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杨沙(1940-1990.2.18),号鋆子、瑁子。1940年出生于吉林省榆树县新力乡拉拉屯村。1952年毕业于榆树县初级师范,后入吉林省中等师范学校读书,曾在榆树二中任中学教师。1961年考入哈尔滨艺术学院油画专业。在导师徐介城张钦若影响下专业 从事连环画插图创作。前后 入黑龙江人民美术出版社,黑龙江画院。1984年任深圳大学教授,1986年调入深圳市委宣扬 部,筹建深圳画院。次年九月任深圳画院第1 任常务副院长(未设院长)。中国美术家协会会员,中国画研讨 院院委,中国经济出版社高级顾问,中国人口福利基金会理事。杨沙是“中国画四鋆子”之1 ,出名 中外。合理 杨沙事业迈向高峰时,因脑溢血于1990年2月18日在深圳不幸逝世,长年 49岁。
杨沙是深圳特区文明 界初期 的播种人之1 。1984年他怀着满腔热情投身于改革开放的前沿,1 边创作,1 边教学并为筹建深圳画院积极奔走。1990年正值英年的他终因心力交瘁,过早地离开了人世。深圳画院曾为他举办画展,寄托对初期 拓荒者的缅怀之情,更次要 的是推介他丰硕的艺术成果。
作品多次在中外展出或在刊物发表、获奖及被中外收藏。次要 作品有《红罗女》《童年记忆》《钟馗退妹》《闪闪的红星》等。出版有《杨沙画选》。

Introduction to the artist

Yang Sha (1940-1990.2.18) , date Zuo child, Mao child. Was born in Jilin to save countryside of elm county new power to pull the village that pull collect 1940. Was graduated from elm county 1952 elementary normal school, into Jilin province secondary training school reads after, ceng Zaiyu is cultivated 2 in hold the post of middle school teacher. Took an examination of major of canvas of Harbin art institute 1961. In the adviser Xu Jiecheng, Zhang Qin is like the amateur below the influence to be engaged in comic illustration creating. Enter publishing house of Heilongjiang people art early or late, heilongjiang imperial art academy. Held the post of Shenzhen university to teach 1984, transferred into Shenzhen municipal Party committee publicizes a ministry 1986, prepare to construct Shenzhen imperial art academy. Held the post of Shenzhen imperial art academy second year in September allow standing assistant dean (did not set a dean) . Chinese artist academician, china draws academy courtyard appoint, chinese economy press is advanced and advisory, director of foundation of benefit of Chinese the luck to eat sth delicious. Yang Sha is " China draws 4 Zuo child " one of, famed China and foreign countries. When career of proper Yang Sha marchs toward a height, because cerebral haemorrhage was in Shenzhen to die unfortunately on Feburary 18, 1990, all the year round is 49 years old.
Yang Sha is cultural circles of Shenzhen special zone sows one of people inchoately. He cherished enthusiasm of have one's bosom filled with to devote into the forward position at reforming and opening 1984, create at the same time, at the same time education is prepare to construct Shenzhen imperial art academy runs actively. Was worth 1990 flower year he eventually because be mentally and physically exhausted, left the world prematurely. Shenzhen imperial art academy ever held art exhibition for him, place the condition of the recall of pair of inchoate pioneer, mainer is the artistic achievement that recommends his plentiful and substantial.
Yang Sha does in Japan for many times exhibit. Shenzhen TV station ever filmed " poplar its draw Sha Jiren " special subject piece. Japan establishs poem of ancient time of Yang Sha China to draw a hobby to meet.
Work exhibits in China and foreign countries for many times or publish in the journal, bear the palm and be collected by China and foreign countries. Main work has " red Luo Nv " " childhood is remembered " " Zhong Kui retreats younger sister " " sparkling red star " etc. Publish have " Yang Sha picture is chosen " .



