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许宁,中国美术家协会会员(1992年获批加入、编号5522),中山市美术家协会副主席,中山市油画学会会长,中山画院常务副院长。1956年12月生于南昌,1977年考入江西师大(南昌分院)美术系。毕业后曾任江西省《家庭医生报》中级美编,1992年南调广东中山市《中山日报》社,2001年策划掌管 创办中山书画院并由上级主管单位任聘为常务副院长,2007年组建中山市油画学会并当选为油画学会会长,现为中山日报社主任编辑,广东旧事 书画院理事,人民日报神州画院画家。擅长油画、中国画。数十年来美术创作不断,有多件作品前后 入选第七届、第八届全国美术作品展览、第二届全国卫生美展、中国青年版画大展、第二届中国体育美展、1991年全国宣扬 画展、1997年中国艺术大展、第二届全国少数民族美术作品展。油画、国画均多次获得国家级及省级奖项。作品曾发表于《美术》、《中国连环画》、《连环画》、《人民日报》《工人日报》等国家级报刊。多件作品分别被中国美协艺委会、中国北京民族文明 宫、上海美协、中国文明 部、中国艺术大展组委会、解放日报社等机构收藏。


次要 作品有:油画《浴》1983年入选“第二届全国卫生美展”并获江西省该年度美展1 等奖?;插图?油画《高原色》《祈》1989年入选“第七届全国美展”并获江西省该年度美展1 等奖??;?综合材料《古老的东方有1 条龙》1990年入选“第二届中国体育美展”并获江西省该年度美展1 等奖??;版画系列《岁月》1990年获“全国青年版画大展”三等奖并获江西省该年度美展1 等奖?;宣扬 画《水——生命之源》1991年入选“全国宣扬 画展览”并获江西省该年度美展1 等奖??;油画连环画《孙中山与辛亥革命》1994年入选“第八届全国美展”?和广东省庆祝建国45周年美展并获中山市精神产品1 等奖;版画《母亲》1997年入选“中国艺术大展”?;油画《难民》2003年入选“广东省第二届油画艺术展”。?油画《节曰》2004年入选“第二届全国少数民族美术作品展览”?并获铜奖,?油画《农家乐》2008年入选“广东省第三届油画艺术展”。

Introduction to the artist

Xu Ning, chinese artist academician (obtained 1992 batch join, number 5522) , vice-chairman of association of Zhongshan city artist, zhongshan city canvas learns chairman, zhongshan imperial art academy is standing assistant dean. Gave birth to Yu Nachang in December 1956, took an examination of Jiangxi division 1977 big (Nanchang branch department) art is. The Ceng Renjiang after graduation is saved on the west " family doctor signs up for " intermediate beauty is made up, city of Zhongshan of Guangdong of the attune austral 1992 " Zhongshan daily " company, the plan was chaired 2001 establish courtyard of Zhongshan painting and calligraphy is in charge of unit Ren Pin to be standing assistant dean by superior, established Zhongshan city to canvas learns and be elected to learn chairman for canvas 2007, edit for chairman of Zhongshan daily company now, director of courtyard of Guangdong news painting and calligraphy, painter of imperial art academy of People's Daily China. Be good at canvas, China drawing. Tens of year come art creative work is ceaseless, have many work early or late selected the 7th, wholesome beauty of the 2nd exhibition of work of the 8th whole nation art, whole nation is exhibited, Chinese youth woodcut is exhibited greatly, beauty of sports of the 2nd China is exhibited, countrywide poster was exhibited 1991, 1997. Canvas, traditional Chinese painting all wins national level and provincial award for many times. Work ever was published at " art " , " Chinese comic " , " comic " , " People's Daily " " the Workers'Daily " wait for national level the press. Many work parts by Chinese beauty assist art appoint the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities of Beijing of meeting, China, Shanghai is beautiful assist, art of Chinese culture ministry, China exhibits the orgnaization such as company of organizing committee, emancipatory daily to collect greatly.



