蒋玄佁(1903—1977.2)字挺生,浙江富阳新关村(今属大源镇)人。擅长中国画。从小爱好 绘画。稍长,拜诸暨蔡彦才为师,习山水技法。1927年入国立杭州艺术专科学校雕塑系。毕业后,东渡日本,就读东京帝国大学,专攻西洋画和雕塑。1931年“九1 八事变”后,决然 归国,重入国立艺专深造,师事徐悲鸿、潘天寿,并与同学李可染、孙青羊等互助切磋,艺乃大进。1936年,受聘于嘉兴秀州中学,任美术教员。抗日和平 期间,前后 在华东联合中学、台州中学、湘湖师范任教。同时,潜心研讨 文物考古学,曾赴长沙实地考察楚文明 之孕育及发展。
著作有《几何陶纹研讨 》、《墨拓术》、《长沙——楚民族及其艺术》、《苏联雕刻》、《中国绘画材料史》、《中国陶器的发明》、《吉州窑》、《蒋玄佁水彩画》等。
Jiang Xuan (1903, 1977.2) word is quite unfamiliar, zhejiang rich this world closes a village newly (belong to big source to press down today) person. Be good at China drawing. Love to draw as a child. A bit long, do obeisance to Zhu Jicai to a man of virtual and ability ability is division, law of ability of landscape of be used to. Into national Hangzhou art schools sculpture was fastened 1927. After graduation, take the sea-voyage eastward Japan, read Tokyo empire university, specialize in western picture and sculpture. 1931 " 918 emergency " hind, resolutely homecoming, enter again national art take advanced courses only, grand of Bei of division job Xu, Pan Tianshou, catch with classmate Li Ke, the coadjutant compare notes such as Sun Qing sheep, art enter greatly therefore. 1936, suffer in hiring Yu Jiaxing beautiful city, learn, hold the post of art teacher. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, combine normal school of lake of middle school, stage state middle school, Hunan to teach in Huadong early or late. In the meantime, with great concentration studies cultural relic is archaeological, ever went to Changsha to inspect the be pregnant with of Hunan culture and development on the spot.
After founding a state, black holds the post of Shanghai to build department professor with aid university, ever went to Jiangxi auspicious how to inspect auspicious city ancient cave dwelling promote decline. Subsequently, the Huang Shan that all over all previous, wild goose swings hill, creation " Huang Shan " , " wild goose swings hill " two large an album of paintings. 1977, because contract cancer disease,die at Shanghai.
Composing has " geometrical contented grain studies " , " Mo Ta art " , " Changsha -- Hunan nation and its are artistic " , " Russia is carved " , " China draws material history " , " Chinese ceramic is invented " , " auspicious city kiln " ,