。近几年,盛梅冰的作品在苏富比(北京)拍卖无限 公司和中国嘉德拍卖无限 公司的拍卖中有着较好的成交记录。

Introduction to the artist

Sheng meibing, male, graduated from the Department of fine arts, Nanjing Academy of art in 1982, majoring in oil painting. He is now a professor of the school of fine arts of Nanjing Normal University. From September 1996 to July 1997, he went to the Union College N.Y. U.S.A. as a visiting scholar to study western painting and photography. During the winter vacation in December 1996, Concorde college contacted and provided funds to visit the Louvre in Paris, Pompidou Modern Art Center and the Royal Museum of art in Brussels in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. From January to June 1997, he visited the Metropolitan Museum of modern art, the Guggenheim Museum of modern art, the National Gallery of Washington and the Boston Museum of art. In June 1997, Sheng meibing's oil painting photography exhibition was held in the gallery of Arts atrium Gallery in New York. The night of Amsterdam is a permanent collection of works of Concorde college. The modern Postcard company of the United States printed the post card of "Montmartre Paris". The exhibition is illustrated by the Sunday Gazette in New York State and the Washington Post in New York.


On June 23, 2013, wenxintianwu shengmeibing oil painting exhibition was held in the National Museum of China. At the same time, Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House published wenxintianwu shengmeibing oil painting collection. From July 29 to August 10 of the same year, a personal painting exhibition was held in Jiangsu aitao Art Center. In 2010, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House published a collection of works by Sheng meibing. In 2008, the people's Fine Arts Publishing House published a collection of personal oil paintings Sheng meibing. Sheng meibing's oil painting works "market" once participated in the second national youth art exhibition, the first Chinese oil painting annual exhibition, and the third Chinese oil painting exhibition. From September 1996 to July 1997, he went to the Union College n.y.u.s.a. as a visiting scholar to study western painting technique theory and photography. In June 1997, the exhibition of Sheng meibing's oil painting photography was held in Arts atrium Gallery of Concorde college, New York, USA. In February 1997, his photography "portrait" participated in the exhibition "good shots" organized by Professor Martin Benjamin of the American College of Concorde. The exhibition was successively exhibited in Kirkland Arts Center in New York, South light Gallery in Texas and Maine photographic workshops in main. In recent years, Sheng meibing's works have a good transaction record in the auctions of Sotheby's (Beijing) Auction Co., Ltd. and China Jiade Auction Co., Ltd.



