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艺术家唐1 禾简介

唐1 禾(1905—1944.03.24),湖北武昌县人。二十年代中叶,肄业北平艺术专科学校。大革命时期回到武汉,在革命军中从事政治宣扬 工作。往後毕业于武昌艺术专科学校,并留该校任教。1930年赴法国留学,入巴黎美术学院,从劳仑斯学习油画。其素描当时颇受中外人士的推崇。1936年归国後,不断 在武昌艺专从事美术教育工作,并任教务主任兼西洋画系主任。抗日和平 初期,带领先生 积极开展宣扬 活动,他绘制的抗战宣扬 画当时收到很大的社会效果。

1922年考入私立武昌美术专科学校。少年时,热爱绘画,是武昌艺专最早的八个先生 之1 。1924年就读于北京美术专科学校,攻油画。接受曾在美国学美术的、时任该校教务长的闻1 多先生影响,是反帝反封建先生 运动的积极分子。受学校教务长闻1 多的影响,为反对北洋军阀政府屠杀爱国先生 ,创作了《铁狮子胡同惨案图》。参加“武卅运动”。
1926年返回武昌参加国民革命军,在第六军政治部从事宣扬 工作。
1927年中缀 学业回武昌参加北伐军,编入第六军政治部,随征战部队做宣扬 鼓动工作。
1928年毕业于武昌艺术专科学校,并留校任教。随着抗日和平 的全面爆发,他带着先生 把1 幅幅巨大的宣扬 画贴满三镇,其中不少都是他的手笔,如《正义的和平 》、《敌军溃败之丑态》、《铲除汉奸》等。
1931年赴法国留学,入巴黎高等美术专科学校,师从劳伦斯学习油画。由于家境清贫,只好半工半读,每天除在校研究 油画外,晚间还要到二十里外参加夜画会,抓紧练习速写。其素描当时颇受中外人士的推崇。曾获学院“罗马”奖,赴罗马学习、考察。作品参加法国春季沙龙展,与当时留学法国的常书鸿秦宣夫吕斯百曾竹韶王临乙等人发起“旅法美术协会”。
1934年毕业于巴黎美术学院。回国后,不断 在武昌艺专从事美术教育工作,并任教务主任兼西洋画系主任。抗日和平 初期,带领先生 积极开展宣扬 活动,他绘制的抗战宣扬 画当时收到很大的社会效果。当时武汉已成为抗战的文明 中心,各地的文艺家荟萃于此。此间,唐1 禾画了很多宣扬 画悬持于武汉街头,如《还我河山》等。
1937年在南京举办的全国美展上,他的作品《武汉警备》引发 了很大反响。
1938年武昌艺专迁到四川江津,在极其艰苦的环境下始终不懈地坚持教学,培育了不少美术人才,其作品具有必然 的进步思想和艺术水平。
唐1 禾他曾参加北伐征讨封建军阀,他曾在1931年赴法国勤工俭学,他曾是青年艺术学子跟随 的导师,他曾是满怀激情与才华的热血画家,他只在这世上生活了39年,但他却留给人们那么多的感动与怀念。

唐1 禾作为初期 留学东方 的学子,怀揣报效祖国的宏愿,刻苦学习艺术。在唐1 禾短暂的生命和艺术历程中,不管 是思想情感还是艺术创作都表现出强烈的民族气节和“在民众的底层里负起了神圣伟大的使命”的崇高寻求 。在唐1 禾出国学习和回国投身艺术教育期间,正是中国内忧外患、民族危亡面临考验的时刻,而唐1 禾的艺术创作也始终紧密地联系着国家、民族、民众命运这1 主题。
后人缅怀这位英年早逝的优秀艺术家,以激励后学,有必要在教育界倡导学习唐1 禾的为革命和艺术教育不懈奋斗的精神。恰如中国美术馆馆长范迪安在捐献典礼 上所说,“作为美术教育家的唐1 禾,同样为20世纪中国美术教育的发展作出了出色 的贡献。带着艺术和思想的锐气,唐1 禾在教学上探索的是艺术对于民族存亡与文明 变迁所能起的作用,由此身体力行,发蒙后学,使教育内容和方法成为体现文明 理想的1 种方式。唐1 禾在艺术创作和艺术教育上的作为是1 份沉甸甸的精神遗产,在今天仍然给予我们不尽的启示和激励”。

Introduction to the artist

Tang Yihe (1905, 1944.03.24) , person of county of Hubei fierce prosperous. 20 time middle period, north of study in school makes the same score artistic schools. Great revolution period returns Wuhan, politics is engaged in publicizing the job in revolutionary army. Be graduated from training school of fierce prosperous art toward after, leave this school to teach. Went to France to study abroad 1930, enter Parisian academy of fine arts, from fatigue Lun Sixue reviews canvas. Its sketch suffers the praise highly of personage of China and foreign countries quite at that time. 1936 homecoming after, be engaged in art teaching the job only in Wu Changyi all the time, hold the post of educational administration director to hold West concurrently to draw department head. Initial stage of War of Resistance Against Japan, guide a student to begin propaganda actively, the poster of war of resistance against aggression of his scale gets very big society result at that time.

