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2022-03-11 17:34:06




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成康,1964年9月出生于兰州,毕业于东南 师范大学美术系油画专业。现为中国美术家协会会员、甘肃省美术家协会理事、甘肃画院特聘画家、兰州市美协副主席。作品前后 在《美术》《中国油画》《中国书画报》《甘肃美术家》《甘肃画报》等专业刊物上发表。
次要 获奖及参展情况:2002年,油画《莫高窟》参加全国纪念《讲话》发表六十周年全国美展。2003年,作品《花房姑娘》参加全国第十七届新人新作展(中国美协主办)。2004年,作品《有风景的静物》参加全国第十届美展甘肃展区。2005年,作品《生日·某年某月》入选全国第七届水彩、水粉画展(中国美协主办)。2006年,作品《生日之二》参加“西望敦煌”甘肃省美术作品赴京展并获艺术创作奖(中国美术馆)。2007年,作品《生日之二》参加第八届全国水彩、水粉画展(中国美协主办)。2007年,参加甘肃省画院作品展获二等奖。2008年,作品《生日之三》获甘肃省首届美术“金驼奖”银奖。2009年,作品《生日之四》参加庆祝国庆六十周年甘肃美术作品展并被选送全国参加评选。2011年,作品《生日之二》荣获兰州市委、市政府第六届金城文艺奖1 等奖。2011年,油画《陇东农夫》获甘肃省写生展三等奖。

Introduction to the artist

Into health, was born in Lanzhou in September 1964, be graduated from art of northwest Normal University is canvas major. It is imperial art academy of director of association of artist of Chinese artist academician, the Gansu Province, Gansu Province to hire beauty of city of painter, Lanzhou especially now assist vice-chairman. Work is in early or late " art " " Chinese canvas " " Chinese book pictorial " " Gansu Province artist " " Gansu Province pictorial " etc publish on professional journal.
Main bear the palm and ginseng extend a case: 2002, canvas " Mo Gao hole " attend the whole nation to commemorate " speech " publish beauty of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit. 2003, work " greenhouse girl " attend the seventeenth new personality of countrywide to be made newly exhibit (China is beautiful assist sponsor) . 2004, work " the still life that has a view " attend the 10th beauty of countrywide to exhibit Gansu Province to exhibit an area. 2005, work " month of birthday · some Nian Mou " art exhibition of the 7th watercolour of selected whole nation, soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes (China is beautiful assist sponsor) . 2006, work " of birthday " attend " Xi Wangdui brilliant " work of art of the Gansu Province goes to Beijing to exhibit and obtain art to create award () of Chinese art gallery. 2007, work " of birthday " enter art exhibition of watercolour of the 8th whole nation, soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes (China is beautiful assist sponsor) . 2007, attend work of imperial art academy of the Gansu Province to exhibit win second-class award. 2008, work " of birthday " obtain the Gansu Province first art " Jin Tuo award " silver-colored award. 2009, work " of birthday " attend congratulatory National Day 60 years to work of Gansu Province art is exhibited and be chosen to send the whole nation to attend choose. 2011, work " of birthday " have the honor to win Lanzhou municipal Party committee, municipal mansion house first prize of literary award of 6 gold city. 2011, canvas " Gansu east farmer " obtain paint from life of the Gansu Province to exhibit third class award.



