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王全民,男,1943年12月生于山东省招远市东关村。自幼酷爱绘画,长时间 坚持自学。1989年录入北京画院进修2年,拜王明明先生为师,主攻国画人物,兼善山水花鸟、油画、连环画和书法。现任招远市美术家协会主席、烟台市政协委员、烟台画院理事、烟台美协理事、中国美协会员。次要 作品:《县办氨水厂》、《风展红旗如画》。
《县办氨水厂》、《风展红旗如画》参加由文明 部主办的1974年、1975年和1977年全国美展。《伟绩垂千秋》参加1979年山东省美展并获1 等奖;“山村九日”参加1992年长春电影节期间举办的国际书画摄影艺术大赛并获1 等奖。
并获各种档次的奖若干次,简历和作品发表在世界名人录、中华人物辞海、中日书画通鉴、世界美术作品全集 、中华人民共和国英模大典、92中国美术家、中国专家人名辞典、科学中国人,中国专家人才库等多部著作。
1975年出席由文明 部举办的《全国美术作品展览评选座谈会》,10月5日在光明日报发表评画文章1 篇,有关报纸和电台作过本人专题报道。

Introduction to the artist

Wang Quanmin, male, was born at Shandong province to enrol remote town in December 1943 east close a village. From a child loves brushwork, hold to self-study for a long time. Typed attend in a advanced studies of Beijing imperial art academy 2 years 1989, do obeisance to Mr Wang Mingming to be division, character of main attack traditional Chinese painting, hold painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of landscape of be apt to, canvas, comic and calligraphy concurrently. Currently hold the post ofchairman of association of artist of action remote town, Yantai municipal assist beautiful association of thing of beautiful assistant manager of director of imperial art academy of committee member, Yantai, Yantai, China member. Main work: " the county runs ammonia water plant " , " wind unfurls a red banner picturesque " .
" the county runs ammonia water plant " , " wind unfurls a red banner picturesque " attend to be sponsorred by culture ministry 1974, mixed 1975 countrywide beauty was exhibited 1977. " great exploits hangs down a thousand years " attend to Shandong saved the United States to exhibit 1979 and win first prize; "Village 9 days " attend the contest of art of photography of international painting and calligraphy that held during Changchun film festival 1992 to win first prize.
The award that wins all sorts of class a certain number of second, resume and work publish sea of demit of character of alive bound blue book, China, Sino-Japanese painting and calligraphy to connect anthology of work of art of ancient bronze mirror, world, People's Republic of China name of person of expert of artist of flower model grand ceremony, 92 China, China is dictionary, scientific Chinese, the much department work such as library of Chinese expert talent.
Attended what hold by culture ministry 1975 " exhibition of countrywide art work chooses an informal discussion " , the article that judge a picture will be published in bright daily on October 5, concerned newspaper and broadcasting station had made report of him special subject.
First China artistic fair played in Guangzhou 1993, held exhibit.



