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2022-03-11 17:34:42




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汉族,生于陕西省长武县。1977年毕业于西安美术学院油画系,同年获取法国著名画家宾卡斯油画技法材料研习班结业证书1965年起前后 在陕西省咸阳地区文明 局、西藏民族学院、中原油田局文联从事美术创作、辅导和史论研讨 。现为国家二级美术师、中国石油画院1 级画师、中国石油美协常务理事作品《祖国,在改革中腾飞》获河南省美展1 等奖;作品《主人》获全国首届石油文明 大赛银质奖;作品《腾飞》获全国第二届石油文明 大赛银质奖;作品《华夏石油之光》、《黄河穿越》、《瑰宝》获省、部级美展铜奖还有30多幅作品在《中国油画》、《中国美术家》、《民主与科学》等专业刊物和画册上登载参与对重点文物单位唐代彬州大佛寺石窟的考察和《考察报告》1 书的编写,参加了唐代乾陵墓室壁画的复制工作论文《生活、传统、情势 及其彼此 关系》等在省部学术研讨会上交流

Introduction to the artist

The Han nationality, be born at county of Shaanxi governor fierce. Was graduated from department of canvas of Xi'an academy of fine arts 1977, of the same age gets France material of law of ability of canvas of famous artist Bin Kasi studies a certificate of complete a course to rose to save Xian Yang in Shaanxi early or late 1965 institute of nation of area culture bureau, Tibet, Central Plains. It is a country now imperial art academy of oil of division of 2 class art, China oil of one class painter, China is beautiful assist standing director work " the motherland, fly in reform " obtain Henan to save the United States to exhibit first prize; Work " master " win silver medal of contest of culture of first oil of countrywide; Work " fly " win silver medal of contest of culture of the 2nd oil of countrywide; Work " the light of oil of an ancient name for China " , " the Yellow River passes through " , " gem " obtain beauty of class of province, ministry to exhibit cupreous award to still many 30 work is in " Chinese canvas " , " Chinese artist " , " democracy and science " wait for professional journal and an album of paintings on, the duplicate job paper that joined mural of room of mausoleum of Tang Dynasty male " the life, traditional, form and its correlation " etc saving ministry learning seminar to hand in stream