Checked training school of art of private fierce prosperous 1922. When the teenager, have deep love for brushwork, it is Wu Changyi only one of 8 the earliest students. Read 1924 at Beijing art training school, attack canvas. Accept Ceng Zaimei country to learn art, when hold the post of this school dean hear more than 1 gentlemen to affect, it is the activist that anti-imperialist anti-feudal student moves. Suffer school dean to hear the influence of more than 1, slaughter to fight government of the Northern Warlords patriotic student, created " massacre of iron lion alley pursues " . Attend " fierce thirty motion " .
Returned Wu Chang to attend national revolution 1926 army, the ministry is treated to be engaged in publicizing the job in the 6th stratocracy.
Interrupted school work to answer Wu Chang to attend the Northern Expeditionary Army 1927, enroll the 6th stratocracy manages a department, do propagandist agitate to work along with army of go on an expedition.
Was graduated from training school of fierce prosperous art 1928, stay school teach. Erupt as the War of Resistance Against Japan in the round, he is bringing a student a tremendous poster stick full 3 towns, among them many literary work that are him, be like " just war " , " the ugly performance of enemy be defeated " , " eradicate traitor " etc.
Went to France to study abroad 1931, enter Paris advanced art training school, division learns canvas from Lawrence. As a result of family circumstances poor, be forced part-time, divide everyday in school outside studying canvas, evening attends nocturnal picture to meet to 20 inside and outside even, clutch exercise literary sketch. Its sketch suffers the praise highly of personage of China and foreign countries quite at that time. Ever obtained an institute " Rome " award, go to Roman study, make an on-the-spot investigation. Work attends French spring salon to exhibit, with study abroad at that time French Chang Shuhong, Qin Xuanfu, Lv Si 100, the person such as Ceng Zhushao, Wang Linyi is initiated " society of travel mode art " .
Was graduated from Parisian academy of fine arts 1934. After going back to the motherland, be engaged in art teaching the job only in Wu Changyi all the time, hold the post of educational administration director to hold West concurrently to draw department head. Initial stage of War of Resistance Against Japan, guide a student to begin propaganda actively, the poster of war of resistance against aggression of his scale gets very big society result at that time. Wuhan already became the culture center of war of resistance against aggression at that time, the literary home assemble of each district hereat. Here, tang Yihe drew a lot of poster to hang hold Yu Wuhan street corner, be like " return my land " etc.
The countrywide beauty that held in Nanjing 1937 is exhibited on, his work " Wuhan guard " caused very big echo.
1938 Wu Changyi only change arrives Sichuan Jiang Jin, hold to education indefatigably from beginning to end below extremely difficult environment, bred many art talents, its work has stated ascensive idea and artistic level.
Came 1940 1944, in the environment of queasy adventitious, created canvas " poor " , " countrywoman " , " hutch is versed in " , " cropland head sends tea " , " female partisan " , " the bugle of 77 " , " victory and peace " reach sketch " docker " , " grandparent and grandchild " wait for work. Behaved the passion to the motherland and the compassion to working people. Went to Chongqing to attend 1944 " art of China whole nation is met " the conference is elected art of China whole nation can standing director, because of river steamer capsize is murdered in road, year only 39 years old.
He ever attended Tang Yihe northern expedition go on a punitive expedition is feudal warlord, he ever attended French work-study program 1931, he ever was the adviser of follow of young art student, he ever was the hot-blooded painter that is full of passion and talent, he lived 39 years on this world only, but he leaves people so much sensation and yearning however.

Tang Yihe serves as inchoate study abroad western student, the bosom is put render service to repay kindness the great aspirations of the motherland, assiduous study is artistic. In Tang Yihe's brief life and artistic course, no matter be thought affection or artistic creation,show violent people integrity and " negative in the people's ground floor removed divine and great mission " great pursuit. Go abroad to learn and go back to the motherland in Tang Yihe during devoting into artistic education, be the hour that at stake of Chinese domestic trouble and foreign invasion, nation faces test, and artistic creation of Tang Yihe also is contacting destiny of country, nation, people cheek by jowl from beginning to end this one theme.
The outstanding artist that later generations recall dies young this, with learning after drive, be necessary to teaching a bound to advocate those who learn Tang Yihe to be revolution and artistic education indefatigable struggling spirit. Just be like curator of Chinese art gallery Fandian is said in alms ceremonially, "Regard art as the Tang Yihe of educationist, the evolution that teachs for art of 20 centuries China likewise made outstanding contribution. Taking the drive of art and thought, what Tang Yihe explores on education is the action that art lives or die to be able to rise with culture changes to the nation, from this earnestly practise what one advocates, hind of v/arc teach a child to read and write learns, make teach content and method to make a kind of way that reflects culture ideal. Tang Yihe regards the spirit that is a heavy as bequest in artistic creation and artistic educationally, still give us never-failing enlightenment and drive today " .



