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沈丰明,曾用名沈复明,浙江海盐人,1957年毕业于鲁迅美术学院,中国美术家协会初期 资深会员(全国证号590),早年曾从艺上海,七十年代初支内广西。上世纪5 、六、七十年代,其作品分别为上海人民美术出版社、广西人民出版社等出版发行年画、宣扬 画四十余幅。由中国电影发行公司出版《51号兵站》、《蚕花姑娘》、《英雄小八路》、《双珠凤》、《年青1 代》、《刘三姐》等电影海报十余幅。其作品《希望寄托在你们身上》为中国美术馆收藏,《歌唱大团结》由国家对外文委收藏,为世人所知的《备战备荒为人民》、《到工农兵去》、《做红色接班人》、《反对帝国主义争取民族解放》、《大寨花盛开》、《漓水春风客舟轻》、《58年毛主席与广西各族人民在一同 》等已被多家艺术拍卖公司收购。如今作品涉及水彩、油画、国画小品等。曾多次举行个展,作品为国内外名士收藏,最著名的大型名人画册《历史文明 名人在桂林》于2005年出版,此书使用中、英、日三国文字介绍,设计、装帧、印刷相当精美,书中收录有作者创作的从古至今曾生活和工作在桂林的名人画像,如:柳宗元、黄庭坚米芾石涛、陈继昌、康无为 、马君武、郭沫若徐悲鸿、梁漱溟、黄现璠等等人。正在编辑出版有《丰明历年作品选》、《南国风韵丰明水彩油画作品集》和 反映中华文明、儒学文明 的大型画册(合作)《寻中华之根,弘孔子之道》等即将问世。

Introduction to the artist

Ever used a Shen Fuming, person of Zhejiang sea salt, was graduated from Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1957, chinese artist association is inchoate and senior member (countrywide card number 590) , shanghai of Ceng Congyi of one's early years, raise at the beginning of seventies inside Guangxi. Go up century 5, 6, seventies, its work is publishing house of Shanghai people art, Guangxi people press to wait respectively publish New Year picture, poster more than 40. Issue a company to publish by Chinese film " 51 army service station " , " silkworm spends a girl " , " heroic little 8th Route Army man " , " Shuang Zhufeng " , " young generation " , " Liu San elder sister " wait for movie poster more than 10. Its work " the hope is placed go up in your body " collect for Chinese art gallery, " vocal big solidarity " be opposite by the country foreign language appoint collect, what know for common people " barren of equipment combat readiness is people " , " go to workers " , " become gules successor " , " object imperialism striving for a nation to liberate " , " flower of Dazhai-a production brigade in Xiyang County blooms " , " boat of guest of Li water spring breeze is small " . Work involves essay of watercolour, canvas, traditional Chinese painting to wait nowadays. Ever held for many times exhibit, work is collected for domestic and international Mingshi, the famousest large celebrity an album of paintings " historical culture celebrity is in Guilin " published 2005, this book is used medium, flower, character of day the Three Kingdoms introduces, design, binding and layout, presswork quite elegant, those who have author creative work is collect in the book from ancient the celebrity picture that ever lived to be in Guilin with the job up to now, be like: Liu Zongyuan, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fei, Shi Tao, Chen Jichang, health promising, Ma Junwu, Guo Mei if, Xu Beihong, Liang Shuming, yellow show. Publishing in the editor have " calendar year work chooses Feng Ming " , " collect of work of canvas of watercolour of austral charm Fengming " and reflective China civilization, Confucianism the large an album of paintings that learns culture (collaboration) " the root that finds China, the path of great Confucius " etc be about to come out.



