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2022-03-11 17:34:11




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庞涛(1934.8—)庞薰琹之女。江苏常熟人。擅长油画、水彩画。1955年地方 美术学院研讨 生毕业后,留校任教。地方 美术学院教授。中国油画学会理事。作品有《冬》、《桂林行》、《青铜的启示》等。作品多次入选全国及国外美展,数次获奖。出版有《林岗·庞涛油画选》等。著有《绘画材料研讨 》。
6月4日,中国美术馆在北京举行典礼 ,向地方 美院教授,中国画坛著名画家伉俪——林岗庞涛夫妇颁发捐赠证书,感谢他们将其创作的40余幅不同时期的珍贵画作捐赠国家。这些画作将由中国美术馆永世 收藏。林岗庞涛是新中国高等美术教育培养的第1 代画家,他们创作的《群英会上的赵桂兰》、《峥嵘岁月》、《万里征程诗不尽》、《青铜的启示》等绘画作品颇负盛名 。

Introduction to the artist

Pang Tao (1934.8, ) of Pang Xun female. Jiangsu Changshu person. Be good at canvas, aquarelle. After graduate student of academy of fine arts graduates in the center of 1955, stay school teach. Central academy of fine arts is taught. Chinese canvas learns director. Work has " winter " , " Guilin goes " , " the enlightenment of bronze " etc. Work for many times selected whole nation and foreign beauty are exhibited, count second bear the palm. Publish have " forest canvas of hillock · Pang Tao is chosen " etc. have " painterly material studies " .
On June 4, chinese art gallery is in Beijing powwow, to professor of central beautiful courtyard, chinese picture altar is famous painter married couple -- Lin Gang Pang Tao's couple is issued present letter, the valuable drawing that thanks more than 40 when they create their different period is made present a state. These pictures are made will by Chinese art gallery permanent collect. Lin Gang and Pang Tao are the generation painter that education of new China advanced art fosters, they create " the Zhao Guilan on gathering of heroes " , " extraordinary years " , " poem of 10 thousand lis of journey is endless " , " the enlightenment of bronze " wait for paint to enjoy great reputation.



