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马光剑(1955.7—)河南安阳人。1983年—1987年前后 就读于重庆美术专科学校、四川美术学院,1995年毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系。1985年入中国美术家协会。曾为重庆美术家协会常务理事、油画研讨 会(现为艺委会)副会长。现供职于成都市公安局政治部文明 创作室。
作品多次在全国、全军美展获奖,多件为中国美术馆、地方博物馆、艺术院校及海内外收藏家收藏。次要 作品:《夜校》(版画)获第二届全国青年美展三等奖,全国版画之乡三地联展1 等奖,中国美术馆收藏;《信心 》、(油画)庆祝建军60周年全国美展优秀奖,中国美术馆收藏;《胜利者》第六届全国美展;《风雪高原》建军50周年全国美展,我军访法代表团礼品;《使命》(油画)公安部和中国美术家协会联合主办的“卫士之光”展览1 等奖;《野巢》《老家-组画》(油画)中国风情油画展;《钢盔下的同龄人》《青鸟》(版画)重庆中青年版画联展。《山魂》(雕塑墙23X5米)成都-花水湾;《历程》(雕塑墙28X6米)北京-丰台;《警魂碑》(雕塑广场主碑高13米浮雕墙48X4米)成都-牧马山

Introduction to the artist

Ma Guangjian (1955.7, ) Henan An Yang's person. 1983, read early or late 1987 at academy of fine arts of Chongqing art training school, Sichuan, was graduated from faculty of art of institute of liberation army art 1995. Joined Chinese artist consortium 1985. Association of artist of Ceng Wei Chongqing is standing seminar of director, canvas (it is now art appoint meeting) vice-chairman. Show hold post to be created at culture of ministry of politics of public security bureau of the Chengdu City room.
Work exhibits bear the palm in beauty of the whole nation, horse and foot for many times, many are museum of Chinese art gallery, place, artistic school and global collector to collect. Main work: " evening school " (woodcut) obtain beauty of youth of the 2nd whole nation to exhibit third class award, 3 ground couplet exhibits the countryside of countrywide woodcut first prize, chinese art gallery is collected; " belief " , (canvas) celebrate found an army 60 years countrywide beauty exhibits outstanding award, chinese art gallery is collected; " conqueror " beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited; " wind snow is downy " found an army 50 years countrywide beauty is exhibited, my army seeks law mission gift; " mission " (canvas) the Ministry of Public Security and combination of Chinese artist association sponsor " the light of bodyguard " exhibit first prize; " wild mew " " native place - group picture " (canvas) canvas of Chinese amorous feelings is exhibited; " below helmet with age person " " Qing Diao " (woodcut) couplet of woodcut of the youth in Chongqing is exhibited. " hill fetch " (rice of sculpture wall 23X5) Chengdu - beautiful inlet; " course " (rice of sculpture wall 28X6) Beijing - abundant stage; " alarm fetch tablet " (sculpture square advocate tablet is 13 meters tall rice of anaglyph wall 48X4) Chengdu - Mu Mashan.



