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曹知博,1956年6月12日生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,1982年毕业于哈尔滨师范大学艺术学院美术系,1985年在地方 美院进修。现任哈尔滨师范大学艺术学院美术系主任,教授。《山的呼唤》参加第八届全国美展;《十月·北方山里的故事》入选第九届全国美展。《向远方》参加全国第二届教师画展获优秀奖。《乡情》在全省首先教师画展中获1 等奖。《永驻心中的黑土地》在省北国杯画展中获金奖。《乡村日记》在“徐悲鸿油画精品”大赛中获银奖。《大地丰收以后 》在省第四届青年美展中获银奖。《北方》在省第二届水彩画展中获1 等奖。《东方奇观》在省第三届水彩画展中获1 等奖。《祖国我回来了》在庆香港回归主题画展中获银奖。《秋分时节》在东三省古代 水彩画精品展中获铜奖。由香港十三艺术画廊出版了《曹知博速写画集》。此外还出版《曹知博速写集》、《曹知博油画水彩画集》。

Introduction to the artist

Cao Zhibo, was born at Heilongjiang to visit Harbin town on June 12, 1956, was graduated from faculty of art of institute of art of Harbin Normal University 1982, centrally is beautiful 1985 courtyard attend in a advanced studies. Currently holding the post ofart of institute of art of Harbin Normal University is a director, professor. " of hill call " attend beauty of the 8th whole nation to exhibit; " the story in October · northward hill " selected beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited. " to distance " attend art exhibition of the 2nd teacher of countrywide to win outstanding award. " country situation " saving completely first prize is won in pedagogic art exhibition above all. " the black land in always be stationed in a heart " the gold prize is won in saving northland cup art exhibition. " rustic diary " in " high-quality goods of Xu Beihong canvas " silver-colored award is won in the contest. " after earth bumper harvest " silver-colored award is won in saving beauty of the 4th youth to exhibit. " northward " first prize is won in saving art exhibition of the 2nd watercolour. " Oriental marvellous spectacle " first prize is won in saving art exhibition of the 3rd watercolour. " the motherland I came back " silver-colored award is won in celebrating Hong Kong to return to thematic art exhibition. " season of the autumnal equinox " in east 3 cupreous award is won in saving contemporary aquarelle high-quality goods to exhibit. By Hong Kong 13 artistic gallery were published " Cao Zhibo literary sketch draws volume " . In addition still publish? " Cao tells gather of rich literary sketch " , " aquarelle collect of Caozhi rich canvas " .



