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李天祥 - 李天祥 赵友萍专访

2022-03-11 17:35:54




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 李天祥是全国第四次美术家代表大会代表,全国美协理事,美协上海分会副会长,中华全国美学学会技术美学学会副会长,上海美术教育研讨 会会长。


李天祥在艺术上寻求 真、善、美的统1 ,完善 的艺术情势 与深刻内容的统1 ,教育功能与审美功能的统1 ,高度感情与高度理性的统1 ,并主张用中国绘画的传统理 论指点 油画。特别注重 色彩表现、色彩抒情写意。


 次要 代表作品有巨幅油画组《路漫漫》、《山花烂漫时》、《苏醒》、《大森林》、《穆桂英》、《白桦林》、《秋心似火》、《曹雪芹旧居》、《月色》、《森林》、《江岸惨案》、《九寨飞瀑》、《剪窗 花》、《长城晓雾》等。专著:《写生色彩学》(1980年,天津人民美术出版社)、《色彩学》(1985年,天津人民美术出版社)、《李天祥赵友萍油画人像写生》(1994年,福建人民美术出版社)、《李天祥赵友萍油画风景写生》(1994年,福建人民美术出版社)、《俄罗斯古典素描集》(1985年,天津人民美术出版社)等。

English Introduction

 Li Tianxiang is the representative of the Fourth National Congress of Artists, the director of the National Association of Fine Arts, the vice-president of the Shanghai Branch of the Association of Fine Arts, the vice-president of the Technical Aesthetics Society of the All-China Aesthetic Society, and the president of the Shanghai Association of Fine Arts Education and Research.

Li Tianxiang pursues the unity of truth, goodness and beauty in art, the unity of perfect artistic form and profound content, the unity of educational function and aesthetic function, the unity of high emotion and high rationality, and advocates the use of traditional Chinese painting theory to guide oil painting. Special attention is paid to color expression and color lyricism.

The main representative works are the giant oil painting group "Long Road", "When Mountain Flowers Are Flowering", "Awakening", "Great Forest", "Mu Guiying", "Birch Forest", "Autumn Heart Like Fire", "Cao Xueqin's Old Residence", "Moonlight", "Forest", "Riverside Tragedy", "Jiuzhai Fallfall", "Cutting Window Flowers", "Great Wall Dawn Fog". And so on. Monographs: Sketching Colorology (1980, Tianjin People's Art Publishing House), Colorology (1985, Tianjin People's Art Publishing House), Oil Portrait Sketching of Li Tianxiang and Zhao Youping (1994, Fujian People's Art Publishing House), Oil Landscape Sketching of Li Tianxiang and Zhao Youping (1994, Fujian People's Art Publishing House) "Russian Classical Sketch Collection" (Tianjin People's Art Publishing House, 1985), etc.



