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2022-03-11 17:34:55




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李世刚,1972年生于山东青岛,现居北京,中国美术家协会会员,中国壁画学会会员,中国建筑学会会员,师从地方 美术学院著名美术教育家、中国著名美术大家、新中国第1 代美术家、美术教育家候1 民先生和李化吉先生。
作为一位 画坛新星,献身于美术教育事业和传播中国文明 的爱国者,在共青团地方 主管的《中华儿女》杂志16期“纪念邓小平同志诞辰110周年专题”采访中提出“美育比美术高考更重要”。
前后 创办北京原创金榜美术培训中心、北京央美翰林原创文明 传播无限 公司

2014作品《韵·印象1 杨门女将》入选第十二届全国美展,在地方 美术学院美术馆展出
2012作品《韵·印象1 杨门女将》入选大同国际壁画双年展
2009参加候1 民先生主导的集体创作《抗震壮歌》入选

Introduction to the artist

Was born at Shandong Qingdao 1972, reside Beijing now, chinese artist academician, chinese mural academician, china builds academician
Division ends from which the academy of fine arts is famous educationist of generation artist of everybody, new China, art Mr Hou Yimin mixes famous painting of art educationist, China Mr Li Huaji
Draw altar nova as, mortgage art teachs career and the patriot that transmit Chinese culture, be in what be in charge of in the center of the Youth League " China children " magazine 16 period " mark birthday of Comrade Deng Xiaoping 110 years special subject " in interviewing, put forward " aesthetic education is more important than art the university entrance exam "
Establish early or late Beijing achieves art of golden a list of names posted up to groom formerly beautiful member of the Imperial Academy of center of center, Beijing achieves culture to transmit limited company formerly
Be good at canvas, traditional Chinese painting, mural, sculpture, woodcut, design, building waiting, many work of art is collected by domestic and international friend, work often enters global artistic exhibition and obtain reputably

2014 work " charm · impression one Yang Men daughter will " selected dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation, art gallery of centrally academy of fine arts exhibits
2014 work " chart of a loyal heart " selected mural of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited greatly, have the honor to win " exhibit award greatly "
2012 work " charm · impression one Yang Men daughter will " mural of international of selected Great Harmony double year exhibit
2012 work " wisdom " group of international of Lai be addinged up to by Swedish elegant Sa is collected
2009 work " Yang Men daughter will " attend the 2nd mural of countrywide be exhibited greatly
The 2009 collective that attend dominant of Mr Hou Yimin are created " aseismatic Zhuang Ge " selected



