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贾利珠,男,1965年出生于甘肃省徽县。1986年7月毕业于东南 师范大学美术系油画专业,获文学学士学位。
1986年7月毕业于东南 师范大学美术系油画专业,获文学学士学位,同年,分配于天水师范学院艺术学院美术系任教至今。1992年考入地方 美术学院油画系助教研修班,1994年毕业。现为甘肃省美术家协会理事、甘肃油画艺委会副主任,天水市美术家协会副主席,兰州交通大学艺术学院兼职教授,天水师范学院美术学院党总支书记、教授。
贾利珠教授的作品《高原》获甘肃省写生画展二等奖,《小先生 》获甘肃省首届油画大展1 等奖,《画室·之1 》获甘肃美协举办的三地市画展1 等奖,《西部景观》入选第三届中国油画展,《西部景观之1 》入选纪念毛泽东同志《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表60周年全国美展,《西部景观之二》入选2006年西望敦煌·甘肃美术作品晋京展。多幅作品分别在《美术》、《美术研讨 》、《中国油画》、《美苑》、《美术界》、《中国美术》等国家级学术刊物上发表,并专题介绍。出版有《宏观素描》、《当代实力派画家艺术研讨 ——贾利珠油画作品》等专著。

Introduction to the artist

Gu Lizhu, male, was born in county of badge of the Gansu Province 1965. Was graduated from art of northwest Normal University to fasten canvas major in July 1986, obtain literary bachelor's degree.
Was graduated from art of northwest Normal University to fasten canvas major in July 1986, obtain literary bachelor's degree, of the same age, allocating art of institute of art of institute of Yu Tianshui normal school is to teach up to now. Took an examination of canvas of central academy of fine arts to fasten assistant to grind 1992 long class, graduated 1994. It is canvas of director of association of artist of the Gansu Province, Gansu Province now art appoint conference vice director, vice-chairman of association of artist of day water city, academic part-time job teachs art of Lanzhou traffic university, secretary of general Party branch of academy of fine arts of institute of day water normal school, professor.
The work that Gu Lizhu teachs " downy " obtain drawing from nature of the Gansu Province to exhibit second-class award, " pupil " obtain the Gansu Province first canvas exhibits first prize greatly, " one of atelier · " obtain Gansu Province beauty assist first prize of held art exhibition of 3 ground city, " western landscape " selected canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited, " western one of landscape " selected souvenir Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish beauty of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit,  " western of landscape " selected Jin Jing of work of art of Gansu Province of · of Xi Wangdui brilliant was exhibited 2006. Many work is in respectively " art " , " art studies " , " Chinese canvas " , " beautiful garden " , " art group " , " Chinese art " etc publish on journal of national level science, and special subject introduction. Publish have " macroscopical sketch " , " art of painter of clique of contemporary actual strength studies -- work of Gu Lizhu canvas " wait for monograph.



