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孙宗慰 - 孙宗慰《自画像》224.5万成交

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孙宗慰(1912.7—1979.5),江苏常熟人,寄居北京。1938年毕业于地方 大学艺术系,留校任教。擅长油画,师徐悲鸿吴作人吕斯百;亦作中国画,取法唐宋。学习期间,曾遍游名山写生,并对石窟艺术有浓厚兴味 。抗日和平 初期,赴前线写生,宣扬 抗战。1940—1942年随张大千于敦煌等地研讨 古代壁画.间赴青海描写蒙族、藏族人民生活。1942年秋返地方 大学继续执教,并被聘为中国美术院副研讨 员
1946年起,任教于北平艺术专科学校。建国后为地方 美术学院副教授;并执教于地方 戏剧学院。油画多风格 景、静物及人像,尝作《北京十—二景组画》、《船坞》等,画风写实,朴厚。中国画亦秀雅有致,曾作《蒙藏组画》。传世作品有油画《塞上行》,图录于《1947年中国美术年鉴》。1984年人民美术出版社出版《孙宗慰画选》。作品还有《青年先生 访问工厂》、《蒙藏人民生活》等。
1934年考入地方 大学艺术系。1938年毕业于地方 大学,并留学任教,积极加入“地方 大学艺术系战地写生团”赴前线宣扬 抗日,在出发前徐悲鸿曾以本身 小像赠别。1941年,由当时地方 大学艺术系主任吕斯百推荐,成为张大千赴敦煌考察研讨 之助手。1942年返地方 大学艺术系继续任教,当时徐悲鸿看到孙宗慰在大东南 画的大量速写和油画作品後大为惊叹,即决意聘其为中国美术学院副研讨 员,同时为副研讨 员的还有吴作人李瑞年等人;创作《持烟斗的自画像》,此为孙宗慰这1 阶段的代表作,惜毁於文革後期。1943年,孙宗慰随徐悲鸿赴成都,并积极筹备参加在重庆举办的“中国美术学院画展”;油画作品《蒙藏妇女舞蹈》、《塔尔寺庙会》,国画作品《藏族歌舞》、《梵王赴会图》参加第二届全国美展,部分作品被选送出国巡回展览。1944年参加在重庆举办的“劳军美展”、“东南 写生画展”引发 画界轰动。1945年在重庆举办个展,徐悲鸿、傅抱石等人以专文肯定孙宗慰之艺术成就,徐悲鸿以“尊德性、道问学、致广大、尽精微、极高明、道中庸”其平生服膺之语勉励孙宗慰。1946年徐悲鸿任北平艺专校长,聘孙宗慰为副教授。1947年入选由中华全国美术会编辑出版的《中国美术年鉴》。1948年兼任北平师大美工系副教授,作品《流浪儿》参加由中国美术学院、北平美术作家协会、国立北平艺专联合举办的美术展览,获好评,并发表於《新艺苑》。1950年地方 美术学院成立,孙宗慰任该院副教授,靳尚谊等人为其先生 。1953年作品《石景山厂工人》、《钢铁厂工人》参加中华人民共和国“第1 届全国美展”。1955年转任地方 戏剧学院教授。1957年患病,从此健康情形不断 不佳。1967-1976年,文革期间受到压榨 ,被冠以“反动艺术权威”之称号,大多作品、手稿等均被抄走或焚毁,又被下放劳改,身体更为孱弱。1979年病故。1983年在地方 美术学院陈列馆举办“孙宗慰遗作展”,其中展出油画、国画、素描、速写等作品,并举行“孙宗慰绘画艺术研讨会”。1984年《孙宗慰画选》由人民美术出版社出版。部分作品收录在1989年北京人民美术出版社出版的《中国西画5 十年1898-1949》及1993年中国美术馆主编的《中国美术年鉴1949-1989》中。1998年作品参加“’98台北国际艺术博览会”。2000年9月《孙宗慰画集》出版,10月在北京国际艺苑沙龙举行“孙宗慰绘画艺术研讨会”。

