毛震耀,1 九二六年生,浙江奉化人氏。苏州美术专科学校西画系毕业。
1 九四七到1 九四八年在上海艺文书局《艺文画报》任编辑,1 九六1 至1 九六5 年在上海少年儿童出版社从事儿童读物绘画创作,后任职于上海人民美术出版社,是著名连环画和油画家。
连环画代表作有:《骆驼祥子》、《脚步》、《1 级英雄杨连弟》、《绿色钱包》、《姊妹船》。
Mao Zhenyao, unripe 1926, zhejiang gives the family name that turn a person. Suzhou art training school draws department graduation on the west.
1947 be in to 1948 bureau of Shanghai art writ " art article pictorial " hold the post of an editor, 1961 come to was engaged in children books brushwork creating in press of Shanghai teenager children 1965, successor duty at publishing house of Shanghai people art, it is famous comic and oily painter.
Comic masterpiece has: " camel auspicious child " , " footstep " , " Yang Liandi of one class hero " , " green purse " , " sister ship " .