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2022-03-11 17:36:07




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教育部高等学校高职高专艺术设计类专业教学指点 委员会委员;
1983年7月毕业于东南 师大美术系油画专业,获文学学士学位。
1987年赴地方 美院油画系进修。
2006年9月——任无锡商业职业技术学院教授、装潢 艺术研讨 所所长。
历年来,在张掖、兰州、南京、上海、苏州等地举办个人油画展,参加上海国际艺博会。数十次参加全国和省市级展览,部分作品被国内馆藏,或被台湾画廊和 海内外人士收藏。在《文艺研讨 》《美术观察》等报刊发表美术作品百余幅;结集出版多种书法、油画作品集。重视 美术理论研讨 ,2003年出版专著《东方神韵.时代风采——中国杰出油画家苏天赐》。在《文艺研讨 》《美术研讨 》、《美术观察》、《新美术》、《装潢 》等国家级核心期刊和省级期刊发表论文近40篇,部分观点被《美术观察》、《画廊》、人大复印材料 等摘录、检索,具有必然 的影响力。多次获得全国艺术理论奖和省级艺术作品奖。

Introduction to the artist

Unripe 1957, person of county of Gansu Province music.
Academician of artist of professor, China; Jiangsu saves calligrapher academician; Assistant dean of courtyard of sculpture of Changjiang Delta canvas.
High post of colleges and universities of Ministry of Education is high only art designs committee member of kind of committee of professional education guidance;
Was graduated from northwest division large painting to fasten canvas major in July 1983, obtain literary bachelor's degree.
In July 1983 -- January 1999, holding the post of art of courtyard of Western learning of Gansu Province river is secretary-general of association of artist of assistant, instructor, associate professor, Zhang Yede area.
Went to canvas of central beautiful courtyard to tie take a refresher course 1987.
Was Nanjing artistic institute 2001 high-level visit scholar.
In January 1999 -- in August 2006, hold the post of associate professor of Suzhou profession college, professor.
In September 2006 -- director of institute of art of professor of college of technology of profession of Ren Moxi commerce, adornment.
Create outstanding achievement
Calendar year comes, be in and other places of piece of assist, Lanzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Suzhou holds individual canvas to exhibit, attend Shanghai international art rich is met. Tens of second enter the whole nation and exhibition of the class that visit town, partial work by domestic holding, or be collected by Taiwan gallery and global personage. In " literary research " " art observes " wait for the press to publish art work more than 100; Collect articles into a volume publishs volume of work of a variety of calligraphy, canvas. Pay attention to art theory to consider, published monograph 2003 " Oriental verve. Times elegant demeanour -- Su Tianci of home of Chinese crackajack canvas " . In " literary research " " art studies " , " art observes " , " new art " , " adornment " wait for periodical of national level core and provincial periodical to publish a paper nearly 40, partial viewpoint by " art observes " , " gallery " , the cento such as data of duplicate of National People's Congress, retrieve, have certain force. Win award of countrywide artistic theory and award of provincial work of art for many times.



