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杨子 - 吹尽狂沙始到金——杨子健其人其画

2022-03-11 17:34:43 3414




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杨子,1989年生于辽宁省开原市。中国美术家协会会员,铁岭美术家协会理事,铁岭市工笔画研讨 院特聘画家,开原市美术家协会副秘书长,开原市政协委员。
2016年油画《冬捕汉子》入选2016吴冠中艺术馆全国油画作品展并获入会资历 。

Introduction to the artist

Yang Zi
Was born at Liaoning to visit former town 1989. Chinese artist academician, director of association of iron mountain artist, iron mountain city is versed in strokes academy hires an artist especially, open deputy secretary-general of association of former city artist, open committee member of former city the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
2018 traditional Chinese painting " the summer that has been played by wind " selected China is beautiful assist sponsor " taste real thing " countrywide youth traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail draws work to exhibit.
2018 traditional Chinese painting " silent afternoon " selected China is beautiful assist those who sponsor " times China colour -- work of first China paintress is exhibited " .
2016 traditional Chinese painting " hasty that year " association of artist of province of selected souvenir Liaoning establishs fine art work 60 years to exhibit.
2016 canvas " the winter arrests man " selected work of canvas of house whole nation exhibits 2016 Wu Guanzhong craft and obtain initiate qualification.
2015 canvas " heel of look forward to can wait for " selected art of canvas of house whole nation exhibits 2015 Wu Guanzhong craft. 
2015 traditional Chinese painting " Chinese parasol is spent " selected China is beautiful assist those who sponsor " the Silk Road. Flowery Gansu Province " the 9th China western work of canvas of the traditional Chinese painting in earth affection is exhibited.
2015 traditional Chinese painting " countryside snow " selected China is beautiful assist sponsor " Chinese dream. Yellow hill fetch " countrywide landscape painting (China is drawn) work is exhibited and win outstanding award. 
2015 traditional Chinese painting " 79 rivers leave " selected China is beautiful assist sponsor " of the father-in-law honour " work of canvas of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited. 2015 traditional Chinese painting " auspicious snow good year " selected China is beautiful assist sponsor " person of 8 big hill " work of countrywide landscape painting is exhibited.
2015 traditional Chinese painting " postmeridian peaceful " selected China is beautiful assist sponsorred commemorative Yangzhou builds a wall 2500 years " painting Yangzhou " work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited. 
2014 watercolour " parting sky " be seleted dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation. 
2013 traditional Chinese painting " postmeridian peaceful " fine art work exhibits selected Liaoning youth win outstanding award. 
2013 traditional Chinese painting " fry hill a few other peoples " beauty of the 6th minority exhibits selected Liaoning win outstanding award. 
2013 traditional Chinese painting " domestic Shan Qiuyun " selected work of art of literary base of couplet of article of province of the 2nd Liaoning is exhibited. 
2013 traditional Chinese painting " Qiu Yun " selected " beautiful Liaoning " greet full use to save fine art work to exhibit completely.



