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1969年毕业于地方 工艺美术学院。曾任济南空军政治部创作室创作员,山东省美术馆创作部主任,1 级美术师。山东省城市雕塑艺委会委员。山东省版画家协会副主席兼秘书长。油画、版画、雕塑作品十三次入选全国美展。数十件作品赴世界多国展览。作品有《红柿子》(油画),《兵圣图》(铜浮雕)、《红柿子》(版画)等,《孔子圣迹图》(铜浮雕)落成于昆明世博会齐鲁园。
油画家、版画家、雕塑家。山东画院城市雕塑、壁画艺术工作室主任、高级画师、山东省城市雕塑专家委员会委员、中国美术家协会会员、中国版画家协会会员、山东省美术家协会理事、山东省版画家协会副会长。作品13次入选全国美展,出版于《中国人民解放军美术作品全集 》、《中国古代 美术作品全集·版画集、壁画卷》、《中国优秀版画家作品选》等。曾获优秀作品奖,鲁迅版画奖和中国’99昆明世博会艺术品银奖。

Introduction to the artist

Jiang Chen Qian (1943.12, 2010.12) Jilin De Huiren. Be good at canvas, woodcut, sculpture.
Was graduated from institute of central arts and crafts 1969. Ever held the post of the member that ministry of politics of Jinan air force creates room creative work, shandong saves art gallery to create department head, division of one class art. Sculpture of city of Shandong provincial capital art appoint conference committee member. Shandong saves vice-chairman of woodcut home association to hold secretary-general concurrently. 13 times beauty of selected whole nation exhibits work of canvas, woodcut, sculpture. Tens of work goes to world multilateral exhibition. Work has " red persimmon " (canvas) , " Bing Shengtu " (cupreous anaglyph) , " red persimmon " (woodcut) wait, " Confucius emperor mark pursues " (cupreous anaglyph) rich of Yu Kunming world meets completion neat Lu Yuan.
Oily painter, edition painter, sculptor. Academician, Shandong visits home of woodcut of academician of artist of committee member of committee of experts of sculpture of city of provincial capital of head of studio of art of sculpture of city of Shandong imperial art academy, mural, advanced painter, Shandong, China, China artist association director, Shandong visits woodcut home association vice-chairman. 13 times beauty of selected whole nation exhibits work, publish at " anthology of work of art of the Chinese People's Liberation Army " , " picture scroll of collect of woodcut of · of complete works of work of Chinese modern art, wall " , " work of home of Chinese fine print is chosen " etc. Ever won outstanding work award, award of Lu Xun woodcut and China ' rich of 99 Kunming world is met artwork silver-colored award.



