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乌力吉图别名 伊利特(1928~1998)。辽宁朝阳人,蒙族,擅绘画。1960年任中国美术家协会内蒙古分会副主席,1963年兼任中国摄影家协会内蒙古分会副主席。
乌力吉图自幼酷爱美术,自学绘画。1948年从部队调到内蒙古画报社任美术编辑,师从尹瘦石学习绘画,后来进入地方 美术学院进修。1956年任内蒙古画报社主编,1960年任中国美术家协会内蒙古分会副主席,1963年兼任中国摄影家协会内蒙古分会副主席。
工作之余,从事国画、油画、漫画、年画、连环画、摄影艺术创作和理论研讨 。作品多次参加全国、华北地区和内蒙古自治区美术作品展览,有的作品获全国首届年画奖、首届全国少数民族美术作品奖和自治区美术作品奖。曾任中国美术家协会会员,内蒙古美术家协会副主席,中国摄影家协会会员,内蒙古自治区文史馆特聘研讨 员。
其作品除在《美术》、《内蒙古画报》、《内蒙古日报》等发表外,还被收入内蒙古自治区成立10周年、30周年、40周年出版的《内蒙古自治区美术作品全集 》和《内蒙古建设》“内蒙古剪影》等画册。次要 作品《出猎图》、《林海红日》、《夜牧》、《呼伦贝尔草原的盛夏》、《人人敬爱毛主席》、《亲人》、《马拉根仓游记》等等,均具有鲜明的民族特点和浓郁的生活气息。

Introduction to the artist

Wulijitu renown Yi Li is special (1928~1998) . Person of Liaoning rising sun, unconscious a group of things with common features, arrogate to oneself is painterly. Held the post of vice-chairman of branch of Inner Mongolia of Chinese artist association 1960, held vice-chairman of branch of Inner Mongolia of Chinese photographer association part-time 1963.
From a child of graph of black force auspicious loves art, self-study is painterly. Moved company of Inner Mongolia pictorial to hold the post of art to edit from army 1948, division learns brushwork from Yin Shoushi, enter attend in a advanced studies of central academy of fine arts later. Held the post of editor in chief of agency of Inner Mongolia pictorial 1956, held the post of vice-chairman of branch of Inner Mongolia of Chinese artist association 1960, held vice-chairman of branch of Inner Mongolia of Chinese photographer association part-time 1963.
Of the job, be engaged in traditional Chinese painting, canvas, caricature, New Year picture, comic, photography art is created and studying theoretically. Work enters area of the whole nation, China north and exhibition of work of art of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region for many times, some work win the throughout the country reward of work of art of minority of first award of first New Year picture, whole nation and reward of municipal art work. Ever held the post of Chinese artist academician, vice-chairman of association of Inner Mongolia artist, chinese photographer academician, rearch Institute of Culture and History of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region hires a researcher especially.
Its work is divided in " art " , " Inner Mongolia pictorial " , " Inner Mongolia daily " etc outside publishing, still be established 10 years by income Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, 30 years, 40 years publish " anthology of work of art of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region " and " Inner Mongolia is built " " Inner Mongolia silhouette " wait for an album of paintings. Main work " go hunting pursues " , " immense forest red day " , " nocturnal herd " , " the midsummer of prairie of Hu Lunbei Er " , " everybody adores Chairman Mao " , " family member " , " Ma Lagen, all have bright ethical characteristic and full-bodied life flavor. 