Introduction to the artist

Sun Zongwei (1912.7, 1979.5) , jiangsu Changshu person, beijing of live away from home. Was graduated from central university art 1938 is, stay school teach. Be good at canvas, grand of division Xu Bei, Wu Zunren, Lv Si 100; Also make China draw, the Song Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty of take as one's model. During study, ever alled over You Mingshan paint from life, have strong interest to grotto art. Initial stage of War of Resistance Against Japan, go to front paint from life, propagandist war of resistance against aggression. 1940, along with magnify 1000 Yu Duihuang and other places studied 1942 archaic mural. Qinghai depict is gone to to cheat between a group of things with common features, Tibetian people lives. 1942 autumn return central university to continue to teach, be hired to be deputy researcher of Chinese art courtyard
Rose 1946, teach to make the same score artistic schools at north. Associate professor of central academy of fine arts is after founding a state; Teach at central Thespian institute. Canvas makes scenery, still life and figure more, taste " Beijing 10, 2 scene group is drawn " , " dock " etc, picture wind realistically, piao Hou. China draws Yi Xiuya to have send, ever made " the group that cheat Tibet is drawn " . Work of be handed down from ancient times has oil painting " a place of strategic importance goes up " , the graph is recorded at " 1947 Chinese art almanac " . People art publishing house was published 1984 " the picture chooses Sun Zongwei " . Work still has " young student visits a plant " , " the people that cheat Tibet lives " etc.
Studying central university art 1934 is. Was graduated from central university 1938, study abroad teach, join actively " paint from life of battleground of faculty of central university art is round " go to front conduct propaganda to fight day, before set out Xu Beihong ever gave with him figurine not. 1941, by university art is director Lv Si in the center of at that time 100 recommend, become magnify the 1000 assistant that go to Dunhuang to inspect research. Returned faculty of central university art to continue to teach 1942, a large number of literary sketch that Xu Beihong sees Sun Zongwei is drawn in big northwest at that time and canvas work after greatly exclaim, namely be determined hires his to be deputy researcher of Chinese academy of fine arts, be deputy researcher at the same time still have Wu Zunren, Li Rui year wait for a person; Create " the self-portrait that holds pipe " , this is Sun Zongwei the masterpiece of this one phase, cherish destroys after of Wu Wen change period. 1943, sun Zongwei goes to Chengdu along with Xu Beihong, prepare those who attend to be held in Chongqing actively " art exhibition of Chinese academy of fine arts " ; Canvas work " dancing of the woman that cheat Tibet " , " tower Er cloister is met " , work of traditional Chinese painting " Tibetian singing and dancing " , " Buddhist Wang Fu can pursue " attend beauty of the 2nd whole nation to exhibit, partial work is chosen to send itinerate going abroad the exhibition. Attended to be held in Chongqing 1944 " Lao Junmei is exhibited " , " northwest drawing from nature is exhibited " cause the sensation that draw a circle. Held in Chongqing 1945 exhibit, the person such as Xu Beihong, Fu Baoshi with only language is certain artistic achievement of Sun Zongwei, xu Beihong with " honour heart sex, path asks learn, send broad, use up essence of life extremely small, brillant, path is middle " the language encourage Sun Zongwei that its all one's life bears in mind. Xu Beihong held the post of north to make the same score 1946 art only the president, hire Sun Zongwei to be an associate professor. Selected 1947 meet an editor publish by art of China whole nation " Chinese art almanac " . Holding north part-time to make the same score Shi Damei to be versed in 1948 is an associate professor, work " waifs and strays " attend to make the same score art writer association, national north by Chinese academy of fine arts, north art the art exhibition that holds jointly only, obtain reputably, intercurrent watch at " new the realm of art and literature " . The academy of fine arts holds water in the center of 1950, sun Zongwei holds the post of this courtyard associate professor, the person such as Jin Shangyi is its student. 1953 work " worker of Shi Jingshan factory " , " steely factory worker " attend People's Republic of China " beauty of the first whole nation is exhibited " . Turned 1955 a professor of central Thespian college. 1957 sicken, from now on healthy case all the time not beautiful. 1967-1976 year, be oppressed during Culture Revolution, by the coronal with " reactionary art is authoritative " title, mostly work, manuscript all be copied or burn down, by reform of criminals through labour of transfer to a lower level, the body more delicate in health. Died of illness 1979. Centrally academy of fine arts displayed a house to hold 1983 " Sun Zongwei posthumous work is exhibited " , exhibit among them the work such as canvas, traditional Chinese painting, sketch, literary sketch, hold " seminar of art of Sun Zongwei brushwork " . 1984 " the picture chooses Sun Zongwei " publish by people art publishing house. Partial work collects what 1989 publishing house of Beijing people art publishs " China draws 50 years of 1898-1949 on the west " reach 1993 of chief editor of Chinese art gallery " 1949-1989 of Chinese art almanac " in. Work attended 1998 " ' exposition of art of 98 Taipei international " . In September 2000 " Sun Zongwei draws volume " publish, will hold in salon of Beijing international art and literary circles in October " Sun Zongwei is painterly and artistic seminar " .



